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A2A P-40 & England


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Nice shots indeed. I like the A2A P40 and fly her more than the Cub. After the A2A Spit, it is my fav. So much so that I never bought their P-51 because of it.

Wonderful aircraft and model.

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Thanks for all the comments John, Brad, Alex, Alan, Francois, Karsten and Kilby, phewww :D

Sorry that they are in black and white; but for some reason I find it easier to use than colour.

Maybe I'm just a dark, moody person, LOL.

It's a great aircraft guys, absolutely fantastic and highly recommended.

It's a lovely sunny day here, and as I've just walked the dog for two hours; any guilt I may have had for staying indoors and simming has........somewhat dissappeared :P

Thanks again


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Thanks Iain, Marcus, Dolf and Guibru :)

This is one of the programs that I use for editing my screenshots:


It's a really great bit of software and pretty much makes any screenshot miles better. It's easy to use and some of the filters available are on a par with Photoshop. In fact; if used in conjunction with Photoshop or Gimp, then you're pretty much set up.

Gimp is the other software I use:


It's pretty much on a par with Adobe Photoshop, and it makes Photoshop Elements feel very limited. There are masses of scripts and plugins for it, and best of all it's open source software, which means it's free. I had Photoshop up to CS3, but always had Gimp installed; now I just use Gimp.

It's quirky in many respects, but it's honest and used in the right hands; can produce some great results.

Here is the plugin directory:


Give them a try.



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