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Posts posted by Bullfox

  1. Holy Cow!  Socked in. 



    On Approach with some Traffic.



    Where's the Field?



    No Sweat!   Getting Close.



    Almost There.



    Touchdown!  One of my better landings.



    Taxiing in.  Had to stop momentarily.  Ramp was slippery.  Didn't want to slide into the gas truck.   



    Shutdown.  Not a bad flight.  Piece o' cake.


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  2. I fly the Shorts a lot because the cockpit is mostly steam gauges.  Its not a particularly good airplane for the Rocky Mountain regions because its not pressurized.  So flying it out west is a challenge if you have passenger on board.  If possible, I set up a GPS route that goes around the higher mountains so I can stay below 10,000 feet.  The result is that you are flying down in the scenery.  Much more interesting.  Actually however, the Shorts is much better suited for the east coast and England where you can more easily stay below 10,000 feet.  The Carenado version looks good and works pretty good, but has a few problems.  Also, I went into the config file and uprated the engines to the advanced version so now its a bit faster.  If there were a MSFS version I would get it when I finally go into MSFS.  I think I will send an Email to Carenado to get on it.  Imagine flying the Shorts through some nice MSFS Rocky Mountains where you can look up at the mountain tops as you fly along.  Did I mention the Shorts cockpit has cup holders?

  3. The vegetation changes colors with the seasons in TE, Orbx regions, and P3D native regions.  It looks pretty good, in my opinion in all three except in winter in TE regions when the trees are white but the ground does not change colors.


    One of the things I do to improve the appearance in all three is change the display hue a bit to the green in spring and summer and a bit to brown in fall and winter.

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  4. Actually, TE does an OK job of simulated spring, summer, and fall because the vegetation, trees and so forth, change colors.  You can see that in some of the images I have posted.  What TE doesn't display is winter ground textures in other words, snow and ice.  However, if you have the Orbx regions you can get all the seasons including areas where there is native P3D scenery.  So if I want snow and ice I can fly in the regions or native P3D areas.  I have not invested in MSFS yet so I don't know how it handles seasons.

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  5. This is a flight from Edmonton to Kelowana crossing the northern Rockies  at 16,500 feet in the CT210.  This image reminds me of a joke I used to tell my friends out at the flying club.  "Of all the planets I've ever visited, Earth is my favorite."


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    • Haha 3
  6. One of the things I used to do when there was a natural catastrophe like an earthquake in Haiti is fly in to the location in a DC-3 or some other transport, heavily loaded, and when I landed I would make a contribution to the Red Cross.  For effect I sometimes would cut autogen back to near zero.  I had gotten away from that, but this is a good opportunity to do that sort of thing again for Haiti.   

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  7. This is a flight from Portland, Oregon to Walla Walla, Washington if I remember correctly.  I have enjoyed flying the Carenado S360.  There is not much you have to do to set up a flight.  Its not pressurized so you have to stay down where you can see the scenery.  So far the only failure is from over taxing the engines wasn't doesn't  end well.



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