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Ryan Mason

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Forum Name: Bandit

Real Name: Mark

Location: Sydney, NSW Australia

Nick origin: I have been a volunteer on the tarmac at the Australian International Airshow since 1988 in Richmond NSW, now in Avalon, Victoria (YMAV). At one of the early Avalon shows back in the 90's I was doing crowd control on the tarmac known as 'the loop' (The Alpha taxiway between Bravo & Chalie taxiways). At that time the taxiway was open to pedestrians and was not planned to be used to live taxi aircraft rather they were to be towed. As with all best laid plans things changed and I was given the task of clearing the loop whenever an aircraft needed to taxi through the loop. The only means of transport to do this was a moped, the means of communication was a bullhorn. At the end of the show I got off the moped and was greated by a fellow volunteer "Well if it aint the boundary bandit" - the name has stuck. In fact if you go to the tarmac at the airshow and ask one of the team leaders for me by name they wouldnt have a clue. Ask for 'Bandit' then you'll find me.

Other info: I work as a senior solutions architect for SITA designing IT software solutions for airlines and airports locally and overseas.

I am a Sci-Fi fan (Dr Who\Star Trek\Star Wars...). Like most IT geeks I am also a gadget freak. I have been a Flight simmer for nearly 8 years. Other pastimes (other than FSX) include being a volunteer with the NSW State Emergency Service (SES) for over 23 years. Among my SES duties I am a member of the state aviation management team and an active air observer working out of helios (BKS117s\AS350s\206s mainly) as well as fixed wings (182s\Partenavias etc).

I am a member of Schofields Flying Club (YSBK) and plan to do my PPL this year (minister of finance permitting)

In short I love the mix of Jet A1 & IT.

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My first post here. Looking forward to further visits.

This pic is from a few years back, me and some of the guys from our tree company rented this 1937 Lockheed Electra L-10A. It was taking people up for a forty-five minute ride for $90 (the money went to charity), so we bought out one flight, brought the wives, and took the best flight of our lives. (We got a full hour!) When it was over the pilot let me sit in his seat and I managed to stick my fat head out the window for this pic.

Me, at my happiest.  :D


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Hey Gurdy, I just noticed your "coordinates" in your location under your name...  That puts you somewhere near where I was in Melbourne.  In that area, I've lived (in this order) near the plaza, Bellbridge area, behind Werribee high, Hogan's Corner then finally (the good end of) Birdsville before moving up here to Wang.

We are in Wyndham Vale, where all the new construction is taking place, in an estate called Manor Lakes. It is off Ballan Rd. Probably still farmland when you were there :)

I grew up in Wyndhamvale myself.. 

Now live in Westleigh Gardens, so didn't move very far away and still play cricket for Wyndhamvale.

We used to use those paddocks where Manor Lakes now are as one of about 3 battles grounds when we playing army as kids, though the farmer who used to own the land never really liked us being on it and would come after us in his ute if he saw us. 

For somebody who liked planes, it was great area to grow up. About 2 km in a near direct line towards Avalon from where Manor Lakes is we found a crop duster as kids that was open, spent a lot of time crawling over it and playing in the cockpit etc. And add to that I could sit for hours on end watching the RAAF performing aerobatics in CT-4's out those back paddocks when they still used Point Cook as for the flying school.

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Small world. Our first house when we got married was in Lansell Rd, across the road from Manor Lakes. Yes it was paddocks and scotch thistle back then :)

So funny remembering back to 20 years ago Melbourne, I grew up in Taylors lakes and what was a massive scotch thistle wasteland is now fully populated between Taylors Lakes all the way to Sydenham.  I almost fell over when I returned in 2006 for the first time and saw Sydenham was now part of a regualr train service and not V/Line!

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I love melbourne public transport!  Nah just kidding, but I don't have to worry about it..  My morning routine consists of - Get on the motorbike in the backyard of my residance in South Wangaratta, ride it to work in Central Wangaratta.  Sometimes theres a bit of traffic... 2 or 3 of them on a REALLY bad day...

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My turn now :)

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Forum name: clmisiu

Real name: Michal

Nick origin: When I was younger I loved soccer. Looking for an Internet nickname for email address I figured out clmisiu. "CL" stands for Champions League (famous European soccer competition), "MISIU" is my real-life nickname.

About me: Born in Chicago, raised in Krakow (Poland). Now I am doing my A Levels in Wales (the British one). Simming for about 3 years (Vatsim mostly). I realised how beautiful Australia is while watching some random show in TV ("H2O: Just Add Water" it was). A couple days later I saw Stanel's (registered user here) screenshots published on Polish Vatsim Forum. That is how I discovered ORBX. Today I am a very happy customer and supporter of ORBX and its products. Now Australia is my number two on the list of places I have to visit (and will recently move up to number one, just after my trip to USA that I am going to take this year). Picture above was taken in July 2008 in Gorce Mountains in Poland.


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Well, seeing as this is  my new home, might as well meet the other inhabitants.

