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NZNI - just how realistic is it?

Adam Banks

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The answer is ... VERY!


Take a look at this pic or, better still, fly over the Hunua Ranges - just east of Ardmore (NZAR). If you have FTX NZNI, that is ...



Then watch this video (eat your heart out!!) and take note around 4m 15s.


It's a great example of ORBX creating an incredible sense of "being there" - just by clever use of autogen, colouring and landclass. BTW - that Spitfire is a wonderfully familiar sight around here :wub: ...


Spitfire fix over ... back to drooling over NZMF!




P.S. Sadly, that isn't me in the video!!!

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5 minutes ago, Tim Harris said:

NZSI and NZNI actually won "best scenery of the year" of 2011 and 2012, bit proud of that B)


... and proud you should be!!! Can you only win it once? What happened to 2013-2015? LOL!


I reckon ORBX should stump up the dosh and get you a flight in EN520/FL-A. Doug Brooker (the owner) said in a talk last Sunday that it's flying hours aren't particularly limited (as are many Spits in the UK) so all you need to do is turn up with a suitcase full of cash.


Wait a minute ...after all the great publicity I've been dishing out here for NZSI/NZNI, I reckon ORBX should pay *me* to go up in it :ph34r::lol::lol:.



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