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With Alaska through the clouds


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Just the three... as the visibility was really limited on this flight: Out of KSEA...



... ice detected!



Mr. Rainier:



The rest of the flight was completely IFR conditions, including the CAT III landing in Eugene. Nice flying, but no chance for nice screenies, sorry!

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The second shot was fantastic Gerold , hopefully you will find some better weather on your next flight .




I had to cheat a bit in Oregon, it was still fully cloudy...


Fun shots Gerold... great clouds... a cool paint... & my favorite mountain. :)


I also like the Alaska paints a lot!


Looking at that elongated fuselage, no wonder the pilots call this aircraft "the insect"


OK, a little bit of the effect comes from Ezdok´s wide angle...


These are a great set.




Three great shots Gerold!


Thanks, mates!

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