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Posts posted by Bullfox

  1. The black front of the terminal has returned.  I again verified files in the Orbx Libraries and Oregon True Earth but this time it did not solve the problem.  The front and the north end of the building are black.  The back and south side are the same old FSX default terminal building.  I also tried installing Orbx Northern California  but that just made some of the new parts from P3D5.3 black also, so I uninstalled Northern California and that restored the building to the black front.  


    AS far as I can tell the relevant BGL file is titled Rogue Valley and not KMFR.  When I changed it to an .OFF file the terminal building had all the white additions fromP3D5.3 and none of the black parts and not the old FSX terminal building, but it also destroyed much of the other buildings at the airport and created odd holes in the apron.  At this point I have no other ideas.  

  2. I take it as a 25% improvement (60 divided by 48 = 1.25) which is about in line with what you get Ray.  It is an amazing improvement.  However, my settings in P3D5.3 are close to but not exactly the same as they were in 5.2, and I am having a problem with occasional  minor stuttering that I am still trying to iron out.,


  3. On the left is KMFR.  On the far right is Roxy Ann, an extinct volcano with an excellent winery on its slopes.  Just to the left of Roxy Ann and off in the distance in Mt. McLaughlin, another old volcano.  The date in the sim is 10-31-21 which displays the fall colors from Orbx TerraFlora.  This shot is with Enhanced Atmospherics enabled.  Flight sim has come a long way.


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  4. here's what it looks like after verifying files in Orbx Libraries and Oregon True Earth.  Its probably as good as we are going to get for now.  The front of the main terminal is the old FSX building.  The white extensions at each end were not there in 5.2.  I'm guessing in real life the terminal was expanded at some time so this sort of makes it look like that.  Not too bad.  This end still displays some black patches, the other end is filed in correctly.  Its really too bad Orbx never did KMFR.  It has some interesting features and approaches.



  5. Below is a screen shot of the main terminal building at KMFR Medford after installing P3D5.3.  Is there a way to fix this?  I have True Earth Oregon installed and Open LC North America.  In P3D5.2 this building was an old generic FSX terminal that looked awful.



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