Callsign: Turnip or Turnip579

Real Name: Elton "Roy" Hyland Sr.

Occupation: Professional Musician.

Married X 16 Years. Two Boys, Ages 22 and 25

Age: 4somethingorotherIcantremember

  Been involved with Flight Simming since its very beginnings. ( Mid / Late 80's I Think ) Ex-U.S. Navy Mechanic with specialty in hydraulics. Left the Navy in 1984 as a Disabled Veteran and went to work for the post office. That lasted 3 years then went back into aviation. Was hired to help with the new wing construction on the Grumman A-6 and EA-6B at Heath Tecna located in Kent, Washington. Transferred to Boeing in 1988 as an inspector. Started working on the very first 747-400 while it was still in the jig.

  Inspected every Boeing aircraft at one time or another. Even got to inspect the last 707. Quit Boeing in 1991 to concentrate on music full time. It was the smartest move I've ever made. I am now very diversified in the industry. I have a whole slew of original songs recorded in Nashville, Tennessee. I build all sorts of DJ / Karaoke systems for lounges and DJ's. I operate as a live music DUO called Raleigh & Roy. www.raleighandroy.com This music duo keeps me very busy and we are without a doubt the #1 music duo in the Pacific Northwest. Another piece of that pie is I now own a very succesful record label. It's been up and running for a little over 2 years now and ensures that I have no free time left.  :P

  The weekdays finds my in the studio, while the weekends find me out giging somewhere. Local folks can hear me on KMPS, KGY, KAYO radios. I started taking flight lessons in 1998 and received my ticket in 1999. 11 months of yanking, banking, stalls and an overvealous flight instructor pulling the throttle on me. I've had the opportunity to fly into the Reno Air Races. I got to land at the International Airport with a 737 on my butt all the way down. That as a blast.

  As you can imagine, any time I have for normal stuff is occupied by flight simming. I was thrilled to become a BETA tester for PNW.

Here is a shot of me when we were the opening act for a new 40 million dollar casino. Keep the dirty side down.


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My turn after having the perfect opportunity to get a decent pic today while visiting the ORBX booth @ Avalon.

Name: Wayne

Nick: Derived from my surname & year of birth. (original hey)

Job: Project Manager - Telco Industry

FlightSim: around 7 yrs ago I found a copy of FS98 cheap, got hooked straight away so upgraded to FS2002 shortly after then FS9 and now FSX with FTX.  MSFS has rekindled my childhood infatuation with aviation as growing up I lived around 50km's from East Sale and was located on a training flight path of the RAAF Roulettes when they had the Aermacchi MB-326 Jets. I could hear then coming down the valley and would race down the end of my street to watch them fly-by even got a wave from the pilots at times. Also when the F111's would visit to perform bomb training at a place called Dutson's Downs (near Longford) I could hear them & it would rattle our windows even from that far away.

Other Interests: Keen road cyclist, competitive B-grade rider in club & open races.

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My turn after having the perfect opportunity to get a decent pic today while visiting the ORBX booth @ Avalon.

Name: Wayne

Nick: Derived from my surname & year of birth. (original hey)

Job: Project Manager - Telco Industry

FlightSim: around 7 yrs ago I found a copy of FS98 cheap, got hooked straight away so upgraded to FS2002 shortly after then FS9 and now FSX with FTX.  MSFS has rekindled my childhood infatuation with aviation as growing up I lived around 50km's from East Sale and was located on a training flight path of the RAAF Roulettes when they had the Aermacchi MB-326 Jets. I could hear then coming down the valley and would race down the end of my street to watch them fly-by even got a wave from the pilots at times. Also when the F111's would visit to perform bomb training at a place called Dutson's Downs (near Longford) I could hear them & it would rattle our windows even from that far away.

Other Interests: Keen road cyclist, competitive B-grade rider in club & open races.

Should I ask which Telco?? :P

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  • 1 month later...

Name: Mitchell

Nick: Mozzy

Job: Website/Graphic Designer

Flightsimming: My very first experience was with a WWII pacific theatre demo called Out of The Sun! That's going back a while.

Real flying: Was fortunate enough to have an acrobatic flight out of Bankstown (YSBK) a few years back, in a 2 seater Robin trainer. What a blast.

Other: I live on a property in the Southern Highlands of NSW with my wife, our 2 dogs, a pig, a handfull of chickens and numerous roos and wombats. When I'm not working I play music, dabble in art and fly!!

On a recent holiday in Norway (Bergen)

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Our property from the air:

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There are a bunch of people who still havent shown their ugly mugs! I would personally like to be able to put faces to names, but I do understand some peoples craving for annonymity here, but if you feel like it, everyone loves learning about other members.


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lol okay here you go Ryan.

