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Qantas and Airbus 350

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Qantas today confirmed an order for 12 Airbus 350 for the route Sydney/Melbourne - London non stop

as well as anew order for more airbus aircraft for general routes

Does any one know of any Airbus 350 in MSFS - (or other sim) - as yet ??


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4 minutes ago, BradB said:

Just watched this last night :





Sheesh that was Kwik - and  I havent even had the chance to put my PJs on


I avoided putting that up John because I cant stand the little leprechaun who runs Qantas and didnt want all my friends on Orbx to listen to his drivel

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2 hours ago, John Heaton said:

Sheesh that was Kwik - and  I havent even had the chance to put my PJs on


I avoided putting that up John because I cant stand the little leprechaun who runs Qantas and didnt want all my friends on Orbx to listen to his drivel

We have many on our side of the Pacific also . :angry::D

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I think, I wouldn't like to fly nonstop for such a long distance/time (more than 20 hours). When flying to Australia I am always looking forward to the stops in Southeast Asia, like Singapore, Bangkok or Kuala Lumpur. Even the 15 hours from Dubai to Australia seem to be endless. Thus a stop is always very convenient. It interrupts the boredom and an hours walk through an exotic airport is interesting and good for your health (thrombosis!).

And you'll get one more take off and landing, the best parts of a flight.


PS: And I am glad I am not a smoker. ;)

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When I was flying all over the World in my business life - to ensure that I coped with the jet lag - I always made sure that my

flights had a stop over  -where I could do Business  - and spent at least 3 nights on the stopover


When I couldn't do this - I always got off the aircraft to stretch the legs - and in the early days - before the Introduction

of the now general business lounges - I - luckily -  had a International VIP card which gave entree to a private lounge at major airports


On one trip from UK to Oz - we had a stop at Bangkok - and there was a bloke in there from another flight - and he had been for

some time   - and with all  the free booze available - he was pretty full by the time our flight was called

The hostess had to shake him and asked him was in on this next Qantas flight?


His reply -"I don't know - but it should have BIG RAT on the tail"  !:wacko:


@ Wolfco - in those days most people smoked and even cigars where allowed with your Cognac after the meals 

Edited by John Heaton
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11 hours ago, John Heaton said:



Wolfco - in those days most people smoked and even cigars where allowed with your Cognac after the meals 


Yes, I rember those smoking times on planes.

One funny thing was  that many smokers in economy class bought non smoking seats and only briefly entered the smoking area, usually in the back of the planes, when they wanted to have a smoke. They just couldn't stand the smelly air during an entire flight.


Edited by wolfko
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13 hours ago, wain71 said:

only one I know of is Flight factor for XP11....not the best but is okay...

Interesting !! - not that I am a "Tube" lover - but I have to start somewhere - but maybe I'll wait until XP12 appears

Spotted this video today on UT -- Looks nice in Qantas regalia

and this which is better - with great views of Sydney _ could even imagine using Orbx !!


Edited by John Heaton
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Probably now an ancient thread - but I came on this Realty flight - and seeing these 2 working TO

and seeing the real cockpit was quite stimulating watching them do all the bits that we endeavour to repeat

in these "tube" cockpits - makes me think about the plane in XP



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