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Nick Cooper

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Posts posted by Nick Cooper

  1. Quote

    (Expecting something about SU5 being the reason for delay…)



    what follows has nothing to do with the DME.


    For years FSX remained a static entity which enabled developers

    to both produce work that they knew would function indefinitely and also to 

    stretch the original capabilities of FSX, in the knowledge that there was a

    stable and unchanging base to work from.


    The first two versions of P3D were not much more than a renamed FSX but

    P3D v3 caused all kinds of problems with Orbx and other developers' products

    that had worked in some cases for many years. This meant that the products

    had to be adapted to ensure that they continued to work.


    Then P3D v4 introduced further changes and with P3D v5 came a complete

    overhaul of the default airports, causing more anomalies, in particular with those

    that were not previously in the default simulator or whose ICAO codes had been changed.


    All these changes took place in the 15 year period from 2006 to the present day.


    Now we have a new simulator that in just under 12 months has had five major updates

    and more small hotfixes, as well as unannounced on-the-fly changes.


    It is fine to feel free to make remarks about SU5 but please consider the new environment

    that all developers are working in, where what works this month may well not work next month

    and where everyone is new to the game, including the developers of the simulator itself.

    • Upvote 2
  2. Hello,

    Microsoft Flight Simulator is apparently working for millions of customers, or so we can read.

    Unfortunately, there are so many variations in PC hardware, PC configuration and other PC

    installed software, that it is inevitable that some MSFS customers will have problems.


    For example, a friend of mine has something called "Sonic Studio" installed which apparently

    comes with Asus motherboards. With it installed, MSFS refused to start, the Event Viewer citing

    an audio dll as the cause. Once Sonic Studio was uninstalled, all returned to normal.


    In this case, it seems that the cause is also a dll but Joe has not told us which one.

    It might still be helpful if the dll could be named.


    Users with problems all tend to be attracted towards forums and so the overall picture can be

    skewed if only reading forms where these are reported. Once the user has reached the forum,

    the correct advice has been given and yet the problem does not go away, there is only the recipient's

    word  that the advice was followed correctly

    This is not to suggest anything more than that some are better at applying exact advice correctly than

    others and of course there are varying levels of computer skills.


    The perfect illustration of this is the wide variance of reported MSFS customer experience, which varies

    between the seamless installation and subsequent performance and the complete inability to install in the first place.



    • Like 3
  3. Hello,

    the first thing to do would be to try this:


    1. Delete any rolling cache.

    2. Delete the Content.xml file.


    3. Delete the simulator .dat files


    4. Do not add anything to the Community folder



    • Like 3
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  4. Hello,

    welcome to the forums.

    I am not able to replicate this.

    Please try this:


    1. Delete any rolling cache.

    2. Delete the Content.xml file.


    3. Delete the simulator .dat files


    4. Do not add anything else to the Community folder


    If you see problems after doing that, please attach a screen shot of htem.


  5. Hello,

    support tickets are now the preferred method of seeking product support but questions asked in the

    forum will still be answered.


    While we do offer support in the forums, we would ask that customers do not copy and paste support

    requests to and from the forums and support tickets.

    It just doubles the workload of the support staff.


    Please choose one medium or the other and stick to that.

    Many thanks.


    Support ticket link

    • Upvote 3
  6. Hello,

    I am seeing this:



    and this in default MSFS with all world updates installed.





    <Package name="microsoft-nordic-point-of-interest" active="true"/>
        <Package name="microsoft-france-benelux-point-of-interest" active="true"/>
        <Package name="microsoft-uk-point-of-interest" active="true"/>
        <Package name="microsoft-japan-point-of-interest" active="true"/>
        <Package name="microsoft-usa-point-of-interest" active="true"/>


    Could the extra golf balls be a third party addon?

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