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Posts posted by Bullfox

  1. And here we are somewhere over Arizona eastbound to Tampa after leaving Las Vegas.  This flight is the second leg of our round the world tour.  From Tampa we go down to Martinique then over to Europe.



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  2.  P3D would load the splash screen but then nothing else would happen.  It would not proceed to the screen where you load a flight.  When I opened task manager I could see that the CPU was not active.  Also, there were six instances of Orbx Central loaded that were not active.  I closed them, went out of task manager and then P3D would load normally with no further problems.  In fact, except for this, its working great.  If I don't open Orbx Central before  trying to load P3D the problem does not occur.  So this is not a major problem, but I would like to find out how to not have to deal with it.  Any help with a solution would be much appreciated.  ( I have not updated to the 5.3 hotfix.)  


    Currently all my airports are in the Orbx library outside of the simulator.  This was a recent step in the direction of avoiding having to reinstall everything if it became necessary at some point in the future.  Everything else, TE, regions, etc. are still installed directly in the simulator.



  3. Here is a screenshot of YSSY, Sidney, top down.  I have Australia A2, Fly Tampa Sidney, and Sidney Cityscape installed.  With the Carenado EMB 120 sitting at gate 125 I get 7.7 Vram and System ram at 15.2.  With the sliders one step left of full right, air traffic at 40%, and road traffic at 16%  I get 20 fps.  There's a lot going on down there.




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