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Huey ferry

Jack Sawyer

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14 hours ago, Neptune6 said:

Nice Pics Jack, before the night .



Thanks Patrick!  Yes, it was real time and it was nice to see the sun setting.

12 hours ago, Republic DC-9 said:

Womderful set, Jack!


I still have not learned how to fly whirlybirds - or at least not how to land them!



Thank you Steve!  I never thought I would either, and I use a yoke! :D  But after a while you get used to what flyingleaf calls these "upside down ceiling fans", still cracks me up.

11 hours ago, magic1 said:

Nice shots Jack! I know what you mean about the pictures, I also find it hard to whittle them down to just a few or one. I don't know how those other guys do it.:huh: 

Thanks Magic, gosh do I know that feeling.  The Orbx scenery I have in 3.4 is so good I just want to keep pressing V every few seconds.

9 hours ago, adambar said:

Outstanding set of captures Jack! :)

Thanks Adam!  Appreciate it.

5 hours ago, Iain Emms said:

Fine shots indeed.



Thank you Iain!

5 hours ago, ruudmeij said:

Very nice set of shots again Jack.




Thanks Ruud!

3 hours ago, stewart1 said:

very nice clear screen shots Jack are you still using PTA regards stewart

Thanks Stewart, no, this was 3.4 and no PTA, just Iain's PTA settings and no PTA in V4 either till Adam releases his next version and I get better sky textures, besides, I have several I still have to try, Mark Abdey's and one call TOPHAT in V4 and see how it looks.  But been way too bust lately.

3 hours ago, Stillwater said:

This is shusta nice level of ground detail, Jack.

Thanks Gerold, that's why I like 3.4 still, V4 will be a long time in the making to bring it up the the eye candy level of 3.4 in my opinion.

3 hours ago, Bermuda425 said:

Super set of caps Jack!

Thanks Erik!  Much appreciated!

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