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Ken Hall's preset

Jack Sawyer

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So I just set up Ken's PTA preset.  First in KBOS with AS off.  Then at Homer with AS4 on.


I like them Ken but it seems a little too bright in the distance, how would I go about making the clouds look so bright as in the very last shot?


Overall I do like it though.


Sitting on the runway at KBOS, no AS weather.  Just the Preset.



Now flying around Boston and no inverted.





When I lived there the water was dark blue, not as light as this.  Is this fixable?  I was thinking about buying ENVTEX or whatever it's called, today.



Rebuilding the shaders.   Pretty comical



Now at Homer in SAK with no AS weather on.



The rest all have AS weather on.





















This last shot I think I set the plane to KATL.  Notice the clouds, kind of bright?



Thanks Ken, I appreciate your sharing your preset with me.


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I hope you don't take offense to my words @Ken Hall this is a really good preset in PTA, if we can somehow get the water a little darker blue and the clouds a little less like they are in the last shot I'll be a happy camper.


I have no idea how to do this, or if it's even possible, all I can do is adjust HDR.  And in these shots I made sure I set it to your recommended HDR.

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Hi Jack take an ini Adams or MATT and do some tweak personnal because all depend of your PC config and also your PC screen ....


need to try parameters and  what they do with your config

May be the Ken's PTA preset.  are good for him and not for you ?



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Just now, Neptune6 said:

Hi Jack take an ini Adams or MATT and do some tweak personnal because all depend of your PC config and also your PC screen ....


need to try parameters and  what they do with your config

May be the Ken's PTA preset.  are good for her and not for you ?



I'd like to Patrick, I really would but I know nothing about the inner workings of PTA.  I am going to learn it someday but been so busy lately.  That's why I like presets, they're about all I can do with the program.


Even Matt Davies, the guy who bought it from Yuri said in his YT that 95% of people would just load someone's preset.



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2 minutes ago, Neptune6 said:

Me too i try to repear

Thanks mate.  Going out now anyway.  Be back later.  I appreciate it Patrick.  But weren't you using different sky or cloud textures?   Not sure, so many people with so many different configurations! :)  Some use REX without the hotfix, some use ENVTEX, some use nothing, it can be overwhelming after a while and I always seem to be chasing the perfect look.


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2 minutes ago, John Lovell said:

Ohh wow!!.... I actually like them. The bright looks very realistic.. those last shouts with the mountains and the clouds are just insanely good!

Thanks John!  Maybe it's the time of day so it looks like I'll be flying with this one for a while.  Cool!

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1 minute ago, John Lovell said:

Good stuff Jack!... Dont know why autocorrect though 'shouts' was more appropriate than 'shots'... haha!

LOL!  I'm hiking right now and my fingers always mess up.

Plus, seriously, I'm dyslexic so i have to always try to proofread but on this tiny toy phone it ain't easy :)

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2 minutes ago, Bermuda425 said:

Well, some glorious shots for sure Jack. Scenic scenery haha! Get the people of the runway by the way, that's dangerous :lol:

Thanks Erik! :lol: I should have had tundra tires.  But I was told the people were expecting me and were disappointed I didn't fly inverted! :ph34r:

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2 minutes ago, stewart1 said:

your screen shots look great Jack  do you think the update for v4 has done any good regards stewart

Hi Stewart and thanks!

Well, they fixed it so we can now hide planes that aren't favorites, I like the way they changed the airport selection box, I like that i can now run it in RAW so my Saitek throttles are not staggered and I can use my Orb Weaver.

But as far as for performance, it's too early to tell for me anyway.

It's getting better though and with the eventual installation of all the Orbx airports it'll be pretty darned near perfect.

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I was expecting a post titled #10,000 Jack  , but I guess this post will suffice . Anyway lovely shots as always and a great big welcome to you on entering the VIP club !! .





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2 minutes ago, BradB said:

I was expecting a post titled #10,000 Jack  , but I guess this post will suffice . Anyway lovely shots as always and a great big welcome to you on entering the VIP club !! .





Thanks John!  I didn't know what to say.  :) But....yeah!!!

10K posts and VIP, thanks for welcoming me to the club, I really am honored.

Does this mean I can't go inverted anymore?:D

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6 hours ago, Jack Sawyer said:


I hope you don't take offense to my words @Ken Hall this is a really good preset in PTA, if we can somehow get the water a little darker blue and the clouds a little less like they are in the last shot I'll be a happy camper.


I have no idea how to do this, or if it's even possible, all I can do is adjust HDR.  And in these shots I made sure I set it to your recommended HDR.


No offence taken Jack, were all in this together, sharing tweaking, I'll start tweaking the water, I haven't played with these settings yet, until we get alternative textures for water such as REX we're kind of limited to the presets which alter how the light reacts to those water textures, to darken the water and change its colour is a function of the original texture, ie inland water is too blue.

As far as the clouds go, again texture sets play the major role, I will try importing some from ASA and Other texture sets.

its a double edge sword, we have so many choices and variables that getting one set to fit all flights is the key. I'll keep tweaking and see what we come up with.

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Hi Ken, thanks!  I have and use REX for ground, sky, cloud, and other textures in 3.4 but never used it for water, I didn't use anything for water.  I left it default.


What is ASA?


I appreciate you doing this.  But let me ask since you mentioned REX. I have doubts that they will release a hot fix any time soon and they seem to have so many products coming out that's it very confusing.


What about that new ENVTEX?  I've been seeing it a lot and watched a YT on it, it looks like it's very easy to use, has all the same features and is available for v4.  Is it a good REX replacement?


I agree about it being a double edged sword, there's way too many choices which is good but makes it difficult to choose which ones.



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What a cooincidnce Ken, I'm just now starting a flight in GEN, with your preset in V4 and at dawn in the 182.  It looks great so far. I will watch this as soon as I finish, not going far.  Still hit or miss with the saving Graphics Profiles though, this bothers me, I feel there's still a bug in it.  Thanks for this video.  Will watch it and get back to ya.

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Just now, Ken Hall said:

just tried it Jack, to the letter and got crash to desk tops while starting P3D, I kept the sky textures, but reshade isn't working as planned


Oooooh!  Mate I'm glad you told me that.  I'm downloading it as I type this!  Yikes!


What are your opinions on ENVTEX or is it impolitic to ask, if so can you PM me maybe?

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10 minutes ago, Ken Hall said:

just tried it Jack, to the letter and got crash to desk tops while starting P3D, I kept the sky textures, but reshade isn't working as planned removed the reshade stuff and all working fine now


Ken, I just went to his YT site and read the comments from 4 hours ago.  I copied these comments, let me know if they help.


When I try to fly i get a black screen


Try to delete the "magicbloom.fx" from your p3d/reshade-shaders/shaders folder and double check if you chose the correct PTA preset (v3 or v4).


Pilot Pete thanks pete, that helped with the CTD i had, but it was the PTA setting that had the "turn off HDR" which I had enabled in my sim before I tweaked it with these settings. Many thanks

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On 28.6.2017 at 3:33 AM, Ken Hall said:

have a look at this Jack 



Hi Ken, thanks for sharing my video here :)
If anyone has some questions or needs help you can ask me here and i will try to help you guys out.


Its correct as stated in the comments on the video that there can be some issues with the "magicbloom.fx" of ReShade.

As i dont use this effect in my preset it will not affect the look of the sim.
I wasnt aware of this while doing the tutorial cause for me it worked always fine and use reshade since over a year or so...


Cheers, Sandro aka "Pilot Pete"



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