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Total failure trying to install KPSP


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I am am absolutely nowhere trying to get KSPS running. I've never had a problem running my (few) other Orbx products (Northern California, The Olympic Peninsula demo, the Lancair) So today I decided to move up, buying The palm springs airport and FTX global base. After running the complete installation programs for them *twice*, here's where I am.


 As far as I can tell, all the graphics and objects at the airport are what I had before with just the FSX default scenery and Megascenery X socal. Maybe some textures are different (or maybe not) but the airport buildings are just the generic FSX terminal and hangars, there's certainly none of the lovely site-specific stuff in your screen shots. Also, flying over the town, I see a certain number of FSX generic autogen houses plus a lot of swimming pools, but again, nothing that looks like your sales shots or the real Palm Springs.


I don't know enough about how FSX works under the hood to start giving you lists of what files are where, but if you can tell me where to look, with **complete** file paths, I'll look them up.  (Browsing this forum, it seems that half the discussion is being conducted in shorthand among people who are VERY familiar with FSX and Orbx file structures and the like. I may get there in a few months if this keeps up, but right now I need a little more hand-holding than that.  I'm a retired pilot with thousands of RW hours, but a relative beginner at FSX add-ons)


Two hints that may or may not be helpful:


1. About 10 blocks south and east of the airport, there's a big elevation discontinuity running across the town of Palm springs.   It looks like about a 40 foot cliff with houses and streets dripping over the edge like a Dali painting. It wasn't there before this whole installation fiasco.


2. Flying low across the town, blocks of scenery keep popping into and out of existence almost like a rolling shadow around the aircraft.  I've seen very small amounts of this occasionally in FSX, but never on this scale.  That suggests some possible experiments turning off the photo scenery, which I'll try after I sign off on this.




Bob Spofford

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G'day Bob,


Sorry that you've got problems with KPSP - I hope that we can get it sorted out for you quickly. The first place to start (that will help troubleshoot the problem at my end) is if you could please take a couple of screenshots of what you see - maybe a couple from the airport, and one or two "overview" shots showing the nearby downtown etc. Likewise, if you could include a shot of the 40-ft cliff that'd be great too. If you haven't taken screenshots before, it's not too difficult - we've posted some step-by-step instructions on how to do so here




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Problem solved.


It turns out I had the answer right there in the last sentence of my question. It was a conflict with the Photo-scenery that had been installed for a while - Megascenery X Southern California, which covers the whole area from the coast to Palm Springs and beyond. As soon as I disabled that, Palm Springs popped up nice as can be.  And I must say it's a spectacular piece of work - both the airport and the surrounding city.  By far the best single piece of Sim scenery I've seen yet.


I'm guessing that most Orbx scenery conflicts with Photo scenery - this is the first time i've had them both overlapping on a single piece of ground.  It might be worth mentioning this as at least a possible source of trouble in the documentation. Giving up photo to get Orbx quality is certainly no great loss.


Thanks for the quick offer of help.  Glad i didn't need it.

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Spoffo. Have you tried placing the airport above your Socal scenery in the scenery library. I have had no problems with photoscenery and addon airports. I do not have an addon airport in my Socal but I do in Megascenery Hawaii, many in GenX. Just a thought. I may well be wrong because any orbx addon airport of mine is for orbx regions, but just give it a try. Try KSPS immediately above your Socal entry in the scenery library. If you have already done that then I guess you are right, and it may prevent me from buying KSPS myself if it does not work with Soacl, so I am interested in your trial.

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I installed MSE So Cal below the Orbx entries this morning and took several circuits back and forth over Palm Springs and saw no anomalies whatsoever.  I think the key is having Orbx KPSP above your photo scenery and everything should be ok.

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Thanks, you guys were right, with MSE SoCal below all the Orbx products, Palm Springs looks great. Just to be sure, I then moved SoCal (activated) back above Orbx and, sure enough, we were whisked back to default Microsoft land.


Orbx should definitely put a mention of this in their documentation, and save scenery newbies like me a LOT of frustration.

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Glad it worked out Spoffo ! Just remember as a rule of thumb that the scenery library entries are pretty much real to life in that you layer things as in the real world from top to bottom....Sky, buildings,  land, mesh. So an addon airport (buildings) will go above a ground scenery (Socal and other photo scenery) and the ground will be above any mesh addon you have. Simples !!

Have fun.

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