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Slow loading P3D with Barcelona Cityscene

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Good day,


I have installed the last Barcelona Cityscene scenery and now i have a very slow loading scenery.


I choose the aircraft and postion on lebl airport.


It takes about 10/12 minutes on loading.


With the scenery uninstalled the loading returns to normal and it takes about 2 minutes.


I uninnstalled, reinstalled, but i cant fix it.


What else could i try?



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Thank you Doug for your reply.


The P3D hard disk is excluded in the ESET antivirus, so i think that's not the problem.


My computer:

Intel 8700K, RAM 16 GB, Nvidia 1080ti, Windows 10 Pro and Prepar3d 4.3

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I would also exclude the below folders from ESET. Also, please exclude the P3D disk and the below folders from Windows Defender if it is still active.


C:\Users\name\AppData\Local\Lockheed Martin

C:\Users\name\AppData\Roaming\Lockheed Martin

C:\ProgramData\Lockheed Martin


Then I would go to your C:\ProgramData\Lockheed Martin and delete the "SceneryIndexes_x64" folder.

Then also delete the C:\Users\name\AppData\Local\Lockheed Martin\P3D v4\Shaders folder.


Then restart your PC, and restart your sim and it will rebuild those deleted folders. Then try loading in LEBL again.


If your P3D disk is a non SSD, I would also do a thorough defrag.


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1 hour ago, Doug Sawatzky said:



I would also exclude the below folders. Also, please exclude the P3D disk and the below folders from Windows Defender if it is still active.


C:\Users\name\AppData\Local\Lockheed Martin

C:\Users\name\AppData\Roaming\Lockheed Martin

C:\ProgramData\Lockheed Martin 


Then I would go to your C:\ProgramData\Lockheed Martin and delete the "SceneryIndexes_x64" folder.

Then also delete the C:\Users\name\AppData\Local\Lockheed Martin\P3D v4\Shaders folder.


Then restart your PC, and restart your sim and it will rebuild those deleted folders. Then try loading in LEBL again.


If your P3D disk is a non SSD, I would also do a thorough defrag.



Hi Doug


My sim also takes a while to load (too long some times that I have to do the ctrl+alt+delete) to make it end and then restart, so I followed these procedures too.



Is this ok to be set this way?:





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4 hours ago, Doug Sawatzky said:



I would also exclude the below folders from ESET. Also, please exclude the P3D disk and the below folders from Windows Defender if it is still active.


C:\Users\name\AppData\Local\Lockheed Martin

C:\Users\name\AppData\Roaming\Lockheed Martin

C:\ProgramData\Lockheed Martin


Then I would go to your C:\ProgramData\Lockheed Martin and delete the "SceneryIndexes_x64" folder.

Then also delete the C:\Users\name\AppData\Local\Lockheed Martin\P3D v4\Shaders folder.


Then restart your PC, and restart your sim and it will rebuild those deleted folders. Then try loading in LEBL again.


If your P3D disk is a non SSD, I would also do a thorough defrag.



I've done everything you said in your post but the loading process still stops at 6%.


What could i do?

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Barcelona will take a while to load due to the dense scenery, compared to a lot of other scenery areas.  But, 10 minutes is way too long compared to normal.   


I have a very average (or below avg) system and Barcelona takes about 2 min 30 sec to load.    However, I should note that I load P3D from an external SSD.


BTW, the 6% mark seems to be the point where the sim is loading all the custom objects.   About 2/3 of the total load time will generally stick at this point.    

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7 hours ago, Doug Sawatzky said:


This is normal, after it sits at 6% for a couple of minutes it should start moving forward.


As i wrote in the first post its not 2 minutes, its more than 12 minutes...


This is not normal

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1 hour ago, Ekim said:


As i wrote in the first post its not 2 minutes, its more than 12 minutes...


This is not normal


For Cityscene photoreal areas with so many objects, if you're loading from a Hard Drive not an SSD, you will see loading times that are over 5 minutes or more.  A lot of factors come into play, motherboards can cause bottlenecks, hidden processes can be interfering, hyuperthreading on or off can make a difference, the list is too long to go through here.  If your CPU is i3 or i5 it will probably be at a disadvantage compared to an i7


I have my P3DV4.3 on an SSD, and with just about every option ticked I have just loaded Barcelona at El Prat from the opening screen.  Here are my timings:


Start 0.00

Stuck on 6% until 1 m 55 secs

Stuck on 70-75% until 2 m 30 secs

Completely loaded and ready to fly, 3 m 05 secs.


Based on the differences I have observed between an SSD and a hard drive, I would say that 10-12 mins is not out of the question for loading this scenery.


If however, you do run the sim from an SSD, there's something there that needs to be explained.



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Ok, i think i didn't mention i have a SSD dedicated to P3D


I have an I7 8700k with a Asus X Hero motherboard.


I have plenty of sceneries and never i'v had this problem. The Warsow city with airport from DD its very heavy on resources but i never have this problem.


It's something related with the Barcelona Cityscene.


If your support service can't help me, i request a refund.


Thank you

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Well there's nothing to suggest the scenery is at fault, as your bits and bytes are exactly the same as everyone else's.  There's got to be a reason for your slow loading, it's just a matter of tracking it down.  Your system should load the scenery in less than 3 minutes.  But something is causing a conflict or bottleneck. 


As a first step to getting to the reason, could you please go into your :\Program Files\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4\ORBX\FTX_EU\FTX_AA_Barcelona\Scenery folder and search for *base*.  You should get ten files.  Highlight them and right click to cut them, and then paste them into another location ( I just use the FTX_AA_Barcelona folder itself to store them.)  This will remove all the hundreds of apartment blocks etc from the cityscape.  (not permanently of course, you can simply paste them back in to restore the scenery).


