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Just bought Squamish - CYSE

Jack Sawyer

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The wife thought it was "cute" so she had me buy it.  So here's some screenshots from there from my first test flights around the area.








"Pardon me, excuse me…."



"Hey can I get an oil change?"  "And how much for the J3?"



Beautiful area!







"Look, a deer!!"



"Another one, let's leave him alone."


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14 minutes ago, VH-KDK said:

Excellent shots, now does that mean you have to wash the dishes for the next month?:lol:

The deer does not look to happy in the last shot, I hope reciprocates and leaves you alone too.


Thanks Martyn! I threw some corn out to him and he was fine.  ^_^

She does the dishes, won't let me even go near the dishwasher, that's her domain.  We look at the Orbx main page and she says, "I like that one, it's cute!"

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19 minutes ago, oldboy43 said:

Hi Jack very nice screens. Thank you.




16 minutes ago, Voyager said:

Very nice this shopping Jack.

Great angles in this shots.



Thanks fellas!  It's in a beautiful area.  I want to fly from here to Bella Coola soon.  

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1 minute ago, Jack Sawyer said:

Thanks Martyn! I threw some corn out to him and he was fine.  ^_^

She does the dishes, won't let me even go near the dishwasher, that's her domain.  We look at the Orbx main page and she says, "I like that one, it's cute!"

So great to see your better half taking an interest, made my day and it is not even 6 am.:)

Now that I have retired the housework is my job. As my wife still works it is only fair for me to help as much as I can.

Keeping the house in order is the first priority, FS next and the poor garden misses out.

I also have mum's house next door to deal with so I am kept out of mischief.:lol:

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2 minutes ago, VH-KDK said:

So great to see your better half taking an interest, made my day and it is not even 6 am.:)

Now that I have retired the housework is my job. As my wife still works it is only fair for me to help as much as I can.

Keeping the house in order is the first priority, FS next and the poor garden misses out.

I also have mum's house next door to deal with so I am kept out of mischief.:lol:

Fair's fair what I say.  Good on ya for doing that.  I too help with all the housework.

I know what you mean, I need more time to explors all my Orbx's, I have so many!  But sometimes I'm more busy than a one-armed wallpaper hanger!

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Smashing shots Jack from that cute little area called Squamish . I hope my wife is like your's ( "I like that one, it's cute!" ) when I take her shopping for my new 4X4 pick up truck . :(:rolleyes::lol: .





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3 hours ago, RJ said:

Top-grade shots but someone was not so fond in the last one! :D

Thanks RJ, like dolphin safe tuna, no deer were killed or injured in that shot. ;)

3 hours ago, BradB said:

Smashing shots Jack from that cute little area called Squamish . I hope my wife is like your's ( "I like that one, it's cute!" ) when I take her shopping for my new 4X4 pick up truck . :(:rolleyes::lol: .





I hope so John, my wife would probably let me buy the 4x4 but it would have to be the right color inside and out and have cute armrests or something.  Who can understand Wimmin?


1 hour ago, Torchy821 said:

The only thing my wife thinks is cute is my wallet!!



:lol: I can understand that Kev from my last wife.

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21 minutes ago, Wakashi said:

Nice shotz Jack.  Have you shown the wife that one very cute heli yet, the one for hovering around CYSE?  Just wondering ;)

Thanks Roger.  Not yet, I've been way to busy with real life stuff.  Haven't had a chance to turn on the flight PC.  Really bugs me when I have too much to do.

I'll show her though, I'm sure she'll say it's "cute, I like it."  :)

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3 minutes ago, PDX Flyer said:

Nice shots Jack.  From the last few shots, I would say that you are "bucking" for a like from me.  And that you shall get.  Wonderful shots.

Thanks PDX!  This is a beautiful area.  Wish I had more time to explore it.  Maybe later today.

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13 hours ago, Wakashi said:

Nice shotz Jack.  Have you shown the wife that one very cute heli yet, the one for hovering around CYSE?  Just wondering ;)

Haven't shown her yet but I looked at it.  Nice heli, I have none and need one for just sightseeing.  I'm sure she'll say it's "cute" because it has rounded curves.  I can tell you she probably wouldn't like a Huey.  I guess you learn these things about a spouse after a while.  It's funny though when she says, "it's cute" buy it.  How can I say no?  B)


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