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Posts posted by Bullfox

  1. I'll get around to it in a bit.  I'm already transitioning to my outdoor hobbies.  In Southern Oregon need to get started on that before the smoke limits what can be done outdoors.  Then more flight simming for a while before the smoke clears, then back outdoors until the weather gets too cold again.

  2. Nice shots and one of my favorite airplanes.  I have it in P3d but I think Carenado did a better job on the Skymaster in MSFS.  My older brother, now in his 90s and retired Air Force, flew the Skymaster military version in Viet Nam as a forward observer.   Before that he flew B-26s, B47s, and C119s.  His main comment about the Skymaster was that all the buttons and switches were really tiny.  In the P3D version some of the knobs are too big.

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  3. I have Digital Design GCTS purchased through Orbx Direct.  Its pretty nice except that at the far end of runway 25 a small bit of what is probably the P3D5.3 default runway is peaking through causing a bit of an elevation problem.  I do not do facebook have been unable to find a website for them so maybe you guys can look into this.  

  4. F373NG has some excellent suggestions.  I am going to suggest that you consider a new video card.  I went from an 8 gb card to a 16 gb card.  I have no more vram problems.  The new card was expensive but I sold the old card on EBay for twice what I paid for it two years ago.  Perhaps a lot of simmers hold off on video card upgrades because new cards are so expensive now.  Used cards are significantly up in price also.  It might be worth looking into what you can get for your old card.  In my case selling the old card took care of about 75% of the cost of the new card. 


    The other thing is that P3D does a pretty good job of balancing the work load between the CPU to the GPU.  So with an upgraded card you can eliminate the vram problem while running at higher better looking settings.

  5. Great Shots!  The Kokoda Track campaign came about as a result of the Battle of the Coral Sea in May of 1942.  At Coral Sea a Japanese invasion fleet attempting to take Port Moresby by sea was repulsed in the first carrier to carrier battle in history.  As a result of the battle two Japanese fleet carriers, Zuikaku and Shokaku, were damaged and depleted, and  unable to participate in the Battle of Midway a month later.  The American carrier Yorktown was also damaged but was able to limp back to Hawaii and be patched together enough to take part in Midway.  Because of the Battle of the Coral Sea the odds were significantly evened for the Battle of Midway.  At Midway 4 Japanese carriers were sunk and the Americans lost Yorktown. After Midway the Kokoda Track campaign was the Japanese attempt to regain the imitative and take Port Moresby by land.  The Australians and the jungle fought the Japanese to a standstill.  The Kokoda Track Campaign and the Guadalcanal Campaign were the end of the beginning for the Japanese after which they were in retreat across the Pacific.

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