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How close is orbx to real locations?


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Hi all,

Please stick with me, I'm certainly not trying to cause offence, at the moment I don't currently own any orbx products due to the fact that I don't tend to fly in the areas that have been released. But with the realise of England heading our way that will soon change. While I have seen the screenshots and I do admit they look stunning, I was wondering how closely do they match the real world locations.

I used to use photo scenery which allowed me to fly around my area and see my house, roads work place etc, which was a tremendous buzz. However as we know it makes everything rather flat, and I missed my autogen, so I switched to UTX And GTX Europe, which while it gave me autogen back, I couldn't quite recognise the area I was flying, it was king of correct but buildings and roads were in the wrong location and the estates looked the wrong shape.

So anyway, what I'm trying to get to is with Orbx GB, while I appreciate its not photo scenery, so I'm unlikely to be able to fly over my house or workplace etc, will the roads and shape of the estates be correct. Or will is it like GTX and UTX, where the scenery and autogen are out of place if you know the area.

I would love to be able to fly VFR using real maps, or real local knowledge.

Will this be possible or not.

Sorry I know it's a long winded question, and please don't think I'm complaining, I'm certainly not, from what I have seen orbx products are mind blowing and I'm really looking forward to seeing what they do with the UK.

If any testers with a beta, would be kind enough to do one screenshot of Stafford or Cannock then I could see if the roads are correct myself. ;) Hey if you don't ask right.


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As Orbx only adresses a relatively small area compared to the UTX/GEX combination the landclass will be far more accurate. Roads, waterways, cities, smaller villages and probably other landmarks are where they are supposed to be. It is perfectly possible to do VFR navigation in Orbx scenery. In the preview screens it is shown that the textures used for England are also much more lifelike then the generic GEX textures. While not 100% accurate compared to photoscenery the Orbx scenery will be a huge step up from GEX/UTX, no doubt! I even consider it a step up from all the photoscenery that is available for England. You've already mentioned that it's flat, but I have also never liked the colours. All considered I feel the Orbx way generates the best rendition of a certain area. I wouldn't doubt one second to purchase Orbx England if I were you ;-)

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How close is orbx to real locations?

All I can say is I did some screenshots and put them up against real world photographs I took to compare. Here is that post once again:

Wellington from the Wind Turbine:

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Battle Hill looking towards Porirua Harbour:

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Kapiti Coast looking north from Paekakariki Hill Road:

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Looking towards Mount Ngauruhoe from Mount Ruapehu:

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Lake Taupo Sunset with Mount Ngauruhoe and Mount Ruapehu on the otherside:

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When you fly over Rotorua you will notice steam coming from the centre of the town in a park. This is accurate and is geothermal activity. Here is a shot from the air in FTX:

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The one on the left is boiling mud and the one on the right is a boiling pond, here if the boiling pond:

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Here is the boiling mud:

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Mount Manganui:

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Queenstown Airport from the Remarkables Peak:

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Queenstown from Remarkables Peak:

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I think it is extremely impressive and keeps on getting better and better as the team puts out more scenery.

Cheers :D

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Thanks for the replys guys, have to say they have made me even more hopeful. Yes I am planning to buy Orbx GB as a first day purchase.

Love the photos, that is the type of realistic views I was hoping for, if it even comes near this in England, I'll be more than happy.


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I am looking forward to the UK very much as well. As I mentioned, with each new region ORBX has only raised the bar on themselves. It just keeps on getting better and better. To beat the New Zealand regions will be a tough act to follow, so lets see what they bring with the UK. I think it will be amazing.


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I can categorically say ORBX FTX regions enable VFR flying like never before in any SIM.

For areas I know well & would even get lost easily in default FSX, I now can easily identify where I am with FTX.

I'm able to verify my location using a number of factors from the shape of the landscape to the location of roads, railways & other landmarks (power lines even) right up to the location of towns even if the houses are not exact replicas of the real thing in most cases.

I guarantee it is the closest thing to real life outside of full PR which as you have stated as many other shortcomings.

With FTX you won't be disappointed.

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Let's put it this way... My job (for the next 2 weeks anyway) is a CFI working out of Portland Oregon... I'm originally from Hull, UK though.

I use FTX PNW to practice my navigation and to get me and my students familiar with new routes... It's so accurate, I can replicate entire VFR cross country flights down to every last nav fix and detail.

I'm also testing the UK as we speak... And I can say that I am able to recognise 95% of the places I am flying over... just from my own memory of my many travels across the UK (things like the section of roadside I pulled over on to take some survey measurements at Manchester Airport!)...

I am sure you will not be dissapointed...

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I am sure you will not be disappointing...

I believe that as well. I think UK will be the phenomenal VFR experience. For me I had one Grandfather that was a Spitfire pilot, the other that was a Lancaster Navigator/Gunner, both survived the war. Back then, even in the most extreme weather conditions, it was all VFR.

Reality is the UK is the VFR capital of the world as their is so much history of aviation (both war and peace time) from before IFR rules. Some may argue France for Aviation History or USA....but for my ancestry, they were stationed in England....

I am really looking forward to this series for many reasons.

Excellent comparison pictures Matthew. Great effort.


Thanks mate (and Ken as well). Goes to show the work going into FTX from the team.


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Some good comparison shots there Matthew. Interesting.

In my sim flights I have followed some remote roads (unsealed) outback using FSX/ORBX in the past as a visual reference when flying to remote strips. Having done this for real (on road) i have found them to be quite accurate.

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