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Hello, I just bought the Barcelona, and flying from LEIBE with the C182 A2A, the ground textures became completely blurred... Only the buildings seems to be ok. the ground is completely blurried making the fly unflyable. Please i am using P3d 4.3 recent reformated with a I7 4.0 with the NVIDIA 1070 Founders Edition 8G running on 4K

Please helpphoto_2018-07-16_00-32-04.thumb.jpg.2a2d8644318f8d6a1d9db9eda8a17d50.jpg1337326752_photo_2018-07-16_00-33-13(2).thumb.jpg.c7709b770a11a2c678aa195581da57d2.jpg

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Greetings Doug


What is the answer to this question is YES?


29 minutes ago, Doug Sawatzky said:

If you pause the flight for a few moments does it clear up? 


What should be done next? Pls What means it clears up after a while paused? More hardware required?



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No. I can give pause that it will not charge. Again I made a flight there and HOW IT WAS PLACED in a POST PINED by ORBX, it did not help to lock the frames in 30.
Again flying from LEIB with DC6 PMDG and completely blurred textures. The airport became black until final. And this time onlye when ai landed the scenery came back to life



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Hi Celso


Pausing is just a test, it is not a cure for the blurries. You are experiencing a severe case of the blurries...this is not caused by ORBX products, it is a common issue. Please do a Google search using the word "P3D/FSX Blurries".





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I found this in some forums




and also read about he shaders in P3D forum. It seems these contain some graphic data




I remember I once did that and the sim flow a lot better. Maybe this could work for you Celso (unless Doug doesn't recommend it for your case)


I'll do it again





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My pc is a 6770k 4.2 with a 1070 founder edition 8G and SSD Hd

I still couldt do ANY SINGLE flight ARRIVING there without this awful blur...

Orbx answer that i have to put this questions here but 90% of the possible answers results in nothing ... reducing fps to 24.. already did it...

Nothing results. I had some blurs like that in US but now i have a new benchmark - Barcelona.. I simply bought a product that i cant use... 


And i did a REFRESH scenery (CTRL ç) and it came back to life so it is not a config computer problem.. Its a problem that the P3d, orbx or anything else that is having this error.

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'Its a problem that the P3d, orbx or anything else that is having this error.'


No, it's not.  I have a similar machine to yours with a GTX970 video card and I wasn't getting anywhere near blurries like this.


So, you need to find out why your system cannot handle it while other people with less computing power than you aren't having problems. 


It can even be base level like a poorly performing motherboard, a poor power connection for your graphics card, etc the possibilities are almost endless.


To me your screenshot indicates your video card might be the problem, so that is the first place I would look.



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Hi Celso

I have that problem too in certain sceneries like Gold Coast, though I think my computer is weeker.

Have you tried deleting the shaders folder as explained above?

What about a last test? Low the sliders a bit in your sim as mentioned by Doug, just to test... I know downloading them makes us feel like then we'll be having a pot computer but at least try. It if gets fixed then it means something





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Hello Celso,

anything is possible but some things are much less likely than others.

Your screen shots show all the classic symptoms of inadequate texture loading speed.


Blurred scenery has always been a problem and it is indeed the result of the PC being unable to

keep up with what is being asked of it.

Locking the frame rate at 24 or so is most certainly a solution, the simply logic is that if the PC is not

chasing the highest possible frame rate, it has more power left to use to focus the scenery.

This is valid logic and if locking the frame rate at 30 makes no difference, a lower number should be tried.


We have not been told what P3D settings are in use, though I can keep the photo scenery in focus with mine

very close to the maximum.

The PMDG aircraft is one of the less demanding of the PMDG range but nevertheless is much more so than say

the default Maule. It might be worth trying the same flight in that, as an experiment.



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Using frame rates locked at 30 maximum. I7 4.2 and 1070


Same blur. After almost 5 minutos paused it loaded the scenery but the ground COMPLETELY BLURRED! No other OPEN LC or nothing installed.

