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Back to the Cockpit building


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Thanx Sir Emmsie, I'll give it my best shot, mate.

I went out and sourced colour coded wiring today. I have quite a bit of colour coded wiring for the MIP, but I wanted specific colours to designate areas, i.e. red/white= IBL, yellow/black=other backlighting, purple/black=switches. etc.

Glarewings have had a few coats of paint now, too, so I'll probably have them back together again tomorrow and ready to mount as soon as the rest of the glare components arrive from Spain and Italy.

Lighting in the 737 NG is an elaborate affair. There are a lot of variable light conditions available, so getting all of the switches to perform as they would in the real aircraft is quite a task.

I'm almost there, so a little more research and I should have the guts of it and then it's down to wiring up properly.

More soon,


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Frank, talking about the variable lighting, I assume you mean back lighting and overhead. Studying a lot of the 737 Home Cockpits and Professional Pits, I see a lot are using the real thing, actual RW Aircraft lights and bulbs.

Is this what you are doing.

Keep up the good job.

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John, the IBL backlighting from FDS is exactly the same idea as the real thing. They are bulbs suspended in the laser cut perspex. I've tested all of my IBL panels and they look great.

The other lighting on the MIP comes from 2 rows of bulbs situated under the FMC. The ones on my sim are strip lighting from superbright led's. The real aircraft lighting is probably small bulbs.

The 6screens plus CDU's also have dimmers, but are achieved via software control. I believe that would be the same as the real aircraft as well.

The radio box and the overhead are more of the same.

That is why it's important to do a bit of research before you buy. There are a lot of products on the market, but when you finish and the lighting looks crap, it's hard to start ripping things apart to change lighting components.

It's also important to set the right mood in the cockpit, by making the experience as real as you can get, IMO.

That's what I'm aiming for...

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I think I got that covered, John. She's called a wife. Only thing is, she doesn't answer when I hit the "FA" button.

I received my CPFlight MCP and EFIS today. I say EFIS because I only received one. I had to explain to the good folks at CPFlight that if they sent me two EFIS's and the MCP, i'd be up for a heap of import duties.

Splitting the order and paying a little extra in postage sure beats paying hundreds in import duties.

Anyway, they are so well made and really so close to the real thing. Dang it, I'll go take a few snaps and show you. Back in a mo'.

Ok, I'm back with a few snaps. Here is the MCP and EFIS. They are connected via a din socket:

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And here's my glare shields, almost finished:

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So, I now have most of my parts and I've started building the glareshield. Hope to have it up and finished in the next few days. meanwhile the wiring continues.


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Hi Gang.

I been working on the glares today and am getting there, slowly.

I still need the other EFIS and the frame to mount the FMC and EFIS's in. Then the top can go on the glare.

Here's a few pics:

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Ok, back to it...


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Oh, Howard....

Now, I been at it with the frames for the forward two screens.

It was almost sacrilege to pull apart the beautiful samsung high def's, but that's the way it goes. So the panels were freed from all of the plastic and I knocked up 1 of the two frames that will sit on the glareshield.

Now, I gotta knock up the second one and marry them together and try and get the angle just right, so that they present the image properly, on the joint screens.

More fun and games tomorrow. In the mean time, here's a few pics.

Pristine 3D high def's, straight from the box:

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Minus the plastic

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All that extra weight...

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Not much in them, really

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My new frame, No.1

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The truth is, Sniper, I have been retired for 12 years and living the good life (apart from active CBT training), so breaking out the old "hard yakka" is killing me. I do prefer to hand cut most of my wood working and make components where I can and I'm pretty mean with a solder sucker.....

I really haven't been this tired in many years and I've dropped 6 kilo's in the last few months from all the manual labour (plus I been putting in at the gym...haha).

I am constantly amazed at the amount of thinking and planning involved, so I guess a fair amount of exhaustion is due to mental exhaustion. There's always one more piece of the puzzle to nut out.

Anyway, it's been a very rewarding exercise and after all of the hurrah, I'm hoping that I have a finished product that will last me a few good years.

Now, I'm off to the hardware store to buy some more angle brackets for the frames.

More pics to follow, gents,


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Frank, that's looking amazing mate, really starting to take shape now. I'm watching with keen interest! I've been over your side of the country far too much lately, I'll wave from the Dash-8 as I pass overhead next time I'm enroute to Mackay :D



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Looking forward to more pics Frank!

