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RV-4 Expansion Pack Poll

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Hi Guys,


I would like to conduct a poll here regarding the RV-4. The first month has had fairly minimal sales so we are working on ways to augment it.


First of all I've been making some improvements to the EFIS that have only managed to pull back a few fps on my system and combining that with a lot of other improvements has not helped much (Maybe average 5 FPS total) the fact is such a large and complex instrument is always going to be frame rate killer. So here is what we would like to do.


First I will release a FREE 1.1 patch very soon to address the issues reported and to make that slight improvement in FPS.


Second I would begin work on a standard traditional gauge version of the aircraft. This would include the three left hand round instruments and the radio stack but with the EFIS removed would allow installation of an additional nav/com, and stec 55x run through a sn3308 plus a few standards like an AH, tnb, RPM, oil Pressure and fuel level/pressure. Also included would be a number of additional repaints. This would be an expansion pack purchased separately for around $5.00


So the poll is included here but feel free to comment as well especially if the fps reports have put you off buying the aircraft.

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My preferences for small GA aircraft are


- More than 1 seat 

- Tricycle gear

- High performance

- Steam gauges.


Hence this aircraft is not what I´m looking for.  Perhaps a poll before the development of the next aircraft would be a good idea. I love the Realair Duke´s and love your Lancair, still fly it a lot to this day.   FSX is crying out for a good Mooney..hint hint!  I do not rate Carenado aircraft at all, I can´t live with the bugs and strange FDE´s, so a Orbx Version of something they have done would be a great idea too, like the V-tail Bonanza.


Hope that helps and isn´t too blunt.

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Hey Jaret and a good New Year to You. ::)

I know its a stupid thing to bring up, but all said in this tread is about gauges and so on, and very good, it is.

So i will dare to bring the Pilot in focus. ???

He dosnt apeal to me, at all, if you get my drift..? The thing is that he would do in a C-130 or any other plane where you dont

se the whole upper corpus (bust) of him, but in this plane, he just look too cartoonis in my opinion.

May be its the hat/cap, or just the way he dosnt fit in...i dont know.

He dosnt have "appeal" at all, when i hit the "v"....if i had the plane, of course.

I also realise that there are many really, not appealing  Pilot "cartoons" out in the Sim marked. 

I just brought the Alabeo Agtruck on sale and the pilot  here is very very good, i have to say.

May be a OrbX "Heidi" (the A2A isnt good, but fun, at least) and you cut call her what you want also...Olga..x, may be.. ???

As said, may be its stupid, but i hope You respect my honesty.

Also a float edition or extented edition would be nice ::)

Have no money for the rest of January 2014 for the Sim i have to say :-[ (and i think, You know why) ::)

Most of the time i/we buy with the hard and not with our intellect. I wouldnt buy a brown car, even if its better.

Just my 2 kroner of course.



Btw. I also have to say that, This December have been  extreme expencive, for me.

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Hi Jared,


To be honest I'm more picky about aircraft than I am scenery and I already have more a/c than I have time to fly them.


On the whole my preference is for low and slow with steam gauges - but any aircraft has to be super-special (or super cheap in a sale - I recently bought the JustFlight 146 for a fiver! (GBP) - not low and slow but an aircraft I've always had a soft spot for!).


If I bought anything new now it would be the extended Twotter from Aerosoft or the Accusim C172 from A2A.


OrbX wouldn't be my first thought for aircraft anyway. Not really your core business.



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Hi Jared,


To be honest I'm more picky about aircraft than I am scenery and I already have more a/c than I have time to fly them.


On the whole my preference is for low and slow with steam gauges - but any aircraft has to be super-special (or super cheap in a sale - I recently bought the JustFlight 146 for a fiver! (GBP) - not low and slow but an aircraft I've always had a soft spot for!).


If I bought anything new now it would be the extended Twotter from Aerosoft or the Accusim C172 from A2A.


OrbX wouldn't be my first thought for aircraft anyway. Not really your core business.



I concor. But it isnt what Jared was asking.

But i agree.... Do what, You do bedst....in the world.


