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Dashitis - The Cure Rocks


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Well found a way of ditching the Dash 8 for today anyway. Will be back in it tomorrow for some longer flights.

Been thinking about Monument Valley all day at work so late in the evening I have purchased and installed it then gone for a quick flight before making some zzz's.

First impressions are what an amazing piece of scenery.

Three shots at different times of day with Sentinal Mesa as the backdrop.







More exploration tomorrow.

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Fantastic looking shots, look out for those rattlesnakes!

I think there would be a few nasties in the desert there.



That lighting and mood in the third one is especially nice!


And isn't it amazing that you got exactly the same angle (and clouds) at different times of the day? ;):D





Thanks Mallard, time stands still sometimes.



Really slow aircraft perhaps?

but very nice shots!

Thank you Jan. Flying slow to keep the fuel bill down.



Fab shots Martyn , #3 is my fav !! .





Thanks Brad.



Really nice shots.



Thank you Iain



Seems like this was an effective day. And thanks for providing visual evidence.

It was, now what do you suggest I think about this Friday to celebrate the week end?!



Great shots Martyn! The last one is my favourite!

Thanks Karsten.



A stunning set of captures, thanks for sharing.  I am sure that Dash was on your mind all day long :)

Cheers Sammy, it is never too far away.


Many thanks for your comments and interest. This really is a great bit of scenery.

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