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YES!! P3D 4.1!

Jack Sawyer

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Well, I backed up my system, dowloaded the Client and uninstalled and installed per Elaine's most exquisite guide and I'm happy to report it works great.  And what really cool is I requested some of these fixes, among others.  But one in particular, the graphics settings.


Big three for me.


1. I can now have my Orb Weaver in RAW mode so now I can control the prop and mixtures properly.

2. They gave us the ability to hide non-favorite planes.

3. What I requested, the Graphics settings box now shows the last used setting like in 3.4.  I use this a LOT.


Chase Plane works but they say they're working on an update.


And no problems with Orbx regions that I could see.  I think they're all fine though.


There's my little celebratory flight in A2A Cherokee at KATL.


Didn't check the Carenados or PMDG yet or the Beaver.  Will do so in a few.









Sad to be all alone in my skies though, it gets lonely.





This was done for Gerold, it's Southern California.



Thanks LM and thanks Orbx, no changes needed to Orbx stuff I reckon.


Next step, Ken Hall's PTA and testing all the planes and then on to GEN!

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Just now, TigerTigerM said:



Hi TTM, what I meant was I wanted to finally start exploring Orbx's Germany, AKA GEN.  Germany North.  Haven't done that yet.


So far all is good with it, testing out all my planes now and just updated AS weather.


Sorry for the miscommunication.


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Just now, Jack Sawyer said:

Hi TTM, what I meant was I wanted to finally start exploring Orbx's Germany, AKA GEN.  Germany North.  Haven't done that yet.


So far all is good with it, testing out all my planes now and just updated AS weather.


Sorry for the miscommunication.


I was flying out of Berlin this morning. 

Impressive. Good trees, buildings & POI such as smoking smoke stacks.


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2 minutes ago, jtwillia said:

Just finished updating my v4 Client too and all went well. :)


 One thing though, it is not P3D v4.1, Lockheed are calling it V4.0 Hotfix 1.   Not a full version step.




You're right.  My bad.

Well, been massing with it.

They said they fixed the Profile box so it would retain the name of the last used Profile and it doesn't.

At least Orbx still is working great.


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Just now, adambar said:

Looking real good Jack, great shots! :)

Thanks Adam, but I'm disappointed, the most important thing they said they fixed isn't.  And that's the Grpahics Profile, it still says Custom, I use that thing more than any other part of the sim.  It works perfectly in 3.4 but 4, not at all.  No matter what Profile I set it always says "Custom."



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50 minutes ago, MZee1960 said:

Great shots,  Jack !   Remember UT2 ?  Well, it's coming baaack in a big way ....... as UT Live.  :)

Thanks MZ, I already have it in 3.4 and it's hit or miss if it crashes or not.  I don't think it'll be out for V4 for a very long time.

19 minutes ago, Iain Emms said:

Grand set these Jack.



Thanks Iain!

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5 hours ago, ruudmeij said:

Great set of shots again Jack, and I see you couldn't resist flying up side down again shame on you, you should be grounded for this action in a normal GA plane.:lol:;)B)




Thanks Ruud!  I can't help myself, I love to see if a plane can do it.  Some don't have fuel pumps so you'd quickly have the engine stall, I like when that's programmed.  Grounded?  :lol: They want me to do this! :lol:. I'm just a test pilot at heart.

5 hours ago, mikee said:

Beautiful Shots Jack !

Thanks Mike!

4 hours ago, VH-KDK said:

Looking good Jack, glad you are gradually getting there.

The reason the skies are empty is that they knew you were coming!

Thanks Martyn!  You got that right! :lol:. They didn't want to see this flying train wreck! :lol:

8 minutes ago, stewart1 said:

Nice screens Jack you had to do it you just cant help your self going upside down I am afraid I will not come with you for a flight regards stewart

Thanks Stewart, nope, can seem to stop, it was my victory flight.  But it's been dampened because one thing isn't fixed like they said it was. :(

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5 minutes ago, Doc Scott said:

Hi Jack!


They did the thing with the graphic box.

You do your settings and than you press "Save Settings" give it a name and you're done.

Next time you start P3D,it will show your named settings.


Hi Scott, that would only be a partial fix.  In 3.4 I use this more than you can imagine for setting different slider settings depending or what had where I want to fly.


In 3.4, if you're flying and then go to that box and select another named setting it will stay that way.


For example, in 3.4 I can be flying with the "Jack" setting where the slider and shadows are set to say medium.  Then I go to that box and change it to "Iain" and it will load more textures because everything is basically full right sliders.


Now, when I go back to that box in flight it will still say Iain.


Not so in v4.  100% of the time says Custom.  So I never know what setting I have, I'd have to write it down to remember which settings Config I'm using, very annoying compared to 3.4.


It's like takimg a huge step back for me.


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Just now, Doc Scott said:


Even when it says"custom",it is still your last changed setting.



I agree, but then I'd hve to remember what it was or write it down, quite literally a huge step back to what 3.4 was.

They are working with me on a thread at LM, this is very important to me so I hope I can get the same functionality as 3.4 in this regard.


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5 minutes ago, BradB said:

YES , I like these !! .





Thanks John, but now it's NO! For me.  I simply have to get this fixed.  It may not be a big deal to others at LM but it's a YUGE deal breaker for me.  It's my most used thing in the sim.

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24 minutes ago, Jack Sawyer said:

I agree, but then I'd hve to remember what it was or write it down, quite literally a huge step back to what 3.4 was.

They are working with me on a thread at LM, this is very important to me so I hope I can get the same functionality as 3.4 in this regard.


Correct me Jack if I am wrong , but can't you save a setting ( Iain, Jack etc) in V4 ? .



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5 minutes ago, BradB said:

Correct me Jack if I am wrong , but can't you save a setting ( Iain, Jack etc) in V4 ? .



Sure can John, I even saved over these to see if it would make a difference but nope, it always sows Custom.  It SHOULD retain the last setting used.  Like in 3.4.



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