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Posts posted by Bullfox

  1. No, that's not it.  Judging by what I read it seems like every time the fix something, they break something else.  Somebody made the comment that it s public beta testing.  


    If Orbx comes out with a new airport, I don't have to buy it if I don't want it.  But its my understanding that with MSFS if they add a new airport or some feature I don't use I still have to do a mandatory update or I wont be able to run the program.  Is that correct?

  2. Left Portland on Ry 28R then on climbing out had to do about a 180 to head off to Yakama



    That's Mt. St Helens in the background.  the B120 looks good, flies good, and integrates well with the GTN 750. The things you need to work, work.



    ILS approach into Ry 27 Yakama, KYKM.  The approach was very smooth.  



    Flight time from Portland about 30 minutes.  Made a pretty good landing.


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  3. Here is an ILS approach with the Carenado EMB 120 into KMFR Ry 14, Medford, Oregon.  The approach is between the two table rock mountains just below the right wing.  When you get between the table rocks it gets real bumpy.   



    Good view of the leftward table rock mountain with the runway in the distance.  Just above in the distance is Roxy Ann mountain, an extinct volcano that last erupted several million years ago.   



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  4. Here we are most of the way along on a flight from Auckland, NZ to Gisborne, NZ.  Some bad weather ahead as it turned out. 



    Shortly after this we were in a nasty rain squall.  Turned on the windshield wipers and all the anti ice equipment.Squales-Ahead.jpg

    The weather cleared and we made another good,  but not quite great, approach  We were going into runway 32.



    And here we are safe and dry at NZGS.  Nice airport with both paved and grass runways.  Ry 32 is longest runway at 4314 feet.  Elevation 20 feet.


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    On approach to NZWR, Whangarei, NZ.   Close observers will note flaps and gear down and a lot of down elevator.  Like some high wing airplanes the Shed tends to balloon a bit with flaps down.  I am almost always too high.



    Shutdown.  Nice little airport.  Runway 24 is 3595 feet long. Definitely needed the thrust reversers as we floated a bit on landing.   I will never like the stupid traffic cones.


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  6. The thing I found most surprising about Australia is how big it is.  Until I started flying around down there I though it was a most about a thousand miles from east to west and only a couple of hundred miles to New Zeeland.  I will add that the Australian scenery seems to be the best done of any Orbx scenery.

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  7. Since New Zeeland is on sale I bought it and decided to fly over there in the S360.  Unfortunately, its over 1300 miles from Brisbane to Auckland, too far for the Shed.  Fortunately, Norfolk Island is only 789 miles east of Brisbane where we started this flight so we are going to stop and refuel at the Norfolk Island airport before continuing on.     

    Here we are on approach to YSNF with a bit inelegant shot of the S360.  The runway is just to the right of the right engine.



    I made a fairly decent approach.  As you can see I remembered to lower the landing gear.



    And here we are at YSNF.  I had about another hour of fuel so the total effective range of the S360, due to the changes I made to the config file, is about 900 miles at about 180 knots indicated.   The flight took less than four hours.  We had a pretty good tail wind.  Actually, not a bad looking airplane.


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