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Obviously I'm the one on the right ;D

Name: Tom

Nickname: TommyG (Tommy for my name, and G for my middle name ;) )

Age: 15 and 6'3" tall ;D (According to some growth thing they did when I was a baby, it said I was going to grow to 6'8". Probably helps that my Dad's 6'4" and my Mum's 6'2")

Flight Sim: Been simming for roughly three or so years now. Have liked anything with wheels since I was born (yeah Planes have wheels so they count :P). Might be because my Dad's a train driver and I've gone with him on trips to all over Victoria many, many times. About a year ago I started building 3ds models for a game called 'Trainz Railroad Simulator'. Very complex stuff to build (lot more detail than your normal FS buildings) but is also very rewarding. Currently learning how to import stuff to FS (file names, types etc.) and might give making an airstrip ago too. Been to a few airshows (05,07 and 09 I can remember, others I can't :P). Currently doing Year 10 at school, but doing 4 Year 11 subjects (English, Maths, Psychology and Economics). A very happy and satisfied Orbx customer, and can't wait for some of these new releases ;D

Other Interests: Just Basketball really. Yeah there's another career, to play in the NBA LOL ;D

So yeah, nothing much to me really :P

Tom :)

P.S. Forgot to mention, I like using the smiley icons a lot ;D

P.P.S. I've noticed there's a few of us from around the Hoppers Crossing/Werribee/Wyndham Vale area. Must be a popular place! :P

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Thats the spirit Tom! Bloody hell, I had no idea even from speaking to you on TS that you were so young (sounds like a 30 year old man! LOL) you lucky there are a bunch in Werribee area, try being stuck in the midwest, I cant find a single simmer within 300 miles!

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Bite your tongue young man I DO NOT HAVE AN ACCENT! and the simple answer to your question is it is VERY different, the food is different, the people are very different, by different I mean it has good and bad, people are facinated by my accent and that is good for people skills but the downside is people in the midwest are very insular a lot of them have never left the state and its quite common to find people who have never left the country so that being said a lot of them can be very simple in the ways of the world.  No offence intended to anyone from the US its just my impression of people in my area.

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Well then here is me and my Daughter Ayiesha, With her damaged foot now better. Im now fifty work for Her Majesty's court service in our Law Courts as a senior security officer im a single parent having brought up my Daughter on my own since she was eight months old she is now fourteen. Been into flightsim for about three years so quite new really and still enjoying every minute of it my other interest is jazz music. Lead a quite life really now adays, But an enjoyable one.

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Bite your tongue young man I DO NOT HAVE AN ACCENT!

Haha Okay maybe not then :P Thanks for the info on the US, might be going for a holiday over there when I finish school...

Don't worry Tommy, hope is not lost on you and the other Wyndham-ites... I managed to escape to the promised land!  I was stranded there for 12 years though...

I've been here for 14 years, and probably will be here a while more to pay off all the money I will need to spend on becoming a pilot! ;D (Got my Job's guide today and it says be prepared to pay up to $75,000 :o Could buy a good car with that :P)

Tom :)

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Here's me in the control room of RFA Wave Knight in the Arabian Gulf in 2008.

My name's Nick. I'm 27 years old and I'm originally from London (Fulham) but my family moved to Herne Bay in Kent when I was 10 years old. I grew up wanting to be a pilot and when I was 18 I went to the RAF selection tests where I failed because my legs were 14mm too long! Back in 2001 I was all ready to apply to British Airways for sponsorship when 9/11 occured and BA stopped their sponsorship. I'm a marine engineer - I joined the Royal Fleet Auxiliary in 2003 as an engineer cadet and I qualified as an engineer officer in 2006. In the last six years I've been on ships in the Far East, Middle East, South Atlantic and a bit closer to home.

For any RAN fellas here I'm currently on the sister ship of HMAS Westralia :)

I've been flight simming since the late 80's, originally all military sims on the Atari ST and Amiga 1200. My first version of MSFS was FS98, but I didn't really get into the hobby until FS2000. Other than Flight Sim I also enjoy combat flight simulators, and strategy games, especially historical ones. I'm into just about anything aviation related, and my other hobby is building and painting scale models, usually in 1/48th scale.

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Well then matey RFA Wave Knight was built in my town in i think around 2000, Also HMS Ocean around about the same time. Up untill 1990 i worked on all the Trident Submarines at BAE Systems, Nice to see you on board as it were.



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Hi Iain,

Seems we have more in common apart from flight simming...

I too brought up my 2 children on my own now 20 and nearly 18...had them since 5 and 3...

Also work in security...Senior Officer at one of her Majestys Prisons lol...

And of course Flight Simming...


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Well then matey RFA Wave Knight was built in my town in i think around 2000

Yeah I believe Wave Knight was built in Barrow, and Wave Ruler was built on the Clyde. They originally intended to build four Wave Class, but the last two were cancelled because the first two were horribly over budget. It's a shame really because they are very nice ships, and very capable too. Out in the Gulf last year they loved having a 22 knot tanker with a big flight deck :)

Instead we are stuck with the last two Leaf Boats which are old, tired, and quite frankly an accident waiting to happen :( I'm on the Mersey right now, on the Bayleaf refit.

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