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Working on my SweetFX settings


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Inspired by Filou, I've installed SweetFX and started playing with it to see what I can do with it. Some of Filou's colour effects were a teensy bit too strong for me, so I've started from scratch with the default settings and so far just turned on a couple of the "sharpening" type options. Quite pleased with it so far, but will possibly play some more (if I can stop just flying around trying to see how places look!)


First, a couple of shots coming down the outside of Vancouver Island (the little blue bar on the left of the image is part of the Gadwin Print Screen utility - I've realised how to get rid of that now) -






Then a bunch of shots heading out from KSTS towards the coast -


























These are all straight grabs (no editing) and are 4k shots and the detail level is amazing. Pretty much all the sliders apart from the traffic set to max and I'm getting a fairly consistent 30fps (and my OC is off at the moment as I've got problems with it so this is on a standard i7-4790k). I'm sitting in front of a 40 inch monitor watching all this and I can almost smell the sea air.


Not trying to claim any major credit for this, with scenery like this (thank you Orbx) and the right hardware it all just happens - but it does show just how good it's all getting. I really am like the proverbial pig in the brown stuff with all this capability nowadays (but the right kit and settings do make a difference, my original machine was an OC i7-2600k with a pretty high end Radeon card and I had nothing but grief with it - I'd be lucky to get 5 fps sometimes and that was on a 1680*1050 screen).


As Homer would say - "whoo hoo"




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Just insane, this is exactly the color scheme I have been trying to find with my HDR but obviously I need to figure out the SweetFX stuff.  Something I have never used before, don't even know where to get it or start at..... Amazing shots buddy!

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Thanks everybody.


I hesitated a bit before trying out SweetFX. Couldn't find much info about it and when I found what I thought was the right thing I was quite nervous about killing a working system, but it all went in ok. And I haven't done any further tweaking since setting up as for these pix - I'm actually just enjoying it now as it is. Might experiment more or might not. Next thing grabbing my interest is the idea of setting up my own custom camera settings for a couple of my aircraft, or maybe custom weather.


5 hours ago, Sammy H said:

Just insane, this is exactly the color scheme I have been trying to find with my HDR but obviously I need to figure out the SweetFX stuff.  Something I have never used before, don't even know where to get it or start at..... Amazing shots buddy!


Sammy, I can't now find one of the forum posts I used but here is a link for one of Filou's original posts on his settings -


If I find the other one I'll post it here again

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