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Hats off to Jarrad and CLS


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A big thanks again to Jarrad for the wonderful KJAC and also to CLS for fixing the crippling VAS problem with their DC-10, which I can now enjoy in P3Dv2.4.


I don't fly in the snow much so I thought I would take a group of skiers home after a trip to the Snow King Mountain.





They don't have air bridges at KJAC and their baggage loading system leaves a little to be desired too. Don't worry passengers they are loading the luggage now and we will be ready to leave in about 7 hours.


Oh that is where they are kept.


They reckon -2c is cold here in Shepparton.


 A very tight fit.


Don't worry tower, the runway is plenty long enough for us.


What did I tell you, we had at least 10ft to spare.


Now sit back and enjoy the wonderful winter panorama.



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Nice set

Nice comment Taph :lol:



Very nice set......!

Very nice comment Kev :lol:  :lol:



Extremely nice set !!!

Extremely nice comment Bermud :lol:  :lol: :lol:  


Many thanks guys for your wonderful comments but most of all for making me laugh ;)

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Smashing set of shots.



Thanks iain.

Honey where are my "long johns" , it's already snowing at Jackson Hole . :ph34r::o:lol:





One thing I don't need in this part of Oz Brad. We had a small taste of spring a week ago but now it is back to winter again.

Superb set!

Cheers Filou

Your narrations made me laugh, and love the classic Western Airlines.

Glad I made you laugh Alex.

Looking very sharp!

Cheers Sammy.

Thanks so much to you all for commenting. Glad you liked the set.

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