If the sheer number of objects is causing your proble, then the scenery should now load faster.  If not, the solution might lie elsewhere.  Try it and let us know how you go.



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9 hours ago, John Dow said:


For Cityscene photoreal areas with so many objects, if you're loading from a Hard Drive not an SSD, you will see loading times that are over 5 minutes or more.  A lot of factors come into play, motherboards can cause bottlenecks, hidden processes can be interfering, hyuperthreading on or off can make a difference, the list is too long to go through here.  If your CPU is i3 or i5 it will probably be at a disadvantage compared to an i7


I have my P3DV4.3 on an SSD, and with just about every option ticked I have just loaded Barcelona at El Prat from the opening screen.  Here are my timings:


Start 0.00

Stuck on 6% until 1 m 55 secs

Stuck on 70-75% until 2 m 30 secs

Completely loaded and ready to fly, 3 m 05 secs.


Based on the differences I have observed between an SSD and a hard drive, I would say that 10-12 mins is not out of the question for loading this scenery.


If however, you do run the sim from an SSD, there's something there that needs to be explained.




I always stuck at 6% for 4-5 minutes, any scenery, heavy ones like New York or Gold Coast may last a bit longer. Gold Coast loads totally after 12 minutes startet. I once waited 25 minutes for Iceland to load. I think it was because of my settings.I was recommended some changes. I haven't tried GC again since the settings change to verify if it helped. But settings could have been a possible reason for my slow loading..



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On 7/22/2018 at 10:56 AM, John Dow said:

Well there's nothing to suggest the scenery is at fault, as your bits and bytes are exactly the same as everyone else's.  There's got to be a reason for your slow loading, it's just a matter of tracking it down.  Your system should load the scenery in less than 3 minutes.  But something is causing a conflict or bottleneck. 


As a first step to getting to the reason, could you please go into your :\Program Files\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4\ORBX\FTX_EU\FTX_AA_Barcelona\Scenery folder and search for *base*.  You should get ten files.  Highlight them and right click to cut them, and then paste them into another location ( I just use the FTX_AA_Barcelona folder itself to store them.)  This will remove all the hundreds of apartment blocks etc from the cityscape.  (not permanently of course, you can simply paste them back in to restore the scenery).


If the sheer number of objects is causing your proble, then the scenery should now load faster.  If not, the solution might lie elsewhere.  Try it and let us know how you go.




It didn't help at all.


I've tryied with those base files and with differents files but it didn't get better.


Once deactivated almost 75% of the files then started to go faster, but then i don't have scenery.


I've installed two more sceneries (Rfscenerybuilding LIPZ and Polish Sceneries vol3) and continue loading fine once i uninstall Barcelona Cityscene.


Any more options?

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It does show that the complex buildings are the main cause, if in fact loading did speed up after those *base* files were removed.


There's nothing wrong with the scenery, it's just that to get the level of detail and friendly frame rates, loading times suffer.  However your loading times are excessive.   My system that is at least a generation older than yours loads in 3 minutes.  I would suggest that you need to do some investigation of what is making yours not perform to its capabilities.

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I bought this scenery the first day after the release and i can`t fly it.


I have bought from ORBX:

- FTX Global

- FTX Open LC Europe

- FTX Trees HD

- FTX Vector

- England Region

- Germany North Region

- Germany South Region

- Ireland Region

- Northern Ireland Region

- Norway Region

- Scotland Region

- Wales Region

- EGHI Southampton Airport

- EGPB Sumburgh Airport

- ENNK Narvik Airport

- ENNO Notodden Airport

- ENSD Sandane Airport

- ENSG Sogndal Airport

- ESSA Stockholm Airport

- LDDU Dubrovnik Airport

- LDPL Pula Airport

- LEBB Bilbao Airport

- LOWI Insbruck Airport

- KPSP Palm Springs Airport


Now what could i more investigate? 


Where is the the support staff?


You say there's nothing bad on your scenery, but, if it doesn't work in my computer (where all other sceneries works without fault), there must be a problem!


Or you can guide me to solve this or refund the Scenery. Any more possibilities?

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Hello Ekim,


Here, starting from a fresh boot of the PC, not a restart, it takes three minutes for P3D to reach the scenario

screen with all the Orbx products in the scenery library.

Then another nine minutes to reach LEBL.


Starting again from a fresh boot of the PC, not a restart, it takes three minutes to reach the scenario screen with all

the Orbx product but Barcelona unticked in the scenery library, then five minutes to reach LEBL default scenery.


Ticking the Barcelona entry and redrawing the scenery then takes a further seven minutes.


If I do this a second time,without closing down the PC and starting again , it takes roughly half the time.


I do not have the ideal configuration, the P3D core files are on an SSD but the ORBX folder is on an HDD.


Unless making a test such as this, when it is tedious to watch the progress, I simply do something else until it is ready.

I see the wait as the price to pay for the subsequently excellent scenery.


Are you saying that for you the scenery never works or that you are not prepared to wait for it to load?

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So the ORBX solution is i must wait 15 minutes watching a dark screen waiting for your scenery load?????????


This is very disgusting. I have a very  high end computer and a looooot of your sceneries, muuuch more complex than barcelona is and i have neeeeever (FS98, FS2002, FS2004, FSX and so on) been waiting more than 4 or 5!!!!


This is the best ORBX solution? This is how a customer is attended?


Thank you very much for nothing.



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