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We've come a long way

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When you struggle with FSX, tweaking it for hours, trying a achieve a little better performance, trying to get another notch of FPS, it's sometimes wise to switch to default FSX. It makes you realize that, after all, what you're seeing on your screen is not bad at all.

This is how CZST Stewart looked like a few years ago:

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That is so true. Just for the kicks I installed FSX out of the box, with no sceneries, no tweaks, with all sliders maxed out and MTX just to add some life. My FPS went to the roof.

But then again, once you have an OrbX scenery is like having a Ferrari. You can never go back to a Lada again.



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I don't think we can thank Orbx: John and his Team, enough for what they have done for the Flight Simulator community. Looking back at the old, default and lifeless scenery and then comparing it with Orbx's masterpieces....... There's no comparison.

No longer is everywhere a "grass dessert", an extremely boring place to fly or something that made flying feel like a chore to some.... It's now a stunning, beautiful place for flying enthusiasts and even pilots themselves to go and enjoy flying in what seems as though is The most realistic thing to the real world itself.

Flight Sim as we know it has been revolutionized by Orbx. In my opinion, if it wasn't for John and his team FSX would have died years ago, we would have all moved on to another platform.... X Plane maybe?

So for that, John, thank you very much for your hard, endless and extremely high quality work. We have all been spoiled by you and your team.

Only two words can describe it: Endless Gratitude.

Thank You,

Matt Lloyd.

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