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This is quite an enthusiasts airplane I would think, it's not like a C172 or Piper equivalent where everyone owns one just because, its a home built experimental so interest is going to be smaller. I'm not sure someone who wants it is going to be put off based on the instruments, you either really want it or you don't want it at all, with a common trainer you have choice but this is something different so you take it as it comes.


Paying extra for steam gauges seems odd to me too, it would normally be the other way around.


Possibly the marketing more than the product is the issue here. I'd quite like to have it and I do treat myself to flight sim stuff at Christmas time but when ORBX, not to mention every other developer, is running out add ons at up to 50% off I'm going to spend my money there. And with the greatest respect ORBX isn't known as an airplane developer, if this was put out by RealAir, exact same model, I'd have bought it as they're proven airplane developers. This would be a punt for me having not owned an ORBX airplane before and I'm not going to make that punt when I can get two whole regions for the same money at the moment.


For what my 2 cents is worth -


I'd add the gauges for free and run a small discount next month or at a time when other releases are few and far between. Also, long term if ORBX is going to do airplanes, it may be time to think of a stand alone brand. Building up a related but stand alone airplane add ons brand would make good commercial sense in my book if you're going to develop more.

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As nice of an idea as this is, I'd rather see ORBX put their efforts into a new airplane. The RV is a nice plane, but I lack any sort of interest in it. 

What I've always wanted somebody to develop is a Lake Renegade.



Tell me that wouldn't be awesome! 

I'd rather have a wider choice of planes than an expansion to one I'm not interested in.

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CptMatt QUOTE:

"Also, long term if ORBX is going to do airplanes, it may be time to think of a stand alone brand. Building up a related but stand alone airplane add ons brand would make good commercial sense in my book if you're going to develop more."

Quote end.



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As nice of an idea as this is, I'd rather see ORBX put their efforts into a new airplane. The RV is a nice plane, but I lack any sort of interest in it. 

What I've always wanted somebody to develop is a Lake Renegade.

I couldn't agree more! With the two already existing Vans from BayTower and Vertigo I guess there is just not much interest in yet another Van RV. The Lake Renegade on the other side would be an excellent choice! Since the old Flight Unlimited III days I really admire this airplane and I always hoped for a FSX version. It would be the perfect bush plane for the Orbx regions :)



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I would probably pay for the expansion pack but I am very disappointed with the performance, especially when I have full featured G1000 panels that have better performance on my modest system.   Any help even 5FPS would be welcome but I would definately fly it more with a more traditional panel that I could use real world weather and fly in more scenery intensive regions.   Personally I believe the traditional steam panel should be the stock aircraft would probably sell more and have the EFIS panel be the optional pack.  

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Ok thanks guys, I guess compared to the Lancair, the RV4 doesn't generate the same appeal. Perhaps it's real world popularity is based on the fact it is easy to build.


I've explained the performance situation with the AF3500. Why removing it would be an expansion pack?... the package was designed around the AF3500 and planned for use with the current generation of hardware which has very nice performance. It made up close to 40% of the total work that went into the aircraft. It's more complex than most EFIS packages that have been developed for Microsoft flight simulator and has comparable performance in many cases. The additional $5.00 puts the aircraft at a comparable price point as many of the high end GA aircraft add-ons out there but with more features than most when you consider all the physics and maintenance will still be present.


So our reasoning goes like this. The package price is $35.95 that equates to $21.57 for the rest of the aircraft and $14.38 just for the work on the EFIS. Had we released a steam only package the price would have been the same $35.95 because that is the established launch price for our aircraft. But instead of that I cut a huge amount into my own profits to develop a complex instrument that is fully functional in an attempt to provide a better value package. So we think it is reasonable to ask an additional $5.00 for a significant amount more work to develop a steam package. Otherwise the actual profit is eroded even further and we might as well be giving it away for free.

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I love the -4, but the current FPS issue stops me from using it most time.

I'm a Vans fan, both in sim and RL. I was building one a few years back (an -8), but that's another story.


