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huge butterflies at Felts


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Geez, that's a bit scary! Apart from making sure you have the latest ORBXlibs installed, I don't know what could be causing this issue. Just checking you have advanced animations switched on, and maybe also worth looking to see if you have the same issue at any other new-ish ORBX airports (that include CreatureFlow butterflies) or whether this is limited to just the one location?


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Moth-or-ra!!!!! :blink:

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Brian, if the fixes already mentioned don't fix it maybe try a re-install or of your video card driver. I have had a few "huge things that shouldn't be huge" and just plain weird - (hey, I thought it was i before e except after c) - mutations on my screen in the past, and it was usually after I'd been "tweaking" my video card.


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