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WA69 to Seattle

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P3Dv4 - Orbx Global - NA L/C - Trees - AS weather - No preset.


Decided to fly from WA69 to Seattle in the Beaver with floats, was great fun.














Kinda expected it...I'm nothing if not predictable....

















I would love to do this in real life.








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Great shots Jack - you know what they say..........there are old pilots and there are bold pilots, but there are no old and bold pilots!  Maybe you might just be the exception!



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7 hours ago, Iain Emms said:

Grand set these Jack.



Thanks again Iain!

7 hours ago, jjaycee1 said:

You are going to forget to belt up one day and fall out of that plane Jack. I hope you have a virtual parachute. Nice shots by the way:)

:lol:  It's safe JJ, I duct tape myself into my chair before flying!

6 hours ago, ruudmeij said:

Very nice shots Jack and keep the blue side up next time.




Thanks Ruud!  It's all blue to me! :)

5 hours ago, oldboy43 said:

Hi Jack, next very nice serial of shots, thank you.

Best regards


Thanks Karoly!

5 hours ago, stewart1 said:

It was about time you did it again you just cant help it can you Jack very nice screen shots Jack regards stewart 

Thanks Stewart!  Nope, I get this urge and think, ok what would happen now?  This Beaver gets starved of gas when it's inverted.

4 hours ago, Torchy821 said:

Great shots Jack - you know what they say..........there are old pilots and there are bold pilots, but there are no old and bold pilots!  Maybe you might just be the exception!



Thanks Kev, I love that saying and it's true.  I've come close to crashing in the sim, especially in the little GeeBee!

4 hours ago, Sammy H said:

Wonderful set Jack, of course it would not be you without trying to go inverted :)


You are not a "REAL" pilot unless you can get that 747 inverted :)

Thanks Sammy! wQNrZOW.jpg

12 minutes ago, Mark Abdey said:

Another great set Jack... are you still using Envtex?

Thanks Mark, not yet.  Still waiting for an answer to your post.  I guess Maxim has a lot of posts to answer, he's probably very busy. 

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Just now, Sammy H said:

Looks like that 747 was heading on a nose down attitude once this happened :)

Easily recovered.  I do it all the time, all I do is set it up for short fuel and an empty plane.   It takes off like a rocket.  I'm channeling Bob Hoover.  ;)

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41 minutes ago, Bermuda425 said:

Heebie Jeebies!! Fantastic sorting of captures Jack and nice maneuvers on the way!

Erik, I've been seeing all your replies to this and other posts and I keep laughing out loud!  Thanks and I love all your little euphemisms.  :lol:

6 minutes ago, dolf8857 said:

Great set Jack, the Milviz Beaver I guess? 

Thanks Dolf!  Yep, it's been released for V4 and it flys nicely.

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