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The Better The Scenery The Worse The OOMS


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Hi All

As you can see by my signature I have an abundance of ORBX airports and regions. I also have a stack of Aerosoft and FlyTampa airports too. I was innocently happily flying mostly short hops in all the ORBX regions with no problems. On a longer flight from Aerosoft Thessaloniki in the PMDG777  I started getting OOMS. Now I have Process Explorer and FSUIPC in my tray telling me how much VAS I have left and it's scary. The moment I take off from say Squamish, even in an A2A Cessna, I appear to only have 2gig VAS to spare with my autogen and complexity sliders set to normal. It seems to be getting to the point where I can't enjoy all the new airports etc to their fullest without compromising my sliders substantially and constantly looking at my VAS. If the airports, scenery and aircraft keep getting better and better and more demanding eg ORBX Squamish, Aerosoft Thessaloniki and the PMDG777 for example  where does that leave poor old FSX and it's 2006 32 bit program. I have a i73770 and a Nvidea GTX660 2 gig card and 16 gig of RAM on Windows 7 64bit. Are there any workarounds anyone can point to that helps with VAS. I've got the usual memfix tweak in my config but I haven't played around with NVidea inspector yet. Is P3d V 2 any better with OOMS? As it's still a 32 bit program I have my doubts.  

Many thanks for your thoughts 



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While I don't have a ton of addon airports, I do run P3Dv2 almost full max with the Shadow distance only dialed back. I have yet to have an OOM, and I use the AXE on sometimes upwards of 3 hour flights. I have NCA and PNW installed, along with Global, Vector and LC EU.


P3Dv2 gives you way more headroom than I ever had in FSX, but that is just my experience. Have you tried disabling the airports in your scenery library that you know you won't go anywhere near before a flight? I would try that out.

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Thanks for the input so far. I run FSX in DX9 because of some compatibility issues with DX10 and Steve's fixer is not available at the FSS at the moment anyway and I believe it is needed from what I've read.  I'll try disabling the airports as suggested. P3DV2 could be an option but at $200 bucks I'm trying to hold off for a while.



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I use the SceneryConfigEditor and before i take place in the cockpit i plan my flight. So lets say i fly from LGKR to LGAV. I know i have 3 more airports in that path. An that higher i have the loadradius the wors it gets. I will have to deactivate all! So is just departure and arrival that stays aktiv in the Scenerylib. And all the ORBX stuff and non AP Addons.


Each AP use about 400-900mb of VAS and without DX10 you can´t get some back. The end ist alway OOM.


P3D is not mutch better then FSX + DX10 fixer... OOM will happen on long flight with a lot of addons... 

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Well I don't fly the tubes up high, and I don't fly long routes (max 2 hrs).  P3Dv2.2 with add on aircraft and all approved ORBX that is approved for P3Dv2.2.  Sliders at max, frames set at 30, stutters are rare, blurries gone, no OOM's.  I don't overclock and my hardware is not the latest nor the greatest.  I think the upgrade to 2.2 was the best investment so far.

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After reading all this I wish I could still buy Steve's DX10 fixer. Wonder why it is no longer available.




If you visit the Avsim Library and search for 


you will see that the freeware files now address

the only major issue with FTX products, the lighting.


Armed with these files, carefully installed, you will be able to

evaluate the Dx10 Preview mode and see if it solves your problem.


If you also follow the above recommendation to use the Scenery Config Editor

to activate only the areas in which you plan to fly, it is highly likely that you will

solve it altogether.

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Thanks so much everyone. What a great community we have here at ORBX! I will try all suggestions and have downloaded shader_release 3.2.3 and Scenery Config Editor. 

Should I mess with NVidea Inspector? I've researched it to a degree. As a 72 year old I'm a little slow with all this technology.



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The general tone goes into the direction that P3D V2.2 is defenately the better choice than FSX, especially speaking about stability...much less mini-stutters and CTD's...


In my case I'm going to wait maybe a year or so to see where the platform is going. PMDG still struggles to make a deal with LM and rumours about the pricing of P3D V2 compatible PMDG aircraft go from ~80$ to around 2000$ currently.


But if you want to switch immediately I think you can also go for the "academic version" of P3D V2. This only costs 60$ and as a home simmer you can do just as much as you could in FSX.

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By the way I'm still quite confused about the 32-bit/64-bit thing regarding memory use... As you said before FSX and P3dV2 are both 32-bit applications, therefor their memory use is limited and leads to OOM.


But why then does for example PMDG clearly suggest to use a 64-bit OM with their aircraft? Basically this should mean that add-ons are able to address more memory than the game they are brought into (FSX) and you shouldn't run so much into trouble with your 16 GB RAM.


It couls mean that all your memory is sucked up by the complex scenery (and additional add-ons?) and it doesn't make any difference whether you use a default aircraft or the PMDG 777, formulated a little bit drastically...

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While FSX/P3Dv2 are strictly 32bit, addons and devs use software outside the sim also, bringing the usage up, this is where a 64bit OS comes in. Not all of it is inside the FSX/P3Dv2 program. The more headroom your computer has the better as is true with all software.

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FSX DX10 is much better with OOMs - in that they are almost completely gone... ;D I really have to hit my sim with everything and the kitchen sink to experience any kind of problems.






PS - want to see the level I can achieve? Check out some of my screenshots...

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By the way I'm still quite confused about the 32-bit/64-bit thing regarding memory use... As you said before FSX and P3dV2 are both 32-bit applications, therefor their memory use is limited and leads to OOM.