I was using the default F15 airplane - NO ACTIVE SKY INSTALLED, NOTHING ! Only The Global, vectors and BARCELONA - No freemesh. Nothing


Textures at medium 1024 x 1024 fsaa off aa none - vsync on // textures resolution at 1m . mesh 19m. Setings not so high, do you agree?

here follow the screens 


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On 7/17/2018 at 12:36 AM, Doug Sawatzky said:

Hi Celso


Pausing is just a test, it is not a cure for the blurries. You are experiencing a severe case of the blurries...this is not caused by ORBX products, it is a common issue. Please do a Google search using the word "P3D/FSX Blurries".





Hey Doug

Please refer my last quote. I did a clean install!! Fresh with ONLY P3D + VECTOR and Global and Barcelona city! - All blurred. I cant simply make a fly from LEGE to there.... All blurred... Using default aircraft. NOTHING ELSE INSTALLED. Even AS. NO FREEMESH. Nothing.  Locked on 30 fps, 24 fps, no AA. Textures tested in 1024, 2048, 4096. SAME. Try it. Fly from LEGE to there with the F15... Show me in a live. I will make a live to prove it. Please ORBX - HELP!

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Hi Celso


Yes, I see something is very wrong with your system or installation. We are trying to help but sometimes these problems take a long time to discover. I do not have these issues, and you are the only one I have seen so far with this specific problem. 


I will be home in a few hours and have a closer look then. 





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6 hours ago, Celso Filho said:

Try it. Fly from LEGE to there with the F15... Show me in a live. I will make a live to prove it. Please ORBX - HELP!




You are correct....I get the same results as you using the F16...I also get the same results with a slower aircraft such as the RA Turbine Duke.


Hi @Friedi Gulder, could you please try this flight from LEGE to LEBL and see what results you get? :)


Thank you!

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Just to add my 2c here, I have an i7 7700K at 4.7ghz with 32gb of ram and a GTX 1080 card. I don't own Barcelona but I own Cityscene Gold Coast and I can confirm that although my problem is not as bad as this, even with my specs the ground textures are still blurred and do not clear up unless pausing in the sim. Happens mostly with heavier aircraft like the FSL airbus but the problem is isolated with ORBX cityscene. I do not get blurries anywhere else in the sim. Locking frame rate while it may be a solution ends up creating a very laggy/stuttery sim. Unfortunately I think it is because of the high resolution photorealistic scenery trying to load in, the PC can't keep up. It may also be due to the inherent issue with P3D since 4.1 where blurries and disappearing autogen have become more common. I've tried a lot of solutions like CFG tweaks (texturemaxload) etc to speed up the loading time but at Gold Coast I have the same issue although as I said not as bad as the OP but that may be due to his slightly less powerful system. Am hoping there may be some optimization to the cityscene products from orbx in the future as it seems when using demanding aircraft the scenery/texture loading struggles. I am sure I am not the only one.


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I have this problem exactly with the same scenery, Gold Cost and England, and after flying a while in Netherlands.

What I do is to refresh the scenery but it takes a too boring while to reload, and you see the autogen and trees poping up all over in segments until all is loaded. I was thinking of upgrading my pc but I can see it could be something else

Thanks for sharing

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56 minutes ago, carlosqr said:


I have this problem exactly with the same scenery, Gold Cost and England, and after flying a while in Netherlands.

What I do is to refresh the scenery but it takes a too boring while to reload, and you see the autogen and trees poping up all over in segments until all is loaded. I was thinking of upgrading my pc but I can see it could be something else

Thanks for sharing

Yeah I am not the only one experiencing this issue and I have searched the forums to see if others have had similar occurrences. Even with powerful systems this seems to have something to do with the way the simulator renders and loads the textures but I am certain it is because ORBX is using very high resolution textures. A mate of mine has an i7 8th gen CPU and a 1080ti and experiences the same problem with GC cityscape. I also notice the FPS takes a dip between 20-25 when flying over the Gold Coast Cityscene CBD in the FSL A320 but I am aware that is a pretty demanding combo.

