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Doug Sawatzky

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Everything posted by Doug Sawatzky

  1. If you open the products folder in the community folder do you see the two separate folders then? If so, it should be installed already? I haven't had a chance yet too go fly there and check the in sim view. We can also ask @Ed Correia
  2. Hi Juergen I meant for you to select each Orbx item in the scenery library individually and delete them one at a time until they are all gone before you select OK, that way the rest of the scenery.cfg would remain intact. But we can most certainly use the scenery.cfg that you posted last, it looks good and so far free of any Orbx. The next step would be to run the repair function for P3Dv5 by clicking on the Setup exe from the main P3D download pictured below. Then run and test the simulator without any Orbx but using the last scenery.cfg file you posted above. Then if all seems well, close the sim. Then open Orbx Central and install Orbx Objectflow. Let it install to your existing library of G:\Orbx LIBRARY\p3dv5. Select it if it gives you a choose. Then go to settings\Insertion Point and select your EDVK Kassal as the lowest non Orbx 3rd party entry using the image below as a guide. Then go to settings\help and run the sync simulator function, and wait for the green success banner. Then close Orbx Central and fire up the simulator and enable the huge list of Orbx add-ons.
  3. Hi Not sure what the autogen issue looked like, but below is what KSJC looks like in P3Dv5.
  4. Hi, welcome to the forums If you open Orbx Central and select the SS3D Hong Kong City Times product, then click on the blue open user guide button, I believe you will find the instructions there.
  5. Thanks Juergen Your scenery install is in extreme disarray and I believe your troubles are not limited to Orbx Objectflow, although I can not find any reference to it in your attached files. I suspect a large portion of the problem is your use of the Lorby tool, not that there is anything wrong with the tool, but more so maybe how it is being used. I do not use it so I can not advise on it's use. All of your Orbx items seem to be installed to an external library, but yet somehow have been manually edited to your scenery.cfg (internal library)file instead of automatically added to your add-ons.cfg (external library)which is empty, this is a completely incorrect method of install and it is not possible for Orbx Central to do this. The first step to a possible repair would be to fire up the simulator, open up the scenery library and delete all of the Orbx items (this will not delete the products from the folder, it will only prevent P3D from seeing them temporarily). Please do not touch the Lorby tool while we are trying to help you with this. Do not open Orbx Central at this time. Then, restart the simulator and let it rebuild the scenery.cfg file. Then shut down the simulator and repost a copy of the three above files please.
  6. Thanks What happens if you just uncheck/deactivate the Vector entries in your scenery library or P3D addons menu?
  7. Hi Fabian Some screenshots with the coordinates from the Shift+Z keys might be helpful. I would also ask at Tropical Sim support, as its more likely someone there has both Vector and TIST installed together.
  8. Hi No, as stated above, you do not need to purchase them again.
  9. Hi Juergen Please post a copy of your “scenery.cfg” file and the “add-ons.cfg” and the “scenery_add-ons.xml” file found at C:\ProgramData\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v5. Please note: Do not open the files and copy and paste the contents, just attach the files.
  10. Hi, welcome to the forums You will need to submit a ticket using the below link. https://support.orbxdirect.com/hc/en-us/requests/new
  11. Hi I would submit I support ticket from the below link. https://support.orbxdirect.com/hc/en-us/requests/new
  12. Hi I am assuming this is based on X Plane11? So I will move to the X Plane11 support forum.
  13. Hi So you would need to install a 64bit version of W7?
  14. Hi Where is your temp folder location, is it in the default windows location, or have you moved it? And, how much free disk space is on the drive where the temp folder is located?
  15. Thanks Jan Please go to settings\downloader and clear the temp location. Then go to the location you designated for backups and delete the products folder. Then go to settings\help and run the sync simulator function. Then try reinstalling.
  16. Hi, welcome to the forums So sorry, but there is no other way to download, only with Orbx Central. I would be surprised if PrecipitFX itself is even 32bit compatible.
  17. Hi, welcome to the forums. Also, please ask the developer. A link to their support is on the product page on Orbx Direct and below. Developer This product has been produced by Gaya Simulations. For Gaya Simulations product support, please to go http://www.gaya-simulations.com View Gaya Simulations on OrbxDirect
  18. Hi Keith, you are very welcome. Yes, that should be fine, especially if that is where Orbx Central put them. Also, it should not matter due to the fact that the TE products are based on photo imagery and will always override the land class based regions. Mine are installed to an external library and will show in a different location than yours when viewing the scenery library.
  19. Hi, welcome to the forums Would anything on the Orbx Central Auto Updates page work for you? Orbx Central will always notify you when an update is available.
  20. Hi Please submit a ticket using the below link. https://support.orbxdirect.com/hc/en-us/requests/new
  21. Hi Don I see that is does state, "For all discussion regarding virtual reality (VR)" under the main title.
  22. Hi Don You also may like to post in the VR sub forum I linked below. https://forum.orbxdirect.com/forum/202-oculus-rift-and-vr-headsets-discussion/
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