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Jack Sawyer

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Some exciting airport terminal views Jack.

5 minutes ago, BradB said:

Jack you could the spend the rest of 2017 down under and not be able to explore it all , so get to it mate . :rolleyes::D:)





Very true John. So much to see in Oz and it is such a varied place too.

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1 hour ago, Bermuda425 said:

Wonderful duo of shotz Jack! Goin' to the second one in three weeks...

Thanks Erik!  Going to Schipol?  You lucky dog!  I wish I could go there.  I heard one runway is so far away from the terminal in real life that some flights take less time to get there than they do taxiing in and out.

19 minutes ago, BradB said:

Jack you could the spend the rest of 2017 down under and not be able to explore it all , so get to it mate . :rolleyes::D:)





Thanks John.  I will, it's just that I've been busier than a one-armed wallpaper hanger.

13 minutes ago, VH-KDK said:

Some exciting airport terminal views Jack.

Very true John. So much to see in Oz and it is such a varied place too.

Thanks Martyn.  Yup, it's on my to do list.  I wanna explore GEN first and THEN, before I visit Oz, I want to buy them all.  I want all of Orbx's Oz airports.

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7 hours ago, jury42 said:


Thanks Jury.

6 hours ago, Sammy H said:

Looking really good Jack.  These are two fabulous airports that I don't fly to enough myself.

Thanks Sammy.  If I recall that was the first time for me too.

5 hours ago, paulb said:

Brilliant Jack! You must be very happy with all of your traffic now. :)

Thanks Paul, it's nice but not without bugs.  It's a "soft release" so I guess that means beta but at least I have some really nice traffic, no longer lonely.

4 hours ago, dolf8857 said:

Looking good Jack, nice shots!

Thanks Dolf!

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34 minutes ago, Jack Sawyer said:


Thanks Paul, it's nice but not without bugs.  It's a "soft release" so I guess that means beta but at least I have some really nice traffic, no longer lonely.



Cheers Jack! Well if it works for you then that is brilliant! :)

At the moment (although I used to fly airliners) I am tending to keep to the smaller planes. As you might guess my favourites are usually military. Mainly because I read books about them also.

Having said all that, I should buy a new traffic package.

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