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what are you looking forward to?


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I was wondering if any one was anticipating the release of the crj by Areosoft and Digital aviation.?

I am.   I like regional routes and it will be fun to take a break from the f1 b200.  I have decided to wait for this instead of going for a turbo prop like the majestic q-400 as I already have the otter extended and the f1 kingair.

in the mean time I have been using the default crj with friendly panels installed.

anyhow I am looking forward to covering some serious orbx ground when this is released   any one else care to opine?

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I've been waiting with baited breath for about 4 years now for that CRJ, and it's finally coming! Also the EnigmaSim (but now QW) 737 Classic series, although that might not come in 2014, as well as the QW 787, which also might not come in 2014. That Alabeo 195 looks slick as well.

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All I know is this is going to be a wallet-busting year with all the anticipated quality releases we are about to be lavished with. Lord help us all. Kudos to Lockheed-Martin and all developers for delivering such high quality platforms and products to the sim community.


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Definitely both the 350i and the CRJ.

+ 1 on the CRJ and a probable-likely on the Milviz 350i. The MD530F looks pretty cool too.

The other one is the Carenado Phenom. Will get the 1900D from them as well, but since it isn't available thru retailers I am waiting for the Phenom to be released, and I'll just go grab them both in one swipe.

I think between the Embraer jets and the new CRJ and the Q400 that I am going to be in good shape as far as regional connections are concerned. Not sure but I thought somebody was also working on a Boeing 717 as well (Qantas-Link!!).

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I like that we have many choices and a variety of different developers yet many are all pushing out very high quailty products.  Add in the fact that almost all these addons are built with lots of shelf life and that we have two different platforms (FSX and P3D) to use them in where we dont have to give them up going forward.  We've also seen many developers going back and revamping their products to extend their life or like Orbx add in new tech and flows to keep them just as fresh as their new products.


I'm keeping my eye on a few planes and scenery projects but its nice to know theres plenty of toys in my sandbox already and the market is covered by just about something for every type of simmer. Personally I cant wait to rediscover all the things I have in FSX in P3Dv2 with all its lighting / shadows effects and low to no auto-gen pops! So really what I'm mostly looking forward to is all the stuff I already have! 

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I have been doing alot of thinking about p3d..... and have decided that when the time comes for a new box p3d will be the primary sim.

old fsx on my rig still has alot of life in it. and your all right about all the great products on the market now and forthcoming that really have this hobby up to speed.   However much it troubles me to figure out what and where I want to fly I know that is a great trouble to have ...Lol.

I like to take the time to master a plane and really get a feel for it but lately good products are coming out so fast its hard to do. another good problem to have.

in general I am looking forward to going forward in a really interesting, SAFE hobby surrounded in virtual space with interesting and safe people.

so bring on the future  I and my wallet are ready!

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thta's what I'm hoping ... I'm also starting my loop back through N.Canada - Central Alaska, so keeping a keen eye out for SAK and the other NZ regions too.

Global and Vector and great, but I sure miss the regions!


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I'm P3D only so I am desperate for a few things at the moment . Having realised that I may have to pay for some aircraft again when P3D really hits the straps I think my hanger will be somewhat smaller and much more selective.


Hanging out for more Orbx and would like to see the Active Sky upgrade . Coming anyway , all in good time . Patience !!

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