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Some less nice sceneries in Europe


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Some parts of sceneries in Europe are not nice.

The attached picture is in Switzerland near Sankt Gallen. The village Gaissau looks terrible.

Is this normal?

Is this a setting?


Overall I am very happy with the sceneries.


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Hi there,


aside from the fact that there's hardly any autogen in your screenshot, which could be a deliberate setting, some of the landclass textures are incorrect as well. My screenshot is from FSX but it should look very similar in P3D.


Perhaps your scenery library arrangement isn't correct? http://www.orbxsystems.com/forum/topic/108487-tongass-x-and-ftx/?do=findComment&comment=975652



Cheers, Holger

Gaissau Austria - all Global series products active.jpg

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Thanks Holger,

I checked the library arrangement and it is correct, i.e. just like your example.

I also checked and made changes to the autogen settings, but that did not work out.




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Hi Wil,


in that case I'd consider re-installing Global Base. In your screenshot I can see default farm textures on the left hillside and also the typical "shotgun" transition patterns of the default blendmasks in the foreground, neither of which should be visible with a correct installation.


When re-installing Global Base (OrbxFTXGlobalBASE140.exe) make sure to not select the backup option because you don't want to overwrite your existing default texture backup (assuming you previously used that option).


Cheers, Holger

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4 hours ago, Holger Sandmann said:

In your screenshot I can see default farm textures on the left hillside and also the typical "shotgun" transition patterns of the default blendmasks in the foreground, neither of which should be visible with a correct installation.


I had always wondered what that was!  I used to assume it was some sort of sign of my sim having problems, and then all of a sudden I stopped seeing it once I stopped spending a lot of time outside ORBX regions.  Man, fixing that was probably one of the greatest unheralded things of ORBX's time.


Sorry for the off-topic.




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Hi Holger,

I did re-install the Global Base as you advised and put some settings to the maximum, but as you can see it improved a little bit and is still far from your picture.

I also attached my library arrangement, so you can see if I overlooked something.


Thanks again,




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Hi Holger,

It is still not resolved. I have even re-installed OrbxFTXopenLC_EU120.exe.

The strange thing is: some locations are not while others are bad. Look e.g. in one of my YouTube videos (I make a lot. See at http://www.wilveenstra.nl): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wMYSo6ePgVk&feature=youtu.be&hd=1 (e.g. around 33 minutes).

When I fly in the USA there is no problem. An example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WLnE5u6S3-E&feature=youtu.be&hd=1 (after 16 minutes you have a good look).


For me it looks like Europe is not finished. However, am I complaining too much? Are my expectations too high?

Let me know, because I am still very happy.





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Hi there,


judging from your new screenshot and EU video the landclass distribution is now correct. It seems though that only some of the autogen buildings display for you, compared to my screenshot. Perhaps your autogen buildings slider is set to very low or you don't have the Orbx Libraries fully updated: try re-applying the Global group in FTX Central.


I'm not seeing anything obviously wrong in your video at ~33 min. The distribution of farmland, forests, and villages matches quite well with what you can see on Google Maps or Bing; not to the detail you could expect from an FTX Region but not bad for a continental landclass product and certainly sufficient for VFR navigation. For example, compare with https://www.google.ca/maps/@47.1028305,7.8958198,2448a,20y,107.06h,80.43t/data=!3m1!1e3


You don't specifically state what you consider "unfinished". I don't suppose it's the yellow colors of the fields as those are the typical springtime Rapeseed blooms with their "nuclear glow"; see http://c8.alamy.com/comp/DGKWWA/aerial-view-mecklenburg-landscape-with-blooming-rapeseed-fields-mecklenburg-DGKWWA.jpg


Interesting that you consider the approach into San Luis Obispo as the better example since the distribution of land use types in the video is completely wrong; see https://goo.gl/maps/YpsoVG3hLL72 . That's not really surprising since openLC NA doesn't cover the continental US yet (nor do you have Southern California installed) and thus you're looking at the default landclass (with Global Base textures), unless you have a third-party product installed.


Cheers, Holger

Gaissau Austria - all Global series products active 2.jpg

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Hi Holger,


On 5/20/2016 at 9:10 PM, Holger Sandmann said:

You don't specifically state what you consider "unfinished".


I meant the difference between Area 1 and Area 2:



On 5/21/2016 at 8:55 AM, jjaycee1 said:

Your library insertion points are not correct. FTX and OLC should be below your addons, in your case just below Dutch Airports_ Rotterdam X.

It may not resolve your issue but will at least be correct.


I changed the library insertion points and then I made this flight again. Everything seems to look ok now. Thanks!!


On 5/20/2016 at 9:10 PM, Holger Sandmann said:

Interesting that you consider the approach into San Luis Obispo as the better example since the distribution of land use types in the video is completely wrong


Well, first of all I made a completely wrong assumption, while I now understand (a little late, isn't it?) that  LC_NA_Alaska_Canada stands for: in North America the areas Alaska and Canada, and not North America including Alaska and Canada. I was put on the wrong track, so to speak, but now it is clear.

BTW, is there a planning for the rest of NA?


On 5/20/2016 at 9:10 PM, Holger Sandmann said:

Interesting that you consider the approach into San Luis Obispo as the better example since the distribution of land use types in the video is completely wrong

When I fly, Google Earth is also running (through FlightSim Commander 9) and I did not notice the big differences, but you are right. However, I am not running 3rd party sceneries. So, as you said and with the knowledge you brought to me it is clear that it is the default landclass.


I must thank you for your fantastic support, making the things clear to. I hope that also other simmers may have some profit from this.


Many nice greetings from The Netherlands,



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Hi Wil,


glad I could help though there still seems to be the issue with the missing urban autogen (Area 2 in your latest screenshot). Not sure what to suggest as reinstalling Global Base should have resolved that. However, some textures plus autogen are delivered by openLC Europe as well so perhaps you could try re-installing the current version (OrbxFTXopenLC_EU120.exe) over the top of your current installation. Just make sure to re-select the Global group in FTX Central afterwards and click on Apply Group, even if it's already listed as the active group.


Cheers, Holger 

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