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More airports for P3D would be nice

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I am in the group that cannot use MSFS for reasons that are not important here.  That said, there are those that do not want to switch and stay with XPlane or P3D 5.  I am on P3D 6, and it was very easy to migrate to v6.   First, I do want to thank Orbx for everything with P3D and I think I have most of your products.  Orbx really gave P3D a very nice boost to it.  I only use airports now from Orbx because they still add a lot to P3D v6.1.   I know Orbx has shifted to MSFS and I understand, however, it would be nice to see a new airport from time to time for P3D.  There are a ton of them for MSFS, so just thought it would be nice to acquire more in P3D.   If not, I enjoy the ones I have and seen no problems with any of them.    

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One of the reasons I like Lockheed Martin's P3D is because it makes me fell like I am part of the military industrial complex.


All kidding aside, there is a lot of product available for P3D5 and earlier versions, and most of it can be ported over to P3d6.  So instead of spending money you can spend time doing research and moving what you have into P3D6 which is a fabulous sim and well worth the effort.  You can also buy whatever P3D5 Orbx scenery you don't have and move to P3D6.  Having said that, there are developers already moving their products up to P3D6 and some of the scenery is as good as Orbx scenery.  So there's a lot so shopping around that can be done while we are waiting for Orbx to do whatever they are doing.

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I also would love too see all my airports being used in P3Dv6.1 as i really like the look of the sim and still use P3d v5.4 and wouldnt use any other sim just my 2 cents worth :)

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I quite agree with Dean about MSFS,and his sentiments concerning Orbx.


I am currently using P3D v5, but I would like to eventually move to v. 6, hopefully when Central is integrated with the new sim.  I too would love to see more new scenery from Orbx for P3D v4-6.  While MSFS seems to be dominant, there is still a large market for Orbx scenery. Over the years I have acquired every scenery (region and airport) I can use for the type of flying I do.  I for one pledge to buy any U.S. scenery that I don't already have, as long as it has a paved runway 3000+ feet long.


There are SO many possibilities!




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I've stopped using 5 and 6, mainly due to the unavailability of airlines in 6, I like how it looks but as far as I am aware I can't use an Airbus or pmdg plane in v6 at this point in time... I'll happily be corrected if I'm wrong....

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Have you tried moving P3D5 airliners over to P3D6?  If so, I would lite to know what was the result?  So far I have had no problem with Carenado, but the only airliners they have are turboprops.  their B120 works fine in P3D6.

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On 2/28/2024 at 8:09 PM, Bullfox said:


Have you tried moving P3D5 airliners over to P3D6?  If so, I would lite to know what was the result?  So far I have had no problem with Carenado, but the only airliners they have are turboprops.  their B120 works fine in P3D6.

sorry bit slow getting back, no I haven't tried any, I was told Aerosoft buses wouldn't work and PMDG were to busy with MSFS to put any manpower on it yet....I want p3dv6 and the latest things it brings but not if there aren't any of my favourite planes.....it'll stay uninstalled for the time being...

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On 2/28/2024 at 1:09 PM, Bullfox said:


Have you tried moving P3D5 airliners over to P3D6?  If so, I would lite to know what was the result?  So far I have had no problem with Carenado, but the only airliners they have are turboprops.  their B120 works fine in P3D6.


I was so happy that my beloved Just Flight DC-8 installed and works perfect in V6. :)


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