I'd pay $5 for an expansion as long as...

  • it still had an AH and...
  • I could still autopilot (GPS, VOR, HDG and altitude hold with VS climb and descent; the standard stuff).
  • You should consider still using the AFS AoA, since it seems most RL Vans builders seem to fit one: the standard model would be fine for the -4.

I'd love to see the Trio AP modelled (in no small part because *if* I get to build another plane, then it will likely have the Trio in it: at the moment anyway; these things tend to change).


Thanks Jared.

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I'm an Orbx Junkie but I already own another company's RV-7 and I see a lot of similarities with yours so I did not buy your RV4. I will reconsider it later.


I bought the Orbx Lancair as soon as it came out and was impressed even though it was usually difficult for me to take off and climb smoothly. I have subsequently purchased another company's Lancair and I find that it handles better for me. 


I'll watch to see what you come up with. 


good flights, Cal

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Ok thanks guys, I guess compared to the Lancair, the RV4 doesn't generate the same appeal. Perhaps it's real world popularity is based on the fact it is easy to build.


But, this is based on the popularity amongst those GA pilots that want a homebuilt; it's still a very small percentage of overall GA owners and this could translate into low FS user interest, I imagine.


I've explained the performance situation with the AF3500. Why removing it would be an expansion pack?... the package was designed around the AF3500 and planned for use with the current generation of hardware which has very nice performance. It made up close to 40% of the total work that went into the aircraft. It's more complex than most EFIS packages that have been developed for Microsoft flight simulator and has comparable performance in many cases. The additional $5.00 puts the aircraft at a comparable price point as many of the high end GA aircraft add-ons out there but with more features than most when you consider all the physics and maintenance will still be present.


So our reasoning goes like this. The package price is $35.95 that equates to $21.57 for the rest of the aircraft and $14.38 just for the work on the EFIS. Had we released a steam only package the price would have been the same $35.95 because that is the established launch price for our aircraft. But instead of that I cut a huge amount into my own profits to develop a complex instrument that is fully functional in an attempt to provide a better value package. So we think it is reasonable to ask an additional $5.00 for a significant amount more work to develop a steam package. Otherwise the actual profit is eroded even further and we might as well be giving it away for free.


It kind of sounds almost like the aircraft was secondary to the gauge and from the comments above, this kind of aircraft seems to have more appeal with steam gauges.  This suggests it might not have been the right approach in the first place.  However, it may be worth looking at the gauge being developed further to use in other add-ons and sold as a separate product, although I admit to not being familiar with how many other aircraft might use this gauge or how easily it might be adapted for other add-ons.


It's a shame it was released into the competition for 'sale' season and seems to have been largely ignored in other forums.  Apart from here, I don't recall seeing anything being mentioned about the RV elsewhere, so maybe it's time to make some noise, get beta testers posting in screenshot forums and starting discussions elsewhere.

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I love the RV4. I haven't really noticed any performance issues with it, but I don't pay all that much attention to FPS as long as things are smooth, and responsive. I would love steam gauges though, and would certainly be willing to pay the extra fiver. I think it would be well worth it.


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I have been selling goods and services for more than 20 years now, and the most important lesson I've learned is... if people don't buy it, people don't want it. That's business. My instincts tells me that adding more features to this plane won't change the fact so few people were excited about it in the first place. I don't see users in sim forums or on developer Facebook pages begging for kit planes. The Vans is beautifully crafted, but I don't think you had your finger on the pulse of the sim community when choosing to build it. If earning potential was not a priority, I can appreciate that. Ignore everything I am saying.


The plane would be more attractive to me with steam gauges, but I probably still wouldn't buy it. It's just not for me.


I agree with the post that recommends starting a brand umbrella for your aircraft endeavors. Right now, Orbx aircraft production feels like a side project, not a dedicated partnership of developers. You me BE that. But you aren't projecting that image.


Best of luck. I absolutely hope you can turn things around and blow up the internet with this plane, and every other project in the future.

