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Posts posted by Stillwater

  1. 3 hours ago, BrianV said:

    How about another challenge? I admit, I covered up the sign in black as this would likely give it away :)

    Looking interesting Brian... but: Stop, stop, mate, we first have to solve the riddle from @wolfko !


    5 hours ago, boetie said:

    Are those the wharf cranes at Brisbane?



    In case Wolfgang confirms your victory, you´d need to be preapred, Graeme... :rolleyes:

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  2. 3 hours ago, boetie said:

    normally a busy runway in the first week of March

    That really sounds like Avalon, so...

    9 minutes ago, bvdboomen said:

    Yours is Avalon BTW.

    Ben is right again!


    On 5/26/2020 at 8:29 AM, bvdboomen said:


    Ahm ok, let's see... Yes, this one:


    Unfortunately the quest from Ben is still unsolved...

    May I just throw ESSA Arlanda in the discussion?

  3. 3 minutes ago, bvdboomen said:

    2020-05-25 08:09 AM CET: ‭232‬ votes. That's not a number which will move Orbx. :rolleyes:

    I am sure the number will grow, Ben: We all see how much OLC Africa improves a continent totally neglected by Microsofts developers, and now many of us spend time discovering it. The day will come when more customers long to see the same level of improvement in the last remaining flight sim frontier on their own computers...

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  4. 4 hours ago, John Heaton said:

    You are correct of course - the tiny clue was to zoom in on the blue sign over the

    Royal Victoria Flying Club Office - my Alma Marta  - for my PPL 50 years ago 

    I could not zoom in that much to read the tiny hint, but the tower was significant enough. Though Gold Coast is quite comparable...

    Here is my next one. With a big hint on it - you can´t alwys hide them when taxiiang along.


  5. 25 minutes ago, dave302 said:

    I think we could get away with simply making LC for Siberia, as the textures for Northern Canada would likely suffice.

    Then Orbx could make openLC with special textures for the Far East and Middle East.


    That sounds like a plan, Dave. A good plan, in my eyes...

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