BTW, will be starting a thread of mine own in a couple weeks. Spoke with Peter at FDS on Friday. My MIP/MAIN/GLARE package ships this week. Hopefully will have it by next weekend (since they ship from Ontario, and I'm in NYC).

Off to Amazon for a soldering iron and spools of various color wire. :)

Nice work on your forward displays! Are you going to run a single FSX machine in DH2GO, or two FSX machines via WideView?

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Hi Dan.

I wanna see that thread, mate.

I have a single machine that will run my graphics. It's a Intel 3960X with a PCI-e SSD and 32GB RAM. At the moment, during testing, I've been running a single GTX580, but when the 680's come out next week (and after I get home from my little holiday), I'll be getting 2 x 680's to run the forward 2 x 32" monitors and 2 x 40" monitors on the side (for the two side windows).

I also just received my two clocks from SISMO. They are the Gold line, with backlighting and the minute hand.

They are fabulous. I'll be mounting them in the sim this arvo, when I get back from the gym, so I'll try and post some pics later tonight,

Until then,


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Ok, so you know that some days you just shouldn't get out of bed....

It's a long story, so I'll just cut to the chase. After spending the odd hour filing and drilling and sanding and painting, I had two outward MIP panels ready to fit my two new clocks.

Great, except the hole in the MIP is too close to the monitors......whoops, brain fade.

Now, I get to go down town tomorrow and buy some steel and remanufacture those entire panels again, only this time making the holes for the clocks 20mm closer to the walls.

Anyway, here's some pics of the clocks:

They really are a work of art

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Nothing flimmsy about these babies

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Clever little Italians

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I don't want to have to repair these

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And here's the boob of the day. Hole in MIP----TOO SMALL!!!

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Thankfully, I'm not building to a schedule,


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Ok, so I sort of redeemed myself today.

Went down to the hardware, bought some steel and made two new panels. This stuff is very time consuming (the mistakes, I mean).

Anyhow, they are done now and fitted in the MIP, so I can now reconstruct the glares and finish off the glareshield.

Here's some pics:

Cutting out the clock hole from the panel. This is where the old metal worker skills kick in....

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First coat of paint

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And here's the right hand side panel

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Fitted in the MIP

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Now, just to put the glares back together,


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I really enjoy watching what you are doing, there is nothing more satisyfing than looking at a completed project.

I feel a little envious of you,but only a little, I never realised the amount of work that is involved in a sim project like you are building.

You are doing a great job mate, keep up the pics.

One question Frank, looking at the photos of that stripped down Monitor, are all the necessary connections left intact eg:- A/C, PC Conn or do you have to do some elec work for a PCB board to have it all work.

The reason I ask, I am going to build a Sim for GA up to Twins, and I want to use just bare Monitor panels for Inst and Avionics.

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Thanx Roger.

I got a long way to go and you can already enjoy your efforts.

As a matter of fact, I have had more troubles than good luck this week. I had the problem with the panels for the clocks and now, I am not happy with the way the glare wings have come out.

This sometimes happens when you try to marry up two items that are not meant to. I could just go with what I have, but I'm sure somewhere down the track I'd be unhappy with them and want to change them, so I might as well do it now, during construction.

Anyway, after hours of wasted work, I have decided to pull the plug on both of the glare wings and as soon as I get back from holidays in a few weeks, I'll be making two new glares from the ground up.

Now, John, as to your question. Those monitors have just been taken out of their frames. They are still all intact and have all of their motherboards and circuitry intact.

I've just made wooden frames to house them as they are going to be mounted within the finished MIP.

The same goes for the three monitors mounted within the MIP for the 5 screens. They are just two 17" monitors and a 15" in the centre with the cases removed from them.

The CDU bay (which is a self contained item, houses two CDU's (with their own built-in screens) and in between, I've mounted a 10" lcd screen (from China) for the lower EICAS.

Hope this help you, my friend,


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Thanks Frank, that puts my mind at rest. I should have realised, because I remember you saying you accidentily damaged two screens which you replaced after buying a couple of cheap monitors.

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You're right, John. I got out of that one cheaply.

I've now halted all progress, cleaned up the shed, put my car back in there and moved the MIP back into my computer room.

I'm off on holidays tomorrow, so I'll worry about it when I get back.

So, for now, it's adios and I'll catch up when I return.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Guys.

This update is coming via Saigon,Vietnam.

Ive had a bit of R&R and getting ready to get back into it.

