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No trees at ENSG


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Since I've bought ENSG, I still can't get trees at this airport on P3Dv4, or at least not all of them.

By pure chance I've been able to see that these were displayed below the ground (I guess at sea level).
I immediatly thought about a mesh issue and disabled all of my FreeMeshX entries, unfortunately it didn't make any difference, the trees are still into the ground.


I'm using FTXG + OpenLC Eu + FTX Norway as well as Vector with this scenery so all the minimum requirements are there.


Any idea about how to solve this? I'd really like to enjoy this scenery !

Thanks by advance,




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Hello !


Thanks for your answer, my Mesh resolution is indeed set to 5m, I didn't think about changing this setting so I changed it to 2m after reading your message and it seems to solves the issue !

But this is weird as the recommended setting is 5m, seems like there's an issue or a mistake in the manual. Could someone from Orbx take a look at this?


Thank you very much for your help anyways.


EDIT: It's actually not solved and there is definitely an issue, reloading the sim made the issue appearing again...

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OBXlibs are mandatory for all FTX Products so the first thing to do is to install them. You can navigate to them by FTX Central (FTX Global section)

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Hello Richard,


Thanks for your answer but of course FTX libraries are installed, all my FTX addons are up to date and all the required things for this scenery are installed and correctly written in the scenery.cfg.

This is the only FTX sceneries that gives me such an issue, all the other regions/airports/else are working perfectly.

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  • 4 months later...



I have the exact same issue at EGHP (no trees) I have reinstalled scenery, have the libraries installed, have rune it though AEC and back again...I am now close to giving up and getting it refunded which is a shame as Its a scenery I really want.

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Please check that your insertion points in FTXC3 are correct.



Please check from the P3Dv4 in game top of screen under Options/Add-ons that ObjectFlow2 is checked enabled.


And check that “Use ObjectFlow 2 in Prepar3D v4” in FTXC3 settings is checked enabled.





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  • 1 month later...

I think I figured it out. I have Airports of Norway in my scenery library which is above FTX. Even though I have deleted all the .bgl- files with ENSG in them, the library, "AoN_Ground", seems to have some files that affect ENSG. When I moved "FTX_AA_ENSG" above "AoN_Ground" in the scenery library, the trees are back. 


This would not be a problem if we were able to have separate insertion points in the scenery library for FTX airports and FTX Regions, the same way there is a separate point for Open LC.  So ORBX please introduce this in a future update for FTX Central!

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Hi there,


so you're saying the issue persists even after you deactivated the AoN "ensg_ground.bgl" file? Those "ground" files are the photoreal base textures for the Airport of Norway add-ons. Given that the Orbx ENSG has its own photoreal base the AoN version should be deactivated along with the .bgl files in the \Airports of Norway\Scenery\ folder.


Cheers, Holger

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Yes, that is correct. Here is what my "AON_Ground/Scenery"- folder consists of. I have deleted the "ensg_ground.bgl" file, so I don't understand why there is a conflict. Somehow manually moving "FTX_AA_ENSG" above "AON_ground" yet still having it below "Airports of Norway" fixes the issue at Sogndal. 



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