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Terlet (EHTL) Runway Elevation Issue

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I did a flight today and landed at EHTL Terlet only to find myself landing below the runway.  I've included some screenshots with coordinates as well as a link to a short video that demonstrates the issue.  Only non-ORBX scenery addon in the area is FlyTampa EHAM which isn't particularly close at all, and I installed that following the steps in Holger's post in the compatibility forum.  Otherwise I've run the AEC recently after installing EHAM.


Addons I have that cover the Netherlands from ORBX are Netherlands, FTX Global, Vector, and OpenLC Europe.  Scenery Library is set by ORBX, with all ORBX stuff below FlyTampa and other addon airports.  As mentioned, the only one even close is FlyTampa EHAM which is like 40nm away.






Image from right next to the runway, you pop back up out of the ground when leaving the runway



Video Link will be edited in once the darn thing finishes in like an hour, since my internet speed is TERRIBLE.  Or the morning, since I may just go to bed since it's late and I'm tired.



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there is no need for a video.

If this is the only airfield so affected, this is a symptom of an incompatible

elevation adjustment file affecting the runway.

In the Netherlands product, there are none.

In the first instance, please check your scenery\world\scenery folder for EHTL

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Interesting.  I have no idea what else it could be, I don't have any freeware at all aside from ORBX stuff and OZx, and the only other regional product in the area is GEN, sort of.


I'll play with this some more this afternoon/evening and see what I can figure out.



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7 hours ago, Scott Harmes said:

Hi Stefan


Do you have the four EHTL files active in "....Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4\ORBX\FTX_EU\FTX_EU_!NLD_05_SCENERY\scenery" ?,






Yes, all 4 are there and appear active, they have the normal .bgl extension.  Objects, Vegetation, and the ADE EHTL, EHTL_CVX.


4 hours ago, Holger Sandmann said:

Hi there,


if in doubt please follow the instructions for a global file search in this post -- https://orbxsystems.com/forum/topic/153573-netherlands-trueearth-ft-eham/?do=findComment&comment=1354018 -- except with *EHTL*.bgl  as the search term.


Cheers, Holger



The 4 mentioned above are the only ones that show up on the entire sim drive.  For giggles, I scanned C drive as well and came up with nothing.  Search was for *ehtl*.bgl, and I don't have any filesystems here set to case sensitive.


I loaded a flight at EHTL on "Active Runway" and ended up below the runway again, although looks a bit different.  Here's some more info since it's entirely possible I'm omitting something that would explain this.  Mesh resolution is 5m.


First up, my "fudged" scenery.cfg as generated by MakeRwys.exe + Lorby Addon Manager is here: https://pastebin.com/z9hzJZqU


Second, here's a current screenshot from spawning in, includes FSFlightControl because why not: 




Third, here was that video, which I'm linking on the small chance it helped and because my internet connection struggled so mightily for an hour to upload the 30 second video, I'd hate to ignore its sacrifice:




Finally, other addons and other info that may be of relevance:


P3D v4.2, upgraded Client and Content only from 4.1

ASP4, latest build

FSUIPC 5.124

ASCA, latest build

Envtex 1.1.4 I think

PTA for P3Dv4, latest, with the month of May set of the popular 12 month set from AVSIM

FSFlightControl, latest build

Lorby-SI Where Are My Aircraft, I think I'm one build behind on this



SODE 1.6.2

Updater ran for the FSDT stuff and whatever junk it pulls in with it, Couatl etc

GoFlight Interface Tool P3Dv4

Navigraph updater

OZx something or other.

Pilots FTX Compatible 2010 Mesh

FSAerodata (I'm wondering if this is affecting anything, actually....)

In this case, I'm using various paints on the A2A Cherokee 180, P3Dv4 version, latest Accusim 10/2017 or whatever update


I do have MyTraffic 6 as well, but traffic is turned off.  Could have come with AFCAD or something that would be affecting things but I'd be kind of shocked if there was a MT6 AFCAD for EHTL.


So far this is the only airport I've noticed an issue at, but I haven't been nearly everywhere yet.


I'll dig a bit into FSAerodata as well as some other stuff.  Anyone else have any ideas or things to check?  I appreciate the help so far!




P.S. it's possible I'm omitting some addons, I have an absolute ton.  I really don't think I have anything else for this area, though, but maybe I've forgotten something!



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Hi stefan,


it's the file ADE_FTX_NLD_EHTL_CVX.bgl that contains the flatten polygons to level out the off-runway areas at the airport. It seems that something is excluding that file so it's probably an active scenery entry at higher display priority. For testing you can try changing the Insertion Point in FTXCentral so that the Orbx/FTX block sits at the top of the scenery library menu. That would be a quick check whether there's indeed an add-on that overrides those flattens.


Cheers, Holger 

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Hi Stefan,


runways, as well as taxiways and apron areas, if present, are automatically flattened to the reference altitude of the airport. It's the surrounding areas that need to be flattened with a separate flatten polygon unless the local/active terrain mesh is already flat and at reference altitude. If the flatten polygon is missing then it depends on the surrounding terrain mesh whether the runway is sunken or lifted relative to the mesh.


Cheers, Holger

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