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FTX Global. Confused over what I get with each product


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It looks like FTX Global and Global Vector is what I have always been looking for.  I have a few questions befor I pull the trigger.


1.  I fly extensively in the South Pacific, an area that has always been underrepresented. Can anyone tell me If global vector covers the Pacific.  Obscure places like Kiribati, French Polynesia, The Marianas, Palau, Wake Island Rapa Nui, New Caledonia?  How does it cover them? can somone give me a screen shot of Rangiroa or Palau or the Isle of Pines, a Detailed area of Fiji near Nadi?  Does Global add any neat coral fringe reef textures? I'm assuming not. If these areas are not to my liking I will not likely buy. If they are to my liking I will buy.


2. The night lighting is acually built into FTX Global, not Global Vector is that correct?  But if I get Global Vector, then the night lighting will change accordingly. 


3. There is no landclass data on a wide scale built into either product? 


*Base landclass updated to enhance Asia etc.  "Asia etc." as a consumer doesn't tell me full area of coverage. I have burned by products in the past.  where the company says something vague on purpose.  For example, UTXEUR said Eastern Turkey. Lie!  It was just the european portion between Grecce and Istanbul!



What I'm having a hard time understanding is You have a LC product for Europe but not North America.  So what LC data is there for North America?  It goes off of default?  I currently have UTX USA, EUR and Mexico/Caribbean.  Those products include a landclass.  I find it hard to invest $140 in a product I essentially already have just to improve the pacific ocean islands.  But if this product also changes landclasses generally on a global basis then it's a good deal.


I have many Orbx products and they are all great, I just want to make sure, I get what I think I am getting, and the only way to do that is usually with screenshots.


My plan is to purchase both Global and Vectors.



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Yes I have,  it's why I'm confused.


That document says that all the product does is change the textures of the landclass tiles, however the product page says "*Base landclass updated to enhance Asia etc." but before and after shots look completely different. I assume this is the product of unlocking the hidden m tiles


To me since the dawn of FS2000 "landclass" refers to the placement of land class tiles.  


So for clarification sake,  neither global base or vectors does anything with the placement of landclass tiles, correct?


Also, I am still interested in a screen shot of Palau, Rangiroa and Guam from the south. I'd like to see the level of detail in the vectors.  

$140 is a lot to pay for 2 addons regardless of coverage considering I already have all the UTXs.

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The largely rhetorical nature of your posts somewhat precludes a written answer, however here are the three screenshots you requested

to help you make your decision.

They are not "official FTX" but merely what I see with both FTX Global and FTX Vector installed at the locations you specified.







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  • 3 months later...
  • 2 months later...

Wow this really sucks... What a rude person the OP to not even reply...

I just purchased a lot of products on the may sale (FTX Global and all existing regions).

I hesitated on Vector and missed to get it also on sale, so maybe next time or a couple of weeks later.

What made me doubt is not knowing what improvements I would see in areas I care about where there is no ORBX LC ( or even UTX either) which would be South America and the caribbean (there is little to no info on this around the net, I guess a minority of us care about these)

If any of you fine gents would be kind enough to upload a couple of screenshots I would definitely say thanks! (Unlike the OP :D )

Interested in whatever you can provide of:

Argentina (Buenos Aires, Iguazu Falls, Calafate Winter)

Brazil (Rio, Sao Paulo)

Caribbean (San Andres Island, Cuba, Cancun)

Thanks so much!

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If you use the forum search function for the Preview Screenshots sub-forum and search on "FTX Global" there a many screenshots from those areas you've mentioned. They would have been posted around August-December 2013.

Thanks John, I actually did search but for "South America", and found some interesting items but not those. I will search again woth your recommendations.

Edit: hmm.. Ok, so I went into the sub-forum and searched, but I get 3 pages of results and only one of the ones on my list (Rio). Just in case I searched again for "vector" (remember that's the one I had wanted to see how it changed the locations, not global which I have already purchased just now during the sale) but once again 3 pages and none of the locations. (And btw, didn't get any results older than 2014)

Have I become so dumb I can't even search properly??

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