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I know this topic is for Barcelona, but the issue is the same, the blurry textures,  so profiting the post from Celso I think this is an issue that could be revised...maybe


I lauched the sim tonigh at 08:54 (after selected Gold coast airport) and the sim stuck at 6% for 13 minutues. Then jumped to 19%, then stucj for a while at adjusting scenery, I saw the scenery building up at 80% and finally at 09:09 it loaded


These are mine











When you approach from Sidney there is nothing in the area (747 pmdg)



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Carlos, I have also noticed that due to the sim struggling to load the ground textures it also causes huge delay in the loading time of the aircraft textures/shine/shade especially when switching views from VC to external or wingview etc.The airport runway and buildings also stay 'black' and can take some time to reload (even up to 30 seconds+).

The issue is almost non existent anywhere else, for me these issues only happen at Cityscene gold coast. I have Orbx YBCG also but that is actually quite good on frames. Again I can only pin point it to the high resolution photoreal ground textures implemented into the product that is putting a large load on the sim and the PC to load it all in nicely, couple that with a heavy aircraft like the FSL or PMDG etc this is what happens. I don't think there is a solution =/

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Hi 737-8FE

Yes I agree to all, this happens to me for sure at Gold Cost and from time to time in London. I don't have Barcelona yet but it is the second second cityscape built with the same technology, right? maybe there could be something within it that affect certain pcs... But I can say this has been happening lately, the issue of the slow textures and black ones is recent, it didn't happen so often before..I cannot explain why

Let's see if Orbx staff can guide us into the direction to solve this

PS: I was using 30 frames instead of the unlimited as recommended by Nick

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I just loaded a flight from LEGE to Barcelona.  I used my modified Fury 1500 and set a cruise of around 300kts.


When Barcelona first came into view it was slow to load.  Black buildings etc.  However this was at least 20-30 miles out.  During the approach from 20 miles out I slowed down to GA speeds of under 150 kts and selected a different view (top down was what I clicked on by mistake) and when I selected the cockpit view again all the textures and buildings were there.  As I approached at 250 kts there was no sign of the dreaded blurries as you can see from my screenshot.


ORBX sceneries in FSX and P3D are limited in their capability.  You can't fly a fast jet into a complex scenery like Barcelona and have all textures loading, it's just impossible for any mainstream computer to load and display that much data, no matter how good your CPU and GPU are.  So compromises have to be made, including unfortunately allowing the scenery to load by pausing if you are travelling faster than the computer can keep up with. 





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Just completed a flight into YBCG from YSSY with the Fslabs A320. Thought that by maybe doing a proper flight the textures would load on time and keep up during the approach. I even approached from the south onto RW32 so I was a fair distance from the main gold coast cityscene CBD. Autogen was fine, but as expected once I flew into the cityscene gold coast coverage the ground textures were blurry, for the purposes of testing I did not pause the sim during the approach. The textures stayed blurry all the way through final until landing. I have backed off my sim settings a fair bit to ensure good performance in heavy addons but evidently still, when flying heavy aircraft the sim cannot keep up even with some of the best hardware. I guess it's just a limitation of the sim when it comes to high resolution photorealistic ground textures and we will have to live with it. But I am sure that in P3D 4.2 I did not notice blurries being this bad around gold coast and YBCG. I'm thinking of even rolling back to 4.2 to see if the issue persists but I'm kind of thinking it will be a waste of time and that I maybe did not notice it.

Thanks for the clarification John it seems that it is indeed a limitation based on the high res textures. Just to confirm you did say that flying into a large city like this with a modern jet airliner without pausing is probably going to give these blurry textures but in your situation did you not say that you approached at fast speeds? Or did you slow down significantly at a fair distance out to allow textures to load?

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20 minutes ago, 737-8FE said:

Thanks for the clarification John it seems that it is indeed a limitation based on the high res textures. Just to confirm you did say that flying into a large city like this with a modern jet airliner without pausing is probably going to give these blurry textures but in your situation did you not say that you approached at fast speeds? Or did you slow down significantly at a fair distance out to allow textures to load?


