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Just a couple


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Just two over Brisbane, busy sorting out control problems right now.






Doing a lot of two minute flights over YBBN and surrounds testing controls after adjustments, unfortunately some work some don't, but pressing on until it's solved.

Thanks for looking -  Don

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On 12/18/2022 at 3:20 PM, BradB said:

Good too see your shots Don . :):)


Thanks John. At the moment I'm still sorting through my aircraft as to what will work in Win 11/Bravo and what wont. The thing that puzzles me is why do some work okay and others not. This applies to both default and payware aircraft - still working on it. :)  

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16 hours ago, wain71 said:

a couple of nice shots Don...hope you sort your issues out soon, frustrating for sure...


Thanks Wayne, yeah feel like screaming sometimes :D I have a few issues that I can't understand, but hopefully I will soon. :) at least I'm flying.

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