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Nick Cooper

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Posts posted by Nick Cooper

  1. Hello,

    before reporting a problem with an Orbx Central purchase for Microsoft Flight Simulator,

    please do this first, in order to rule out other common causes of problems.


    Microsoft Store Edition

    1. In the game, delete any rolling cache.


    2. Delete the simulator .dat files



    If the problem persists, take this extra step.

    3. Do not add anything other than the problem product(s) to the Community folder before running MSFS again.


    Steam Edition

    1. In the game, delete any rolling cache.


    2. Delete the simulator .dat files

    (AppData\Roaming\Microsoft Flight Simulator\SceneryIndexes\*.dat) 


    If the problem persists, take this extra step.

    3. Do not add anything other than the problem product(s) to the Community folder before running MSFS again.

    Note: the quickest way to do this is to rename your Community folder to CommunityX.
    Create a new Community folder in the same location and move only the one product into it.



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  2. On 7/22/2021 at 11:06 PM, bburkley said:


    Hi Carlos - Yes, I know this. However, we're talking about moving Libraries that we've already created, and manually configuring folders ourselves to interact with MSFS Addons Linker. You can create new libraries and install your sceneries all over again within Central and it will create the "msfs" folder for you. However, to avoid the pain of reinstalling all of your Orbx add-ons, you can create new libraries within Central but you must move the addons from your existing library into the new libraries without forgetting to add back the additional "msfs" folder in order for Central to re-recognize all of your add-ons. That's what I was trying to clarify here.




    al you need to do is move the entire msfs folder into the new location.

    The whole purpose of being able to move Orbx Central Libraries is to avoid the need to download anything again.

    Orbx Central does not look for individual scenery items, it looks only inside its own folders.

    These are: p3dv4, p3dv5, xp11 and msfs.

    Anything that has been moved outside those folders will not be seen.


    It should be understood that Orbx Central makes its own file structure and if the customer decides to modify this

    to suit another scenery manager, Orbx Central will no longer work.


    • Thanks 1
  3. Hello,

    this brief guide applies only to the Microsoft Store version.


    1. If you intend to make a clean installation of your operating system, or you intend to install MSFS onto a new PC, this may help.


    2. This guide assumes that the MSFS content has been installed on a drive other than the C drive, which will be wiped by a clean installation of Windows, or that you have transferred the drive (other than the C drive) containing the installation of MSFS into your new PC.


    3.  Log in to the Xbox app, then assuming that you have logged on to your Microsoft account and if you have a new PC, that the PC is registered to that account, open the Microsoft Store. Both of these apps will have been installed by Windows 10.


    4. Go to "My Library", select your version of MSFS and click on install. The game files will be downloaded, around 1.75GB at present.

    MSFS will then start and in the same way that it carries out updates, it will invite you to download the content.


    5. At this point, use the "browse" tab to navigate to the folder where your existing installation is and click on OK.


    6. MSFS will display the "checking for updates" message but in fact, it is checking the integrity of the existing installation.


    7. If the existing installation is in order, nothing further will be downloaded and MSFS will start and run.

    The whole process, once the game files are downloaded, should take little more than two minutes.



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  4. Hello,

    you seem to have a problem with the airport elevation in the screen shot that you have provided.

    Please be sure that you have not added either software that amends airport data or adds AI aircraft.

    Then make sure that you have only one airport version active and that your scenery library order is correct.

  5. Hello,

    in the same way as all other online retailers of other developers' products,

    Orbx are unable to offer support except in cases where the problem relates

    to the installation process.

    This is not for any of the reasons that you are hinting at, it is because  Orbx

    do not have access to the files, nor do we have the right to publish modifications

    to other developers' products.

    Gaya appear to have acknowledged that there is a problem, that they are working

    on a solution and that it will be published when achieved.

    We can do no more than ask them to expedite that, in the same way as their customers already have.

    I have sent an e mail to the developer on your behalf.



  6. Hello Rob,

    I have no more insight into this than you do and it is also clear from the world update

    releases that Orbx and indeed all other developers do not have a preview of what is

    going to be released.


    My own working theory is this:

    1. There are several working copies of MSFS, in the hands of various developers.

    2. There is no master copy that they all contribute to.

    3. Each time an update is released, it is released by a different developer and

    that developer may or may not have added all the updates and fixes that their

    fellow developers have produced.


    This would explain the otherwise inexplicable implementation and subsequent reversals

    followed by a re-implementation of fixes that has been a feature of this simulator since its release.


    I may be right or wrong but my view is based on what I have seen happen so far.


    Here is a trivial change, introduce by the latest update (not today's), which tends to support my theory.

    For the record, until then all the non-functional switches had the tool tip "Inop".




    I note that this evening, there is an MSFS "hotfix"


    By the way this is not a "stance that Orbx is taking", it is however applicable to this product.




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