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Welcome to the new forums....

Jay Kae

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Post count issue is being dealt with, clock is now in the right hand bottom

Hi Jay

I know your dealing with multiple setting up jobs on here and i know you are aware of the post counts.

Just reporting my issue, my post count seems to be stuck. When i post it stays put. I'm going nowhere :)

Anyhow, I Like the improvements.



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It's getting there Jay. The forum is beginning to feel like the old place but with a lick of paint. I do understand what it takes to do a job like this. I know from my own modest forum how nail biting it is just to do a routine update :wacko:

Did the header logos just get a reflection or are my rheumy old eyes deceiving me?

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No, this time around there is an issue, gonna work on it tomorrow, when I said post count, I referred to both the actual counting and the number which has been reset to 0 for some

Ok Jay, No worries.


Edit-Lol, My counters started to move.

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Pictures are scaled correctly when browsing with iPhone now instead of getting cutoff! My biggest peeve of old board. Excellent!

Thanks again for the hard work Jay. I've enjoyed watching it go live and slowly get better and more complete.

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Thanks Valcor, the advantage of doing it this way is that I can react much quicker and more efficient to what users want and like, sometimes I cannot comply though of course but I do my utmost to cater for everyone.

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One teensy weensy request if it's not too much stress Jay. The icon to the left of each forum name on the front page (ie- General Discussion, Pilots Lounge, etc). Can it be changed back to a link to the unread posts in the indicated forum rather that marking that forum as read? Seemed more efficient the old way. Feel free to tell me to get knotted however :D



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Hi Jay,

First of all, can I say what a superb effort on your part. Setting up a new forum is not easy.

Very well done! :D

Also, thanks for the way that you have responded in such a positive fashion to suggestions and comments B)

Just one observation from me .............everything is a bit too big perhaps? My internet pc runs at 1600 by 1200, but perhaps the line spacing is to big ? (and so on.... eg too much scrolling too see the whole picture?).



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Hey Jay, is there a way to put links to the "FTX Community and Support Forums> Public>....ect" at the bottom of the page? Saves us from having to scroll all the way back to the top of the page to navigate to other forum pages. Just a thought.

Edit, Sorry Jae. I just noticed the "back to top button" works like a charm. :-[

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Guest J van E

Something else I really like about the new forum: topics that are shown on the View New Content page stay there when you have read them. On the old forum any read topic would disappear (because it was an Unread topics page, obviously): but now it is simply marked read (because it is a recent topic!). This is GREAT because on the old forum, when there was more than 1 page with unread topics, reading a certain topic and then going to the next page would result in missing out on certain topics because they were moved to the first page... So in order to really see everything you always had to refresh the page and look at the topics that would appear on the bottom... Hm, how do I put this more simple... ;D Anyway, on the new forum I won't miss out on any new posts anymore because read topics aren't removed bu stay there, marked as read.

Simply put: great forum software. ;)

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Guest J van E

Forum request! ;) After finding all kinds of very nice options etc. :) I have a request, although I (obviously) don't know if this is possible to do... The Watched Content section always defaults to Forums: is it possible to change the default to Topics...? It seems to me most people are watching topics and not forums... (?) I decided to automatically watch topics I posted in (to see if I like it or not). Having to click on Topics EVERYTIME I get back to the main page sort of makes me want to skip the option altogether, specially since I usually visit the View New Content page first. (While I am typing I thought that maybe the best thing to do for me is to enable notifications... then I don't really need that section on the main page... Still, I'll post this to see what's possible. ;) ).


Another interesting something: I noticed that when you are on the View New Content page, you do not have to click on the little icon with the arrow to go to the new content: even clicking on the topic title brings you to the new content! Nice! This only works like this on the View New Content page.

Boy, discovering this new forum is almost just as nice as discovering a new addon airport for PNW... ;D

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Guest J van E

Another minor thing: when you go to the Search Form from the View New Content page, the search defaults to the Help Files: the Search Form link on the View New Content page ends with 'search_in=core' instead of 'search_in=forums' (as it does on all other pages I checked). It's a minor thing, but it might be confusing one time or another. ;)

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is there a recommended resolution for the forum to display properly? I'm running 1024x768 and it looks just fine, 'cept the support badge at the top for PC Aviator gets hidden behind that little top-right corner box with username and display pic in it. The problem is solved by zooming out one notch (this way the badges for the two resellers display right in the middle of that top bar), but if there is a recommended res i would be interested in checking it out that way :)

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Jay Kae. Indeed well done. A small problem as I notice my avatar does not display. For me of course that is disappointing - after all it is my photograph!

Do you require a picture in a specific format? Or a re-upload?

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