But why then does for example PMDG clearly suggest to use a 64-bit OM with their aircraft? Basically this should mean that add-ons are able to address more memory than the game they are brought into (FSX) and you shouldn't run so much into trouble with your 16 GB RAM.


It couls mean that all your memory is sucked up by the complex scenery (and additional add-ons?) and it doesn't make any difference whether you use a default aircraft or the PMDG 777, formulated a little bit drastically...

The reason for this is quite simple:


A 32bit OS can only manage up to 4GB Ram, meaning that this memory has to be shared between the OS and all other apps running. A 64bit OS like Windows 7 Professional can address up to 192GB of RAM. So it can give FSX fully 4GB to use, but not more because FSX itself is still a 32bit application.


So under a 32bit OS maybe 2.8GB RAm are left for FSX while under 64bit fully 4GB are left and this makes quite a difference. PMDG's NGX e.g. uses 800MB of RAM. Now adding some other addons running within FSXs address space (VAS), and 99% of all addons do so, like complex sceneries (big/high detailed airports and land sceneries) you some come to a point where there is not enough VAS left and you'll get an OOM. And this will happen more and more, as people are asking for more detailed sceneries with highres textures, and the price youz have to pay then is the OOM.



- reducing the settings in FSX

- setting up various "profiles" depending what/where you are flying with a tool like SimStarter: http://aviation.pero-online.de/wordpress/?page_id=105

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The reason for this is quite simple:


A 32bit OS can only manage up to 4GB Ram, meaning that this memory has to be shared between the OS and all other apps running. A 64bit OS like Windows 7 Professional can address up to 192GB of RAM. So it can give FSX fully 4GB to use, but not more because FSX itself is still a 32bit application.


So under a 32bit OS maybe 2.8GB RAm are left for FSX while under 64bit fully 4GB are left and this makes quite a difference. PMDG's NGX e.g. uses 800MB of RAM. Now adding some other addons running within FSXs address space (VAS), and 99% of all addons do so, like complex sceneries (big/high detailed airports and land sceneries) you some come to a point where there is not enough VAS left and you'll get an OOM. And this will happen more and more, as people are asking for more detailed sceneries with highres textures, and the price youz have to pay then is the OOM.



- reducing the settings in FSX

- setting up various "profiles" depending what/where you are flying with a tool like SimStarter: http://aviation.pero-online.de/wordpress/?page_id=105


Thanks for clarifying!! But why in the world did P3D V2 also go for a 32-bit application? Seems like with aircraft, weather and sceneries getting more complex 4 GB of total RAM used won't be enough under ANY circumstances in the future...This fact alone obviously makes FSX a dead end :(


The only solution so far (without a decrease of quality) seems to be installing a network between several computers and distributing the programms running amongst them. But who has the money for such an installation.. :-

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P3D is not mutch better then FSX + DX10 fixer... OOM will happen on long flight with a lot of addons... 


Are you speaking from experience or speculation? No issues with OOMs on long haul flights in 2.2 (with complex addons, scenery etc.).

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The reason why P3D is still 32 bit is that it is FSX with a DX11 Fix. A few more thinks on the engine but thats it. If you use FSX with DX10 and you can live with no shadow drops ;-) you have almost the same thing. Most OOM´s appear after some time with lot´s of addons. And as there are not that much 100% P3D addons out there, so lot of people don´t face OOM because the VAS won´t fill up as much as in FSX with a lot more addons ;-)

I have both. Love the P3D V2 look and feel. But if it´s about aircraft i like PMDG... So stay with FSX DX10 a few more month...

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escrito en español.

esta utilizando el UTX + ORBX-LC

esto a mi también OOMS

desactive el UTX y todo volvió a la normalidad

Hola, bienvenido a ORBX.

Poco personas a ORBX sabian Espanol, hablamos ingles. You sabe Espanol, pero, poco, muy poco. 

Consideras poner tus mensajes en Google Translate, Espanol a Ingles.


Hablo poco Espanol, pero yo espero tu entiendes mi mensaje!  8)

Bienvenido a ORBX, 


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The only solution so far (without a decrease of quality) seems to be installing a network between several computers and distributing the programms running amongst them. But who has the money for such an installation.. :-

In case of FSX and/or P3D this doesn't make sense at all as there is nothing to distribute. ;)

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Flying low and fast used to be a real killer of frame rates in FSX.


I've just added Pilot's FS Global mesh to FTX Global texture, Vectors and FTX European LC to Prepa3d v 2.2 and thought I'd give a high stress check-out.


Flying over the Ukraine at 200ft at 1000kts I was surprised to see 70 or 80 fp/s.


With no o/c or tweaks.



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Okay Guys, 


Once and for All! ???  Because we're getting massive confusion from here and other forums concerning the addition of Pilot's FS Global 2010 [FTX compatable]  With my current set up with Orbx Global, Vectors, OpenLC, and various regions on FSX, am I buying anything for myself with spending the addition $82.95 getting the additional mesh????/ ::). I really want an honest opinion. if I don't need it, I rather save the money and the space on my SSD  for the Open LC North America or So California region. :)

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I wondered too before I bought it. But now I have I'm pleased.


If you're flying over flat areas of course you won't see any difference. It's in the mountains where it shines.


The mountains around Innsbruck had soft rounded peaks instead of being sharp and jagged. They look much more realistic and craggy with the new mesh.

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