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I agree exactly with what is being said. ORBX looks to have wonderful aircraft, however, the only place you hear about the is HERE. ORBX would do well starting another brand name for aircraft, you know, whenever I think ORBX, I think scenery, amazing scenery, planes just don't come to mind. If they really put it out there and added a separate brand name for aircraft, they'ed make a name for themselves as aircraft designers beyond what they have with their amazing scenery.


And as BladderBoy said, demand for kit planes is probably lower than demand for in this case, lets just throw in a plane like the NGX, or a well known GA plane such as the Caravan or 172. If ORBX made a plane the FS community has never seen done well before, such as the Lake Renegade, Sabreliner, or Beechcraft Starship, you'd be raking in a ton of money. 


Despite that you create great aircraft such as the RV, as I said above, you'd be better off getting it out there across other forums and the whole community. Once ORBX really delves deeper than they have already into aircraft and has a greater selection to pick from, people will have more to choose from, as I said above, not everybody wants a kit plane. I know a man that owns an RV that'd be more than happy to buy yours. I however, skymaster pilot, have little interest in many GA planes. I think the reason something like the NGX or any corporate jet addon sells is because people know the planes well and flying the sim is the closest they'll ever get to flying the real thing. I'd eat up a sabreliner or starship, I'll likely NEVER get to see one or step inside one of them in my life! GA planes of this day and age are more easily accessible, therefore, while there still is demand, there will be less of it. And as I said above, part of this comes from people just being unaware of the addon existing. I'm very sure lots of people don't know that ORBX produces aircraft, but may buy them if given that knowledge.


That all being said, there's a ton behind this, ORBX knows what they're doing. I'm sure they'll go in whatever direction they see fit from a buisness standpoint. I'd consider myself shallow minded on this sort of thing anyways, so take my opinion with a grain of salt! Best of luck to you though ORBX.

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Have to disagree somewhat. The Lancair is very well known across many forums. The RV is simply the wrong aircraft for the majority.

I'm not going on various forums to say there is a great aircraft released that most won't be interested in. If it was the right aircraft, whatever that would be, I'm sure everyone would know about it, word spreads fast in our relatively small community.

Look at realair, they don't even have a forum, they are famous for steam gauges, great support, simple aircraft that fly very convincingly, pretty much everything that Orbx does except this aircraft isn't so popular and has glass that many (most) dislike inc. myself.

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Have to disagree somewhat. The Lancair is very well known across many forums. The RV is simply the wrong aircraft for the majority.

I'm not going on various forums to say there is a great aircraft released that most won't be interested in. If it was the right aircraft, whatever that would be, I'm sure everyone would know about it, word spreads fast in our relatively small community.

Look at realair, they don't even have a forum, they are famous for steam gauges, great support, simple aircraft that fly very convincingly, pretty much everything that Orbx does except this aircraft isn't so popular and has glass that many (most) dislike inc. myself.

I was under the impression that the Lancair wasn't that well known of a plane. 

I think the RV is a neat little plane, more desirable looking than MANY other kits, however, it just isn't the right plane for some people.

ORBX, when you make another plane, I plea you to make a Sabreliner. As far as jets in the FS world go, we aren't really spoiled for choice like we are GA and airliners!

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Well I really like the RV-4, yes I do get some performance issues if asking too much in the wrong places but as a newcomer to G1000 (or similar) screens, I'm having a lot of fun with how comprehensive they are.

The only thing I've never liked about them is that your airspeed and altitude are hard to read. So I think a steam gauge expansion would be fantastic for the RV-4, to be honest I was a little surprised to see the big screen in there when I jumped in for the first time but it's the first aircraft I've flown (in sim) with one and it's a lot of fun to learn something new.


Vans aircraft are very popular with home builders in Australia. I've been doing aircraft parts for more than ten years and almost every Joe Bloggs and his dog who walks in the door is building an RV of some type.

As much as I love Lancairs I've yet to see one in the flesh, Jabirus really grind my gears! and as much as I'm sick of hearing about and seeing endless photos of RV builds, I actually really like em. :smile:

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Thanks everyone who posted here. The results speak for themselves I think.


