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A terrible winter for my family ..


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Hi everyone..

I have not been around here for a while...

Three weeks ago my parents were in a serious car accident, a "P" plater speeding in the rain lost control on a curve and drove head on into my parents car.   They had to be cut out of the wreckage, the "P" plate driver was killed.   My Dad is now home from hospital and healing..   my mother is still in hospital and maybe there for months.  The first week she was in intensive care & classed as critical was the longest week of my life.

So my day consists of too and from the hospital and very little sleep.

The bad luck continued..   coming home from the hospital I was sitting at the red light waiting to turn and a taxi (cab) slammed in my car from behind.

I hurt my back and the car is now in for repairs..  if it wasnt for bad luck we would have no luck at all.  He failed to see me or the red light.

As my Dads car was a "right off" and now mine in for repair a hire car is the only way of transport.

So a very dark and painful month for my family..    

Please people take care out there on the roads.

I hope to be back "Flightsimming" and enjoying these forums again soon.

Until then,take care.

Mark Freeman    (Aceshigh)


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My thoughts go out to you and the family Mark. I have just brought my wife home after 3 weeks in hospital on the gold coast for back surgery and the amount of drivers from Canberra home to Berridale that just looked as though they could not give 2 knobs of goat shit.

Keep us posted with happenings.

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Thoughts to you Mark and your family in these tough times mate it just brings home what family really means to you in times like these, I hope your luck improves and every one is home and on the recovery soon.



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Im a P plate driver and I have to admit, the premise of people only having 50hrs driving experience and being let loose on the road is a joke. I had to do 120hrs and when I look back at my driving at 50hrs, it makes sense to have imposed this, at the time I thought it was bullshit but I quite simply didnt have the skills or experience to deal with complex traffic situations. Reading posts like yours is a wake up call. Im sorry to hear about your parents being injured but cmon guys if your going to drive like dickheads, just walk, or you will kill yourself or others.

Cheers, Luke

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Sorry to hear about all fo your bad luck. I hope you will get your family arround you very soon.

Hang in mate!

What is a "P driver" ?

Is this a newbe driver? They are causeing a lot of traffic accidents here in Holland too. They get their driverlicence and think they are the best driver in the world, and all others drivers on the roads are stupid and not able to drive.

Mostly young drivers and combining alcohlol and driving a car. (something impossible, and prohibited in Holland too)

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Guest Aussieman

Sorry to hear of your misfortune Mark. Hope you and your parents recover quickly.

A someone who drove taxis in Sydney 30 years ago I believe most of them should not have a licence to eve drive their camels.

As for "P" platers, where do I start. as a taxi driver in Lithgow I spend 9 - 12 hours behind the wheel and see them all the time. Young 'ladies' driving around with a mobile phone glued to their ear, giving you the "bird" if you toot at them when they do something wrong etc.

Yesterday I had the good fortune to start work at 0400 and at 0730 I picked up a client to take him to Nepean Private Hospital for some day surgery (on behalf of the Dept. of Vetrans Affairs). On the trip down the highway I had my CC set to the 90kmh limit and it surprised me the number of red and green "P" platers that overtook me and soon disappeared out of sight.

Even around Lithgow the way a lot of them drive really opens my eyes. Driving as though they are the best drivers in the world but in reality they are just future road toll statistics.

My father taught me a great saying, "You cannot put a wise head on young shoulders" and with today's attitudes how true it is.



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Sorry about your run of bad luck. Thank heavens nobody of yours killed.

Brings to mind a bit of current kerfuffle in Victoria about increasing the number of speed cameras. Everyone is calling it "funds raising" without acknowledging that if nobody was speeding in the first place there would be no funds raising. I just don't understand the logic of complaining about being fined when the solution is, don't exceed the limit; it's not rocket science.

Anyway mate, speedy recovery to all.

Cheers VH-DAN

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Truer words were never spoken.. If everybody stayed within the speed limit, the government coffers would soon go down.

Mark, sorry to hear of your plight. It just brings it home even more when it is brought up in such a personal forum. Here in Tassie, last Thursday was the worst day on Tassie roads in it's history. Nine deaths in a 12 hour period ; one victim a three year old boy. The carnage just doesn't seem to stop.

It just takes care and patience... why is it so hard?  Hope all comes together for you and your family soon.



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      Mark, to say you've had tough times recently is an understatement!  My wife and I have also experienced some very dark times, and in those times found an inner strength through prayer that completely turned our lives around!  There is light at the end of a dark tunnel--miracles can and do happen!  We pray you receive yours very soon....

                                                                        May the Lord shine His light upon you and your family,

                                                                        Joseph and Linda

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First I wish yourself and your family a quick recovery, although you may feel it could not be any worse, just think if they ended up like the driver of the other car... clearly there was enough force involved for a fatality as shown.

