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Do you really see much difference with FTX Global\Vector stuff?


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So I got a new flightstick for Christmas and have been fooling around with FSX. Obviously the old graphics are terrible so I decided to try the FTX Global Base and Vector packages. I have to say I am not impressed at all and don't see hardly any difference. Certainly nothing that wow'd me. I also decided to try Rex 4 and can't say I noticed much difference in how the clouds look or any difference at all for that matter. Are these add on's a bunch on nonsense or should I really see a major difference?? For how much money I spent I really hoped to be impressed but I am not.


Thanks for your feedback



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Once you  have provided the required details, perhaps a screen shot

of what you consider to be unchanged might help.

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I'm not impressed with OpenLC  concerning Denmark, but i also know that the ORBx company is doing all the best to

enhance the product/s. ORBx isn't a short- sighted SimCompany and,  All good things come to those who can wait ::)

So when Denmark is on the ORBx-Map i can skip the Danish Freeware..more or less. 8)  


Btw Apolyp. You could always try "The World's Most Realistic And Largest Collection of Photo-Scenery" ::)

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Welcome to the forum.


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advice at the REX support forum.


Once you  have provided the required details, perhaps a screen shot

of what you consider to be unchanged might help.


Ok, one of my order #'s is 340838. Unfortunately I don't have any good before and after photos to show you. One problem I did have and still have is seeing buildings that appear as black blocks or boxes. I read a suggestion to turn off the Preview DirectX 10 which I did and that fixed it. However I have no idea what version of Direct X it's using now or if that has anything to do with it. I also compared what I see in my game now to the brochure aeronauta above posted, specifically page 11. What I have looks pretty much the same, I have that little road at the bottom of the runway that appears in the Vector section but doesn't in the regular Global Base photo. You can check out these photos, I am not sure if they are of much help in determining anything. Once is with the FTX Global Base and the other is after I installed FTX Vector and Rex 4. Thanks for your help..




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So I got a new flightstick for Christmas and have been fooling around with FSX. Obviously the old graphics are terrible so I decided to try the FTX Global Base and Vector packages. I have to say I am not impressed at all and don't see hardly any difference. Certainly nothing that wow'd me. I also decided to try Rex 4 and can't say I noticed much difference in how the clouds look or any difference at all for that matter. Are these add on's a bunch on nonsense or should I really see a major difference?? For how much money I spent I really hoped to be impressed but I am not.


Thanks for your feedback


For Vector look at the country where you hail from or somewhere you know well. Tlhe coastlines (sea and lakes) and the rivers are much more precisely drawn than in default, the road and railroad networks are much more complete. It helps a lot to fly VFR and even for an IFR visual approach. It is easier to know where you are. Can be useful, right :) ?


For Global Base, beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, as they say. For me, the textures are sharper and closer to reality than default.


Now why you do not feel the "wow factor" ? The main reason is that the default land use asignation, outside of the OrbX regions, is really lousy, you find deserts where you should have towns or forests etc. It kills any suspension of disbelief in a lot of places. Neither Global nor Vector can do much about it. Outside Europe, this can be helped a little by getting yourself a third party landclass. I It is not a silver bullet as the quality of what is available  is  inconsistent but they are  better than default. The good news is that  OrbX is complementing Global (the textures) and Vector (the networks) by large regional landclass sets They already released one called (improperly  :) ! ) OpenLC EU which I find very convincing . We should get another one fo North America in 2015.

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For Vector look at the country where you hail from or somewhere you know well. Tlhe coastlines (sea and lakes) and the rivers are much more precisely drawn than in default, the road and railroad networks are much more complete. It helps a lot to fly VFR and even for an IFR visual approach. It is easier to know where you are. Can be useful, right :) ?


For Global Base, beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, as they say. For me, the textures are sharper and closer to reality than default.


Now why you do not feel the "wow factor" ? The main reason is that the default land use asignation, outside of the OrbX regions, is really lousy, you find deserts where you should have towns or forests etc. It kills any suspension of disbelief in a lot of places. Neither Global nor Vector can do much about it. Outside Europe, this can be helped a little by getting yourself a third party landclass. I It is not a silver bullet as the quality of what is available  is  inconsistent but they are  better than default. The good news is that  OrbX is complementing Global (the textures) and Vector (the networks) by large regional landclass sets They already released one called (improperly  :) ! ) OpenLC EU which I find very convincing . We should get another one fo North America in 2015.

Thank you for the info. I always fly using VFR and haven't tried IFR. I usually just select F10 and drag the planes dashboard to my other monitor and use the GPS and the gauge that tells me my altitude and speed on my main monitor. There is probably a better way than that but I am really a total newbie still. Below is a link I took this morning in an area I am familiar with, it looks ok I guess though the roads that go over the river are supposed to be huge bridges with towers etc. This is with DX9 to avoid black boxes that would otherwise appear. Is there anyway to force DX11?? Thank you..



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Try the FREE demo of Tasmania or PNW. Now come back to us after to see if with those you NOW SEE a difference.

You may be a fat region type a guy instead of a Global one.


It's a flight simulator... simulator - simulation.



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Even as a dedicated Photo Scenery and Full Fat Orbx Region flyer. I was blown away with the Global+vector+LC-EU trilogy. Even started flying  "default" regions now. Where as before I stayed within "scenery areas".

I  find the trilogy, as you put it, indeed very convincing for a non fat (lean ?  :))  region. The OP however flies in Maine, no OpenLC yet. When I fly a Vector+Global only area (I did a tour of Indonesia recently) I tend to end up buying an old FSX landclass set (they are cheap) to structure the landscape as I get soon enough tired to see fields or villages on top of volcanoes :) ! An imperfect interim solution to wait the new OrbX OpenLCs but better than the dreary default. You immediatly see much better what Global+Vector add to the scenery.

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To really get the best, you also need the terrain mesh layer.

It has made a huge difference to my PC.

Beware, you will need a lot of free space on your C drive before installing, at least 25 Gb

 Thanks, I was debating about that. I wasn't sure if I REALLY needed it or not..

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 Thanks, I was debating about that. I wasn't sure if I REALLY needed it or not..


The US default mesh is not bad but you can indeed get better. I am a big fan of a good mesh -  I've 100 gb of that stuff on my computer  - but you will mostly see the difference in very hilly or mountanous regions. Maine ? i aint sure :)

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