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Posts posted by Stillwater

  1. 13 hours ago, BradB said:

    Looks like a refund in your future Gerold , nice shots . B):D

    Thank you John. A little refund sounds like a nice surprise, be it sufficient for a beer or a graphics card?


    12 hours ago, lifejogger said:

    Nice flight and excellent shots.  The trees do no look very tropical.

    Thanks John. Trees and weather! Such a thunderstorm is not a pleasure, good luch this is a sim...


    9 hours ago, Sniper31 said:

    Looks like a nice flight, weather notwithstanding ^_^ Have to ask though, on the run from something ? :D 

    Thanks a lot, Landon. No, just on the move to the carribean sunshine. Well, I did not find it yet, obviously.


    9 hours ago, adambar said:

    Seems like something a little underhanded going on to me Gerold that you mention tax havens. :D

    Nice shots. :) 

    No worries Adam. I think most of us little simmers pay their taxes with strict discipline.


    6 hours ago, TerribleT said:

    Maybe Gerold has paid too much tax :o but you never cease to amaze me with the way you make these tube liner journeys so interesting :D

    Thank you for the compliment TT. The flight itself was quite cloudy with little to see outside. But I hope I have shared the thrilling final...

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  2. Todays flight takes us from one tax avoiders paradise, Panama, to another one, Cayman Islands. Out of MPDA...


    ... climbing out with a view to Panama´s highest mountain in the background, the Volcan Baru.


    Leaving the land and getting over the caribbean sea.


    The weather is not revealing much of the scenery ahead, ...


    ... and the radar of the approach does not look inviting either.


    At least one can see a bit of a Cayman island´s coast...


    ... and around 500 ft AGL we finally see the runway of MWCB.


    Done. With just one question open: Are these realistic trees for a caribbean island?


    • Like 5
  3. Not too long ago, the family of my mother had to escape from then-russian Poland to East, and further on to West Germany. A part of our history that so many seem to forget.


    But I can´t name any "foreigner", as I have met people originating from a number of countries that just were as normal as me - I do not remember them as foreigners. Be they from Senegal, Greece, Spain, India, Australia, England, Scotland, Turkey, Croatia, Czech or whereever.

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  4. 3 hours ago, Sniper31 said:

    Sure Gerold, you can call me that if you like....plus, I am both a Star Trek and Star Wars fan, so it works there too. And yes, soon, very soon, ski season will be upon us here in Colorado and I shall be enjoying the winter mountains! Can't wait!

    Live long and prosper. ;)

    • Like 3
  5. 15 hours ago, carlosqr said:

    Then your last spot was Golfito Airport

    I have always thought this would be a great Orbx addon

    That was exactly what I though when I flew over it: What a great location for an airport in Orbx quality.

    Now add some nature flow (as described above), and some PNG-like bushstrips...

    @Ken Hall, please chime in and fire up your scenery workshop ;)!

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  6. 15 hours ago, carlosqr said:

    The Osa peninsula is a national park all of it, Corcovado National park

    Yet virgin jungle, one of the most biodiverse places on Earth

    Several luxurious ecolodges are based here, unaffordable for locals

    Amazing location and lodge. There is still room for dreams!

    • Like 2
  7. 15 hours ago, carlosqr said:

    Then you finally cross over Golfo Dulce, full of dolphines and of whales when it is whales season. They come to the Gulf with the baby whales

    It is amazing to kayak in the Gulf

    The gulf already looked interesting on the map, but your pictures show that this is true. And kajaking there appears to be outstanding!

    • Like 2
  8. 15 hours ago, carlosqr said:

    Quepos, Damas and Manuel Antonio

    This is the top destination for the central Pacific, being Manuel Antonio the most visited park

    Main trouble here are the thives,monkeys and racoons

    I should have gone lower in this area to see more details. But your RL shots look great!

    • Like 2
  9. 15 hours ago, carlosqr said:

    Puntarenas used to be the most famous port/beach destination for ticos (costaricans) I like to spot it from air

    Currently it is one of our most important ports

    Puntarenas is well known, but it looks much better with the details in real life - that´s p3d... :-[

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