Ive been doing some research while away and have come to the conclusion that I should buy a really good throttle quadrant for the sim.

My old mate, Peter, was kind enough to show me his fully motorised revolution throttle. Such a great throttle, professionally machined, all backlit.

So, while I was soaking up the sun in Hoi An beach, I decided that life's too short to go for second best.

Turns out that Eren has a sale on and thats enough to win me.

Will be back next week at the helm with another update and some pics of my upcoming throttle purchase.


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Thank You very much Frank for all these regular updates here - good to read that it' s all going to work out fine again!

Looking forward to the next update here as well!

Until then: Enjoy Your rest and the sun indeed!

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Hi Guys.

This update is coming via Saigon,Vietnam.

Ive had a bit of R&R and getting ready to get back into it.

Ive been doing some research while away and have come to the conclusion that I should buy a really good throttle quadrant for the sim.

My old mate, Peter, was kind enough to show me his fully motorised revolution throttle. Such a great throttle, professionally machined, all backlit.

So, while I was soaking up the sun in Hoi An beach, I decided that life's too short to go for second best.

Turns out that Eren has a sale on and thats enough to win me.

Will be back next week at the helm with another update and some pics of my upcoming throttle purchase.

If nothing but the best will do... wait for Version 2.0 of the throttle on its way (hence the sale) :)

Still waiting on my MIP. Supposed to have shipped, but haven't heard anything. No point worrying now, not enough free time to assemble for the next month. oh well.. Perhaps I'll pick up a flap gauge to keep me company.

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No idea. I sent an e-mail to ask. I figure there will be some improvements somewhere if they are clearing out their 1.8 stock. The only reason I'm waiting for 2.0 is there is one very tiny thing with 1.8 that bugs me. The A/T Disconnect Buttons are not flush with the ends of the throttles. I know it's very minor, but just one of those things the stands out to me.

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I hadn't picked that up, Dan.

I'm gonna go ahead and get the 1.8, its at a good saving and Eren has put one aside for me. I just gotta pay for it when i get home.

They are a beautifully constructed item and to see those throttles automate when you hit the toga is a sheer delight of engineering.

He's quoted 45 days for construction, so that would work in well with my construction plans.

Will also be testing the twin (brand new) gtx680's tomorrow, in my graphics PC.

Pics to follow,guys, i promise........


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So, I got to it this morning.

I pulled the gare wings apart again and am working on the finish. Also mounted the twin EFIS's and MCP to the top of the glare shield and will integrate that into the glare wings when they are modified, before finally attaching the top skin to the glare shield.

I've also fitted the two GTX680's to my graphics machine, but haven't even had time to turn it on yet. Hopefully tomorrow, if I can see my way clear to getting to it.

Hope to have my glare finished by the weekend and then I'll fit the screens.

Lots happening and I am taking photo's but I have to load them to Voz image hosting, so will try and do that tomorrow.

Now, I gotta get back to those glares.....


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Ok, I promised a few pics the other day, so here's a few of my Sim's "Graphics PC" upgrade from a GTX580 to twin GTX680's.

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GTX580 versus the GTX680. And next to them is my OCZ REVO3 PCI-E drive! Muchoquicko SSD drive!!

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This is what 1360 horses look like under the bonnet......

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1250 ergotrons to power the beasty!

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Still on hold before power up, but real soon!


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Hi Guys.

I just cranked up the Graphics PC and loaded a few updates and the NVIDIA drivers for the 680's.

Then it was a quick test in FSX. I loaded up a flight in the default 737 from Coolangatta to Brisbane.

I'm only running on a piddly 19" cheapo monitor, but what I saw was glorious.

I'm not sure if I'm just biased, but I have never seen a ;ack of improvement from most of the hardware I've purchased in the last few years.

I suppose for the dollars, you would wanna see improvement, or why would we keep buying this stuff.

Anyway, I was quite bewildered by the water and the shadowing in the water and land objects and can honestly say I did not see that when it was running the 580.

I'm certainly not advocating that everybody run out and buy 680's and replace their now defunct 580's, but for me I'm more than happy that I've gone this way.

Of course, these cards were primarily bought because I need all the grunt to run 2 x 32" lcd's for my forward screens and 2 x 40" lcd's for my side windows.

So, have a look at these. I know I haven't got any before shots to show you, but I'm sure you'll agree that they are pretty good, well good enough for me, anyway!

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