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Is GTX 1060 3G adecuate to run FSX with ORBX


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33 minutes ago, huascar said:

I tried to get the GTX 1060 6B graphics card but there are sold out everywhere. I noticed not much difference between the two in terms of benchmarks. Any thoughts?

Hi.i have the Pallit GTX 1060 with 6gb of memory and all sims run fine with it. At the moment I’m more P3Dv4 and a little bit of Xplane and they both run fine with the card if that helps. What other card were you thinking off, just realised you could not get one. Derek.

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1 hour ago, Stewart Hobson said:

Can you afford to spend another $100 and get a 1060 w/ 6GB?  I found several at a well-known online electronics store.  Just my opinion, but I have never run FSX (or P3D) with a gpu less than 6GB.  I felt 3GB was just not enough.

I apologize:  I meant to say 4GB--my most recent gpu, the GTX770, had 4GB, and it ran both FSX and P3D well, although I had to back off the sliders somewhat with P3D.

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FSX makes very little use of the video card. Almost any recent video card with 3GB of RAM will do for FSX. More video RAM will NOT help you. I run FSX with all the sliders maxxed and full ORBX scenery. I've never exceeded 2.5GB of video RAM. If you're only interested in FSX don't spend a lot of money on a GPU..........Doug

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I haven't a clue Stew. I don't fly them either. In fact, I've even deleted the default tubeliners. I wouldn't think, though, that it would make much difference on the video RAM. I'd guess the biggest effect would be VAS usage.

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I've had a 3GB 1060 as a replacement, awaiting my 1080ti to arrive which also was hard to get (and still is). It could barely handle my P3D v4.1 when scenery and aircraft became very dense so I tuned the sim down to FSX specs. As stated in former answers, for FSX it would be good enough because of the mentioned reasons. When looking to the future, I would not got for it since newer simulators use more GPU and VRAM.

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GIven the original question asked if a 3GB 1060 would suffice for FSX, the answer is yes...... however, FSX is very old and what you should probably be asking yourself right now is are you making a sound investment by purchasing a 3GB 1060 and the resounding answer would have to be a NO.


If you were to consider change your sim anytime soon then 

  • Lockheed Martin recommends 8GB+ with the release of P3D v4.2 (although you could get away with the 1060 6GB)
  • XPlane 11 recommends a minimum of 4GB 


If you buy the 3GB 1060 you're effectively locking yourself into only running FSX as a sim and would leave yourself with no choice but to purchase new hardware should you change your sim anytime soon....... just something to consider 



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Guys, The OP has already decided to run P3D (in another thread), so he's looking for a suitable upgrade for P3D.  To limit oneself to only 3GB on the video card to run P3D is not a good idea in my opinion, if only because you are limiting P3D's ability to display its full graphics capabilities.  I noticed immediately the difference when I switched out my GTX 770 (4 GB) and the settings I had to use to enable the sim to run smoothly, and my current GTX1080 with 8GB and using more detailed sim settings.  I figure if you decide to fly P3D, might as well take advantage of its features as much as you can and as much as you can afford for the video card.

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Thanks for the input Nick. Not sure if you are referring to me in the comments above but just want to share that I changed to P3D and I have to say I was not impressed. A lot of it looks very cartoonish. For instance, the tree have this very light green color and the flickering is none stopped. I don't mean to get off topic, the point is that I now have Nvidia GTX 1030 3GB and the overall image is nothing to be impressed even in P3D. 


Since my computer is about 7 years old, considering an upgrade to Alienware. For $1000, how does this set up look. Computer is overclocked to 4.7 and it has GTX 1080 Ti. Here it is...




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