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Edwards to Travis in a KC46


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So, got myself a new knee, and am now in that "can move around but not really get out" phase so time to fly! Found this nice freeware KC45 the other day, and thought I'd go for a trip around the bay, so out of Edwards AFB and off to Travis but taking the scenic route. Quite a few pix (sorry) and all 4k with all the sliders maxed, so if you've got a big screen they're worth seeing full size.

Off we go -







heading north and west



approaching the coast as the sun goes down



Santa Cruz ahead of us



Monterey behind us



That'll be the highway out of Santa Cruz up over the hills to the valley. I seem to remember driving that a couple of times and passing though some lovely little towns



San Jose down there to the right



Heading up towards 'Frisco



Gonna swing out and turn round to head back in over the Golden Gate





Looking back down to SF and Oakland



The lights are coming on now



Lining up for Travis









and here we are



Still one of my favourite areas, and so nice to be able to see it from the comfort of my desk.


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Good to hear you are on the way to recover with some new parts, Andy. It needs more work (and maybe some painful trainig?) than changing parts on an old car, but its worth it!

It was also worth looking at your fine shots of this tour...!


21 hours ago, Jack Sawyer said:

after the meniscus surgery I'm too chicken.

I had the same this January and it went just so smooth. I wonder why I waited so long for this little move...

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On 7/23/2018 at 11:36 PM, Jack Sawyer said:

Very nice Andy!  I liked them all and I hope your knee gets well soon.  I need mine replaced too but after the meniscus surgery I'm too chicken.

Cheers Jack!


On 7/24/2018 at 3:45 AM, VH-KDK said:

A glorious set Andy and what a fine plane that is above some stunning scenery. 

I hope that you are on the mend with your new knee.

Thanks Martyn, and yes, I rather like this plane, although I can't put my finger on the appeal really


On 7/24/2018 at 5:02 AM, Wakashi said:

Grand looking plane and some extraordinary night time scenery shots!  Stay off that knee and stay in the air where you belong!! :D:lol:

Thanks Roger, and the bay always looks good to me


On 7/24/2018 at 7:24 AM, paulb said:

Great set of shots Andy! Take it easy with your new knee.

Cheers Paul


17 hours ago, Stillwater said:

Good to hear you are on the way to recover with some new parts, Andy. It needs more work (and maybe some painful trainig?) than changing parts on an old car, but its worth it!

It was also worth looking at your fine shots of this tour...!

Thanks Gerold


16 hours ago, mikee said:

Great Shots Andy ! I like the plane a lot ! 

beautiful lighting :)

Thanks Mikee. I think I've got some PTA going on there but to be honest I stopped messing around with that ages ago and what with all the replacement of things like AS vs REXSF etc I no longer really know what I'm running with. Sometimes I get good light, sometimes not.


7 hours ago, Iain Emms said:

Great set of shots these.

Thanks Iain


And thanks to all for the knee thoughts. I'll just say this and then never mention it again - if anybody else out there (apart from Jack - we've messaged about it) has been holding off from getting a knee replaced - don't hesitate if you get offered the opportunity. It's a real simple and relatively painless thing these days. Up and walking about the next day, home on the third day, off the crutches (for me at least) and walking fine after about three weeks. You gotta work it, and keep taking the painkillers, but eventually the swelling will go and you should get full movement back. And it's a bit like buying a Volkswagen (or whatever) - once you get one you notice loads of other people driving one around -  I've found all sorts of people who've also had it done and they all say the same. If you've been suffering with a dodgy knee for any length of time it really is like getting your life back. Would that everything were so simple! (mind you, this does also make me appreciate the NHS - all this at no cost - impressive)

/lecture off

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19 hours ago, andy1252 said:

And thanks to all for the knee thoughts. I'll just say this and then never mention it again - if anybody else out there (apart from Jack - we've messaged about it) has been holding off from getting a knee replaced - don't hesitate if you get offered the opportunity. It's a real simple and relatively painless thing these days. Up and walking about the next day, home on the third day, off the crutches (for me at least) and walking fine after about three weeks. You gotta work it, and keep taking the painkillers, but eventually the swelling will go and you should get full movement back. And it's a bit like buying a Volkswagen (or whatever) - once you get one you notice loads of other people driving one around -  I've found all sorts of people who've also had it done and they all say the same. If you've been suffering with a dodgy knee for any length of time it really is like getting your life back. Would that everything were so simple! (mind you, this does also make me appreciate the NHS - all this at no cost - impressive)

/lecture off

Stirring stuff Winston Andy.

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