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The Red Centre

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G'day all,

Today's flight sees me returning a charter plane to Alice Springs after delivering the charterers to Conellan Airport, Ayre's Rock. I love this part of the country, a lot of people think the centre of Australia is boring, just flat, red desert as far as the eye can see. I reckon that's one of the attractions, as it puts on show just how old this country is - everything just looks weathered down, worn away... utterly timeless. Then you get these standout bits of geology rearing up from the landscape, twisted layers of sedimentary rock laid down aeons ago and giving evidence to the amazing processes which formed this continent so long ago.

So, we're off from YAYE to YBAS, the aircraft of the moment is the wonderful Beechcraft Duke T60. Weather is realtime and provided by REX, and the images were taken with my (updated!) custom version of Tim Fuchs' fantastic ENBPlus Sunlight. The images have been edited a little to provide a more realistic amount of lighting and contrast. Hope you like!

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Just off the end of the runway, and with a magnificent view of Uluru.

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Climbing out in a mostly clear sky, some weather is visible up ahead though.

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Approaching some localised cloud halfway to the Alice. Need to pick a better cloud texture, this one's not fluffy enough.

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Skirting around the clouds

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Approaching Alice Springs and the ground starts to show some features, old weathered rock - remnants of an ancient part of Australia's coastline

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Looking out the passenger's window at the Alice's signature landscape features - those immediately recognisable lines of rocky ridge that dominate the area.

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The town in sight, and about to intercept the ILS beacon to begin the approach.

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Making the turn to intercept the localiser

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Long final

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Crossing one of those signature ridges

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On final into YBAS

Hope you enjoyed those, please let me know what you think!



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Thanks folks, for all the great comments! I've been flying in NZSI so much lately, I needed a good reminder of what flying in Oz is like. Where better than the Alice? And yes, the Duke t60 is one amazing aircraft to do it in ;)



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