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4 hours ago, Iain Emms said:

Smashing shots Jack.



Thanks Iain!

3 hours ago, Bermuda425 said:

Grand bunch of shots Jack! Yes Sir!

Thanks Erik, appreciate it.

3 hours ago, ruudmeij said:

Very nice set of shots Jack.




Thanks Ruud, your preset soon.

2 hours ago, mikee said:

Very Nice shots Jack :rolleyes:

Thanks Mike!

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4 hours ago, Doc Scott said:

Beautiful pictures of a beautiful plane!!!




Thanks Scott!  I liked NW's livery, it was cool looking.

2 hours ago, andreas920 said:

Nice shots, there is a lot to fly in FTX Global ! :)

Thanks Andreas!  Yes, if you had nothing but Global you'd still be able to have plenty of places to fly.

49 minutes ago, Ken Hall said:

great shots of some heavy tin there Jack, good luck with Ruud's preset

Thanks Ken.  I tried it but, no offense Ruud, the sky was this bright artificial blue.  Maybe his monitor and my monitor present colors differently?  I like the default P3D blue.  Tried ENVTEX and like it a lot but somehow I lost all cloud shadows.


You know how your sometimes sitting on the runway and the clouds pass overhead and they move right over you?  Lost that, even had clouds above me and sped up time but no shadows.  Must be doing something wrong.  I posted on their forum.


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7 hours ago, Sammy H said:

Wonderful stuff here Jack.  I went on a deployment and came back and I see that 747 has not gotten a break yet :) 

Thanks Sammy, yeah, it's a cool plane and so much to learn.  Not one to just jump in and cruise around in. ;)

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