The key point seemed to be when I changed the view, and then when I went back to looking ahead it took a little while to load and when it did it was OK.  So yes, it's a combination I think, don't fly too fast and find a way to make it load the textures...

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Yeah fair enough, I may just disable it when flying into Gold Coast with jet airliners, nothing worse then blurred mess on arrival. Default FTX gold coast is still beautiful and I'd rather have crisp ground textures. It defeats the purpose of having such an awesome cityscene scenery that is a blurred mess when I am meant to be enjoying the view. 

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2 minutes ago, 737-8FE said:

Yeah fair enough, I may just disable it when flying into Gold Coast with jet airliners, nothing worse then blurred mess on arrival. Default FTX gold coast is still beautiful and I'd rather have crisp ground textures. It defeats the purpose of having such an awesome cityscene scenery that is a blurred mess when I am meant to be enjoying the view. 


True, but you can always jump into Ants Tiger Moth or similar and enjoy a joyflight around the city :-)


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As John Dow pointed out, airspeed is going to be a big factor when it comes to the FSX/P3D "Blurries" and detailed scenery.    


CityScene scenery is optimized just about as much as you can get out of a really dense scenery.   That is why the frame rates are not hit hard and is how we can get away with so many buildings rendered and have the sim still be flyable.   


There are some things we can look at.  But, it will of course result in lower quality scenery generation (at least as an option).   Some of these things include:


-Optional lowering the satellite imagery resolution from  0.5m to 1m (4 times smaller images).

-Removing a lot of polygons from the buildings.   This would take out all smaller buildings but would make the scenery incomplete looking.


For those having blurries, you may also try and disabled the roof objects using the FTX Central interface.   The roof objects will reduce the total number of polygons in the cityscape by about 1/4.


I wish there was a magic pill for the blurries.   But, they have been a fact of life for FSX users since the beginning.   Machines get faster. But, scenery gets more detailed.   So, it seems like we are always back at square one ;)

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On 7/18/2018 at 6:57 PM, Celso Filho said:

I did a clean install!! Fresh with ONLY P3D


Hello Celso and anybody else suffering Sever blurries.


Have you manually Overclocked your GPU or CPU ?   Maybe bring these values back to the default configuration and then test Prepar3D




Also, here is a quick test you can try,   This will not effect any of your 3rd party software.  Note:  Please read the complete post before carrying out these steps. 


Delete the following 4 generated files and folders.  These will generate again when Prepar3D is launched.  


You will just need to adjust your graphic \ scenery settings again to your preference via Prepar3D > Options when you delete the Prepar3D.cfg file  


1) Prepar3D.cfg file.    2) Shaders folder.    3) SceneryIndexes_x64  folder.  4) Terrain.cfg file
Copy the 3 set's of Tex below and Paste them into your windows search bar, One by One and click on the result,  this will bring you directly to the correct locations



1) Right click and Delete the Prepar3D.cfg file

%APPDATA%\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4



2) Right click and Delete the Shaders folder 

%LOCALAPPDATA%\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4



3) Right click and Delete the SceneryIndexes_x64 folder.  Not the Scenery.cfg file  


4) Right click and Delete the Terrain.cfg file

%PROGRAMDATA%\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4



Note: Launch Prepar3D to the splash screen,  Then Close it down again.  The files and folder will generate again as default.


Now Launch the FTX Central control panel and wait 15 \ 20  seconds and close it.   This will reconfigure the Orbx entries in the terrain.cfg file. 


Then launch Prepar3D and test 


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Dear Elaine


I'm not English native speaker, so I'm sorry for not understanding very well this question:



45 minutes ago, Elaine Dixon said:

Have you manually Overclocked your GPU or CPU ? 


What do you mean by overclocked? and what the procedure will be?


I'm following the rest of the indications right now. I'll advise about the results for my specific scenery


Thank you!

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1 hour ago, Elaine Dixon said:

Hello Celso and anybody else suffering Sever blurries.



Hi Elaine


Could you please try the flight in question LEGE to LEBL and let us know your results? :)





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