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Escaping from the Brisbane siege...


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There is just too much trouble going around in Brisbane with the G20 meeting. Blocked streets, fully reserved bars - no. I take a plane to the north!











Hmm, some big and colourful holes in the ground. Maybe there are some long-term related things for the mates at the G20 to discuss...?



Touchdown in Rockhampton. For a quiet and relaxed evening!




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Great shots Gerold!

... and "global politics" - well that's a different, sad and weird story. If it weren't all that serious and if there wouldn't be that much at stake as in fact is, i'd be more than happy to keep that "kind of comedy" out of my life ...

Anyways and again saying Gerold:

These are great shots!

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Did he leave? I don´t care. All just tactics, just count the facts (if you get the infos).


I just love flying, especially if there is a reason for it.


I was just asking, because Wladimir left Brisbane earlier then the other 18 guys and Mutti, because he had to work today.

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A fantastic set of shots!




Thank you, mates!




I think you are in a better place than the G20 convention room  ::)  ::)  Nice Shots!!


Well, most places is better than a meeting room. A beach, for example...


Really great shots, great technique.

However you flew north, but the majority of escapees drove south to clog the Gold Coast.


Bad luck for you, it must have been crowded...


Fantastic shots from OZ !! .




Very nice shots Gerold and yes the centre of Brissy was like a ghost town


Honestly, Hanover was like that on Saturday, too (demonstrations from far right & far left)


Great shots Gerold!

... and "global politics" - well that's a different, sad and weird story. If it weren't all that serious and if there wouldn't be that much at stake as in fact is, i'd be more than happy to keep that "kind of comedy" out of my life ...

Anyways and again saying Gerold:

These are great shots!


I was just asking, because Wladimir left Brisbane earlier then the other 18 guys and Mutti, because he had to work today.


I just noticed that today. He is no barber...  O0 . And Mutti sleeps in the plane.

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