I am still on P-plates and have been involved in 3 major accidents (not including tossers who scrape the car at car parks etc), Perth drivers are useless...

in order:

1) my gf and i are sitting at a red light, it goes green...  women behind me on a phone floors it (in a v6 magna) and  runs into the back of my subaru RX.

... all repaired at her expense, and well... guess i'll go for a nicer car since ive been in an accident i shouldn't have another accident in a better car right luck wise?

2) waiting at an intersection (traffic banked up to the other side of road - cannot go otherwise would be blocking intersection) so light is still green but gotta  keep it clear, some women on drugs runs into the back of my brand new 08 VRX Olympic edition lancer... a disc in my gf's neck moves 3mm.. the women has no insurance, and attempted to leave the scene with a stuffed car pissing radiator coolant all over the road...

..all paid for at her expense, and gf is speaking with lawyers re: compensation... geez, that sucks.... well, guess i'll just get a mid-range car, but have a fun fast one hey, might as well since they want to ban P-platers having fast cars soon!

3) going on the freeway from work, through roadworks, some chick hits a bollard while exiting the freeway and veers across the freeway and scrapes my back bumper and ploughs into another hatch which then both of them continue into the crash barriers... thank god i had a powerful XR6 turbo to accelerate out of the way, otherwise it would have been like a pitts manouver on the freeway.... I could have been seriously hurt if that was the case..

You may say P-plater... only been driving two years... must be a sh!t driver to be in that many accidents... im a traffic controller and so know the road rules pretty well, and also had to have emergency callout on some accidents including truck rollovers... also at the moment I drive ALOT of hours, and alot of km's... I average about 50,000km a year.. about 100km a day (guess where all my money goes now that i got the XR6 turbo .. to the fuel tank! haha).

but yea... roads are pretty f'ing dangerous places, I feel much safer when im 7,000' in the air in the cessna compared to the drive to the airport... they keep tools out of planes, shame they can't do the same on the road..

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Best wishes Mark......I am VERY happy you did not loose any of your family members

I read all the post and I have a question, what the hell is a "P" plater??

Is it something you find only in Australia? I can hear somebody laughing at me already... ;D but I don't know what it is.......

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sorry 'bout your recent turn of bad luck mate. my condolences. someone told me some years back, that if you drove at 120kph from brisbane to the gold coast, a 1 hour trip, you'd only get there 40 seconds sooner than a 100kph, the legal speed limit. so why do people do it? it may make a difference to a police, ambulance or fire trucks, but forty seconds ahead of time for the rest of us? makes no sense at all on longer trips, and dramatically less on short trips!

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P-plater is a provisional license that you get after you passed your driving test. There are two stages. You are on your red P's for 1 year and the max speed limit is 90Km/h and the you are on your green P's for 2 years with a max of 100Km/h. You also have less points on both of these licenses.

Hope that helps :)

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Hi everyone,

Thankyou for all your kind words and support, its greatly appreciated.

My Dad has healed but a bit nervous now to drive. Time heals all they say.

My mother is still in hospital and must learn how to walk again.

She is not eating very well and is down in spirits..  depressed from the whole situation.

Her blood pressure is playing up and her kidney is not the best.

She survived breast cancer 25 years ago, only 10 years ago she lost a kidney due to cancer again.

She is a asthmatic, a diobetic and has had three heart attacks in her life.  

So my poor old Mum has been through a lot.

The doctor said she is a tough old bird !    

Funny thing is she always looked after herself, good healthy food and never drank or smoked?

As for me I'm running on exhaustion, to and from the hospital each day, the stress and worry is getting me down.

So the computer at the moment is just for emails  "ETC" .

Looking forward to getting back to my Flightsim hobbie and catching up with all the good people here

and all the nice new things from Orbx.

Take care and again thankyou for all your kind comments.

Hope to be back soon.


Mark Freeman     ( Aceshigh)

PS: I was asked today if I have any anger towards the "P" plater that was killed in the accident and I would have to say honestly yes and no.

I'm angry at what she did to herself and to my parents but she never got to learn the lesson, she payed the ultimate price.

The police said she was speeding at over 114kph in the 60kph zone. Her cars speedo was jammed at 114 KPH.

What made her wish to go that fast on a blind curve in heavy rain is beyond me??

I feel sorry for her parents and family.  She was 18 years old.   :-[


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Hello Mark.

I'm sorry to hear what you and your family have been through but you know I spent most of my life in the Police and in sole charge stations.  I have dealt with some horrendous and extremely sad incidents, ranging from motor accidents to homicides, things that when you finally get to go home it leaves you in tears, why should life be like this.

My wife and I have just arrived in Sydney ( I'm a Kiwi) and are staying with our daughter and son-in-law yet already there has been the brutal bashing murder of 5 members of a family and a young Australian soldier who's life was taken yeterday while serving in Afganistan.

It's a sad, sad world out there, one which will only get worse i'm afraid.

I do hope your mum gets through her latest trouble.



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