As the majority of people who are interested in the aircraft are willing to pay for the expansion pack that is the direction we will be going.


For those who are not interested in the Vans we appreciate the feedback posts and I've read carefully through each one. The next ORBX aircraft that we select will be influenced by these responses and I agree that a poll prior to the next project might be a good idea.


I'll leave this pinned for a while longer for those who still wish to vote or comment but just for the benefit of those who are wondering about the selection of the RV-4 the main factors came down to the following two:


1: Developing an aircraft is extremely labour intensive. To do it justice requires conclusive understanding of the systems, aerodynamics and idiosyncrasies plus plenty of access to a donor example. There is very little reward to developing a MSFS aircraft apart from enjoyment at the best of times. So as a developer I have to like the aircraft very much and want to see it represented in the simulator to motivate me to embark on such a project. The Vans was an ideal choice in this respect as I maintain a real world example and have often been disappointed that it was not developed sooner.


2: Perceived interest. Unfortunately I expected interest in the real world aircraft to translate to interest in the simulated aircraft. This was certainly true of the Lancair IVP as it remains at the top of the bestsellers list in it's category. The RV-4 is a far more popular kit in the real world than the Lancair so it stood to reason that the RV-4 would be similarly popular in the simulator.


I also have to say I love kit built aircraft for the following reasons:

Kit built aircraft are becoming ever increasingly common for real world general aviation in the United States, Australia and many other countries. Certified modern aircraft are far too expensive for the majority of General Aviation personal pilots. Kit built aircraft allow these people to fly with modern instruments and efficient aircraft designs at fractions of the price of modern certified aircraft which are often extremely inefficient and poorly designed airframes with updated instruments and a few new features. There are very few other fixed gear aircraft powered by less than 180hp (Certified or not) that can cruise above 130kt with full fuel, two people and baggage.

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Interesting insight into your decision factors. Jared.

Thanks for the RV4: I would be loving it except my laptop died and I'm now doing a full re-install of Windows and everything.

I'm thinking of moving to P3D, but don't have the money to buy the Prof version and everything else I will need in P3D (FSUIPC, Opus, REX4, etc).

Hit a bit of a roadblock there, but hope to start enjoying the -4 again soon.


Incidentally, in NZ the microlight category is currently fastest growing, I believe. This is because the gross weight is 600Kg (land planes, 650Kg water/amphibious) and most LSA type airframes can thus be registered and flown as a microlight, even though the performance is on par or even better than the lower end certified aircraft. Heck, some of these 'microlights' are fully carbon fibre, glass cockpit, retractable gear and constant speed props! Microlights! Ha! This is one reason I am no longer pursuing a PPL here in NZ and looking towards the microlight category myself: in a few years, finances permitting, I may embark on a new build: maybe a Zenith CH650B, maybe an RV-12, maybe something else. Interesting times for the GA flyer here.


Thanks again, cheers.

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Hi Jared and all,


I really enjoyed reading what everyone's been saying about the RV-4 and kits in general. Jared's thinking behind his planning is very understandable and Bladder Boy's last post sums things up nicely. 


I already own the RV-7 and I like it but I hesitate to purchase another one. I'll watch for what you come up with and rethink my position. Right now I'm lost to simming until I figure out how to get FSX back up and running. It has crashed every time I opened it for 3 days now and I am resigned to re-installing.  I ran the FSX disks to repair it but no joy so it all has to go away and get reloaded. It will probably be even better. 


good flights, Cal

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I have had the Baytower RV7 since beta and I do love it. I purchased Jared's RV4 because 

  • I am a bit of an RV nut (first started with the FFS RV7 in FS9)
  • the BTS RV wasn't fully compatible (GNS327) with P3D which is where I am flying now.

I am not sure how much more support Danny will be putting into his RV, I hope that one day we'll see a SP1 that will address the issue of the transponder, in the meantime it still flies well and is a beautiful rendition of the real thing.


