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Posts posted by Stillwater

  1. Surely the Kokoda bushstrips are on the top of the list, for me in a Twin Otter. For Jack it might be the 747.


    But I would not forget tricky places with mountains or offsets like Narvik (Dash 8), Innsbruck (A320), Queenstown (A320), Telluride (Hawker XP 850) or Juneau (with any plane using the ILS). And all these helipads coming along as bonus with the airorts, like the Palm Springs Tramway or all these hospitals.

    • Like 3
  2. 3 hours ago, Eugene Krikunov said:

    Work on OLC_Asia is carried out daily and non-stop. In OLC_Asia_part1, due to the difficult mountainous terrain, there were some problems with the slopes, in order to solve them, we had to look for workarounds to solve these problems. Naturally, it took some time. Yesterday's quick tests showed good results, which I am pleased with.


    I also want to say that work on OLC_Asia_part2 started long ago and good progress has been made.


    OLC_Asia_part3 - while at the stage of creating unique textures and AGNs for this area.

    Hi Eugene, you made my day, not to say my week with this progress report.

    Great shots of Sri Lanka, the Karnataka region, Bangladesh, the western Himalaya, the Kazachstan plains, even Siberia and the far east Kamchatka. It will be a pleasure to fly there!

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  3. On 9/14/2021 at 8:58 AM, Iain Emms said:

    Great shots.



    Thank you Iain!


    On 9/14/2021 at 3:05 PM, lifejogger said:

    Nice flight,  enjoyed the shots.

    Thanks a lot, John.


    On 9/14/2021 at 6:47 PM, Sniper31 said:

    Love this latest addition to your virtual travels Gerold :) Don't see much sim flying in this region, and I enjoyed the choice of aircraft. 



    My pleasure, Landon. Indeed, we rarely see the Caribbean here, not to mention Cuba. But we have to pay tribute to the OpenLC makers and all their efforts - and it is well worth to do so. Some more Art Deco houses and street cruisers and the immersion would be close to our real expectations.

    OK, sth different in my destination of today, but we wouldn´t expect precision in a sim there, would we?


    On 9/14/2021 at 7:51 PM, John Mac said:

    Always enjoy shots of your trips Gerold!

    Thank you,

    Thank you John.


    On 9/14/2021 at 8:31 PM, BradB said:

    Fine set of shots Gerold .

    Thanks a lot, John!


    On 9/15/2021 at 8:00 AM, wain71 said:

    great shots there Gerold...

    You are welcome, Wayne.


    On 9/16/2021 at 3:55 AM, adambar said:

    Terrific set of shots Gerold.:)

    My pleasure, Adam!

  4. 7 hours ago, Aussie123 said:

    Another month and no news from Orbx. :(


    I specifically log in each morning to scroll down and check the forum.

    Doing a forum search, I think it is over three months since a Developer or Orbx have commented.



    Just this morning I was thinking the same thing: We haven´t heard any news this quarter on the completion of OLC. A little sign of life would be nice...

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  5. Climbing out over Cayman Island I still wonder about these un-tropical trees, ...


    ... while the sea looks as expected.


    It is just a short hop up to Cuba, where we make landfall near Manzanillo at the Golfo de Guacanayabo.


    The Sierra Maestra at the southern coast looks great!


    Santiago de Cuba is the biggest city around, ...


    ... but I could not find out what these platforms are used for.


    A close look at the Gran Piedra mountains - maybe a too close look...


    ... but shortly after we pass Guantanamo Bay NAS.


    Downwind over the bay...


    ... and back into the airport, which is big enough to change to a plane of any size.


    • Like 4
  6. On 9/10/2021 at 9:46 PM, mikee said:

    Great set of shots Gerold :)

    Thank you Mikee!


    On 9/11/2021 at 12:30 PM, bernd1151 said:

    Nice flight, Gerold. Pity for the weather though. That area can be so beautiful to fly over.

    Danke Bernd! I think I just ran into some tropical thunderstorms, means I did not see much of the tropical landscapes. Tropical, at least...!

  7. 1 hour ago, Rob Abernathy said:

    Another Orbx title in the PNW


    54 minutes ago, wain71 said:

    Sorry if I am doing this wrong, but here are a few, this should show you which part of the world we are in to narrow the search down, both are Partner airports...



    I would say: Let us guess them both - it is always worth to compare our Orbx airports with the real ones.

    Though I have no real ideas on these...

    • Like 1
  8. 23 hours ago, Iain Emms said:

    Fine set of shots.



    Thank you Iain!


    23 hours ago, wain71 said:

    nice shots Gerold, shame about the weather...

    Quite the challenge, as the intended destination has no ILS.


    7 hours ago, JohnnyJohnJohn said:

    Wonderful set of shots Gerold

    Thank you JJJ!


    17 hours ago, boetie said:

    A great set Gerold. I trust the "Authorities" havn't caught up with you!!? 


    Graeme :)

    Thanks Graeme. All is fine, there was no reason to have a thorough interview with me.

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