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Still trying to find Howard


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Strapped in for blast-off

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The next leg the big one

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Finally the 7mile high club and only a Scotch to show for it

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Two strangers, but good friends in the Ploughman's Pub in Wrington, Somerset for 5hours talk on flight simulation; I learned a lot.

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Howard in his native environment, in the beautiful Mendip Hills:

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By Cunning Linctus to Dublin

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And from Dublin home again.

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Hee, hee, great pics my old friend. Not sure I take quite as good a photo as you Ian. That pic of me with the hills in the backgound would have been really good had I not looked like I was a member of the gestapo! I remain very envious of you and the time you spent on the two 'biggies.' I hope you had a good flight back home and that we can spend some more simming chat time again in the future. ;)

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These screenshots are getting more realstic by the minute ;) (but - honestly - the last one of the nose of the Emirates 777... well... I really had to take a second look to see if that was a sim or real. Shows us, how spoilt we have been getting, doesn't it?)

Certainly sounds - and looks - like you had fun!



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Ah but Iain, I forgot to tell you that you're next! This time we travelled to Edinburgh for the Tattoo via the East Coast line, but next time we will make sure we hit the Cotswolds and Cumbria. Can't even begin to tell you the magic of the Tattoo, and the skirl of the pipes which had a powerful affect on a former piper (yes, me, but I won't post a photo).

Of course Iain it will be after my wife and Howard's spend a night together bemoaning the cost of their husbands' toys. We chaps will of course give them money for a dinner, but head to the snug in a local pub, to continue our unfinished discussion on hardware, software, tweaks and all.

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Where in Devon Mark? Maybe next time we could make it the three of us. You certainly appear to have a rig with plenty of grunt.

I live in Mid Devon on the outskirts of a small town just a few miles from the M5 Ian... and sure, next time drop a line and we'll see what we can do :)

My PC is not too bad; I just need some better cooling on the CPU to allow me to push the overclock higher.

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I can understand your reticence, so I will call it somewhere north of Exeter and to the east of Dartmoor.

I followed the Swincombe down to where it becomes the West Dart - on Google - and the uploaded photos show a fascinating river valley oozing out of the moors, the remnants of tin mining and its lost souls, and in its lower reaches becoming a stream of some consequences. I can see how the cultural history and the prison can make one reflective!

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Thank you for your most kind comments Ian, it all helps to make it worthwhile, particularly when getting the work done is sometimes a difficult process...esp. amid the chaos of family life.

Dartmoor is a fascinating place, full of history that its surface describes even thousands of years after the event, and I chose the Swincombe as it has such a concentration of that history along it course... the moors may not have the majesty or high drama of the Lakes or Highlands, but it does have something unique of its own, and I - as you may have gathered - love it ^-^

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