I am 100% sure that Jared and Orbx will stay behind the RV4 now it is released and whilst it is an older model than the RV7 it is still a great light aircraft and the two models have enough differences to stand alone. Side-by-side seating vs tandem seating makes a significant difference to how you fly the plane, plus no two cockpits are ever alike.


When I purchased the RV4 I was suprised to see it came with a glass cockpit (obviously I didn't do much research before buying :mellow: ) This would not have been a deal breaker for me at all but I would have preferred steam guages (and voted above). This is because in real life I am flying a Jabiru 160 that has a Dynon D100 EFIS and I don't particularly like it. I prefer the legibility of the old guages. I do find the EFIS knocks my frame rates around badly - I combat that by pulling the fuse which returns me to a reasonably smooth experience (P3D2). If Jared Is able to squeeze few more fps from the -4 I would be appreciative...


I can understand the logic behind installing an advanced EFIS based cockpit in a vans (indeed in many small ga aircraft). You only need to do a very brief scan of the web to see the number of owners or wanna-be owners that talk about the merits of glass. In the last couple of days I have fallen in love with the new RV14 and the kit is provided with a standard wiring harness that will offer plug and play capabiltiy to 'many different EFIS systems'.  


For the life of me I don't understand the attraction with Sonex (grin - got to love diversity). If I ever got the time or inclination I think I would want to build a vans - not sure the wife would agree though - lol.

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  • 1 month later...

I'd buy the expansion pack. I like the RV-4 with steam gauges, because that's how I usually fly. In fact, when I fly this I tend to leave the EFIS off , partly due to the FPS hit and partly because I don't have a problem using landmarks for navigating. ;)


Of course, the homebuilt I'm actually waiting for is the Lancair Evolution. I think it's a great choice if you have a million dollars burning a hole in your pocket and time on your hands, literally.

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My compliments Jared how you handle this!


I guess your decision has been made, but be aware that there's already a great RV(7) with steam gauges. So you might wanna consider write this project off and explore new brands and models. That Lake Renegade is very attractive :)

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  • 3 months later...

I am willing to spend $5.00 to get a usable frame rates.


If the EFIS cockpit frame rate issue could be sorted, I think the sales of this product would be huge, specially if you have EFIS and a traditional cockpit to choose from.


Looking forward to the cockpit update.


You have created a very like able rendition of the RV4.




PS I am planning to re-enact the real world RV4 round the world flights done by Jon Johanson once the frame rate are better.

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Well, I don't think JJ had an EFIS and the update is now available, so go for it!

I just downloaded and am installing it now (though I won't get to fly t until tonight: just taking a quick break from work)

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  • 3 years later...

Fast forward over 3 years and here I'm making a comment on this old thread but is relevant today. The decision to develop and put the RV4 on Orbx was pure genius. It's one of the unique aircraft in flight sim that falls under the home built experimental category which is very rare, and it's perfect for flying over the beautiful and detailed scenery that Orbx designs. It's fast enough to get from point A to B but can still get in and out of small grass or paved strips with ease.

The Orbx airframe is a work of beauty, detailed in and out right down to the last rivet. She flies and feels just like the real aircraft which makes it a complete simulation. It's obvious the developer really poured his heart and soul building this this aircraft from scratch for the flight sim community to enjoy, and he succeeded. I purchased this years ago and have enjoyed it ever since. I was sad to see it retired from my FTX Central account for P3Dv4 as it woks just fine in 4.1 with only 1 noticeable bug, a shaky pilots head when the aircraft is still or in level flight, but not in any type of turn or maneuver. Technology has caught up to the RV4 and there are no longer FPS drops with either panel, I get 50-80 with an updated system and the same if not better in VR with the Oculus. I know development is done and no longer supported by Orbx. I'd be willing to pay again to see this aircraft in my 4.1 central account. I also know this will not be available for new sales but is it possible to see these show up for previous purchasers? The real purpose of this post was to thank the developer, 




Not sure if anyone will see this as the thread is so old.

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Indeed, a great little airplane ant not being officially support in 4 means it won't be going on my system, which is a real shame (when I finally get my sim back assembled). I've love to see this one ported across again into a supported product.

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